The torture room

Rain directly brought Obi to one of the underground cells which was as dark as a moonless night if not for the light bulbs there which were dimly lit, enough for one to see inside. The area gave of a spooky feeling and there were no words to describe the trepidation that it brought to people just by looking at it.

Obi was brought into one of the torturing chambers out of the three. The chamber had iron doors and only one chair where Obi was thrown on to. Rain shut the doors behind and asked her men to inform her when Obi regained his consciousness, leaving the place to rest in her room upstairs as it was already past midnight.

The next day, Rain entered the training grounds as it had been a while since she trained astutely. The people there were once again amazed by Rain's prowess and held an idolizing gaze when she finished their drill like it was a walk on the cake. Rain never failed to amuse them by her ability to upgrade her prowess every time.

She had just finished her drill and was ready to have a combat with the people there when a man assigned to guard Obi came in hastily and informed her that Obi had regained his consciousness.

The person who was chosen to fight in the combat with Rain heaved a big sigh of relief and looked at the guard as if he was an angel sent by the god himself. Although, Rain would not go hard on them but still a combat with Rain meant at least one week of bed rest. He did not want to hit bed today, okay? He wanted to see Rain torturing Obi with his own eyes.

On receiving the news, Rain headed towards the torture chamber where Obi was kept followed by some of the guards. While the rest of them dashed towards their entertainment area where a huge screen awaited them to showcase the great show that they were waiting to watch for over a decade now. They all hated Obi to the core just like the siblings because, back then if the siblings had not saved them, they would either be dead, or living a life worse than the hell.

Inside, Obi looked up as Rain entered the torture room. "Is this how you treat your master my dear Rain? How can you be so ungrateful? If not for me, do you think that you would be standing here today, my dear?"

Rain paused on hearing the man. After a moment of silence, her low murderous voice echoed in the eerily silent room, "You are right. If nor for you, I would not be standing here today." Her voice alone was enough to send a chill to run across the people there.

She continued, "If not for you, I would be living a life like any other normal girl. If not for you, I would be living my life worried about the everyday crises that people face with their love, work life and with their friends. If it were not for you, I would be able to feel my emotions like normal humans. If not for you, my parents would be alive. If not for you, I would not be kidnapped to that hell at the age of three and if not for you.." she took out a knife and cut the back of her hand. It was not a deep cut but enough for the blood to flow out.

The blood from her wound stopped oozing after a second and a scar could be seen forming in the area, which soon healed, and her skin reverted back to it's normal texture like how it was a minute ago. The changes were so fast that it was visible to the naked eyes. "I would not have turned into this monster."

"You are right. I should thank you for everything, my dear master. Thank you for making me this way. If not for you I would not be standing here before you today." Rain smiled, an eerie smile that forced the people to think of the lord of the death. It was akin to a demon smiling before having his favourite human meal.

Obi felt his heart stopped for a moment. He had always known that inside Rain was a sleeping demon who should not be provoked if you wanted to live on. A demon whom he had tamed in the past. A demon whom he used to satisfy his grudges. In the past, he had enjoyed watching other people falling prey to this demon. But never in his life had he imagined that one day he would be the one standing at the receiving end of this demon's wrath. How could he not know her capabilities. If not, he would not have wasted ten years of his life training his body before coming to this nation to blow his existence.