America: as all agreed so which level of zombies and time etc
Russia: first we need to level the zombies and their powers so we can decide
England: we can give them stages from 0 as they go more in the future.
America: that way we do not need to think about it more then we can decide the first person to change into a zombie will be 0th stage he is slightly stronger than the person who got changed. In the second level, the next day they go through mutation they fight with each other and eat others and which increases their power and defense more only armor-piercing bullet and the third level can count as big zombies than normals their defense is high armor-pierce need 50 to kill one at least and all fifty need to headshot that way he will die then come forth level which can control elements and nest one will be the fifth one that it then
England: that's fine by me just go with numbers now we talk about nuclear
China: from the perspective of checking how much power the fifth one then make a decision
Russia: from my perspective use it when the fifth level appears not let escalate more
as going on no decision comes at this
America: I think it will be good if in one city two fifth levels appear we can use nuclear
as the decision goes on the bottom line is chosen first and second-tier city limits will be two and others in one but the decision is on the government after that meeting ended
lin: now tell me about this stupidity
Kira: in some areas, there is not even a camera how they are going to identify in well develop country let's leave developing ones
lin: you forget the main thing tiger-level zombies can use up to tier 2 sell and by tier 2 spell he can save his life 80%
Kanae: that's true if two comes into one city it will be able to save other zombies plus
lin: you guys forget there is dom spell tier 2 in defense which depend on magic power provided it can save him and other with it except water type I think fire and wind can destroy it even first and earth defense is more than itself unless it hit directly on the near dome that is the only way to destroy it
Kanae: nuclear will work on normal zombies or unless tiger zombies do not use spell
Kira: all the talk is just nothing than gossip
lin: well there we a lot of transition happening it can be called a business meeting
Kira: yea it will be a business meeting in the future
lin: well let go we make some magic tower and temple now for people
Kira: magic tower?
lin: it's a tower where can save experience and give classes to new awakened talents I will build a tower of 5 floors of with 1 km and park outside more 1 km means one tower with 2 km area and I going to build 14 tower with elements they will be one tower master who will be one of the top 5 pinnacles of that element you ten will be one that. all the elemental ones need to serve in their respective element tower and there will be more rule in the future. let's go now we should now also make rules and astonishment of new kingdom to the world