
*Rrrring* Derrick's alarm rang through his bedroom, pulling him from a very pleasant dream. He groaned and turned over on the bed, hoping he was able to return to sleep soon. It wasn't like he wanted to be awake either. His mind couldn't focus enough for that.

As soon as the annoying ringtone stopped ringing off his phone, Derrick rolled back over and tried to get out of bed, but only got tangled in blankets and sheets and had to fight against himself to finally get out. As he made his way downstairs he sighed and grabbed himself a quick cup of coffee , making sure it didn't have any cream or sugar. There were still a couple hours until he had to leave for school, but with how early Derrick woke up he would probably want some energy before school anyway.

He sat down on the couch and opened a few episodes of the TV show he'd been watching last night, hoping to get more than five minutes of sleep, but even when the show ended and they switched to some show about puppies he could not go back to sleep.

He looked up at the clock, realizing the time and standing up, taking one last sip of his coffee. He threw the empty can in the trashcan and grabbed his bag and keys. When he left the house he locked the door behind him, just to make sure nobody else came home while he was gone. "What a big day it is today, what do you suggest we do as I'd be your chief possessor D'Man?" Envy said as he appeared before Derrick. "Honestly, I'd just go to school, got a test in a few hours and I don't plan on failing it. Plus, it's Friday and you know how hard it is for me to stay in school when there are no assignments." Derrick replied "What are your powers anyways? Are you supposed to make filled with abnormal jealousy or something?" "You just give me full control and enjoy the show sire." Envy said as a smirk grew on his pale face. Derrick laughed "Alright then, let's get going." Derrick said as he got into his car as Envy disappeared . The whole drive Derrick wondered why he even listened to Envy; it seemed like he never did anything useful and besides his life already seemed perfect. He thought about what he should say or do at school today with his new ability.

Once he arrived at school, Derrick put on his sunglasses and pulled the hood of his hoodie up, hiding most of his face. His plan was to sneak into class undetected only for him to bump into none other than Vivian. She was wearing her black leggings and pink tank top and had her headphones hang on her neck.

"Oh hey you!" Derrick greeted with a warm smell "Hey, how are you?!" Vivian replied looking a little surprised as if she hadn't expected Derrick to be at school . "Just doing some school work I guess". Derrick answered and glanced around trying to see if anyone else was there, but no one else was near them "So uh.. Do you want to hang out after school or something?" Vivian blushed and nodded smiling "Yeah! That sounds fun!" And then they went inside their shared classroom.

They were so busy talking that they didn't notice Mr. Larkin enter their classroom. "Settle down everyone, your test starts in 15 minutes!" They both heard him yell and hurriedly assumed their sitting positions. "Well, this was great Derrick, hopefully we'll talk later." She smiled brightly. "Yeah sure, I love you." Derrick said as he expected a reply. "Alright then we'll talk later." Vivian replied hesitantly. Derrick was taken aback by her reply, he thought that she of all people would've given a better response but immediately shrugged it off as he got ready for his test.


It was lunch time and Derrick was getting ready to head to the cafeteria as quickly as possible , It was pizza week and he knew what that meant. FREE PIZZA VARIATIONS FROM 12:00 - 12:50pm. He made it halfway across the school before someone called him, and not just anyone though. It was Envy. "Uh, I didn't expect to find you here. How are you even..." "What? Here? Physically?" Envy said as he interrupted Derrick. Derrick said with concern. "Yes, yes. I mean... Shouldn't you be in my head?" "C'mon Derrick! I'M A DEMON! I have a lot of powers." Envy said as he spread his arms apart. "And guess what? I bet you the last hair strand on my head Vivian's cheating on you." Envy said as he picked on his fingers. "What? Yeah right... she wouldn't, right?" Derrick asked unsure of what he just said. Truth be told Vivian had been a bit distant today, and what was it with her reply to him saying I love you? It did feel odd. "Well, if she wouldn't, would you please tell me what she's doing with that guy bu the cafe door?" Envy said as he pointed towards the doors of the cafe. Derrick couldn't believe it, It was Vivian, smiling and carefully stroking the arms of Micah. Micah is Derrick's classmate, he seats behind Derrick during Maths and besides him during Chemistry .

Derrick couldn't help but laugh "Wow, really dude? You're gonna believe some random girl because she's smiling, maybe even touch his arm? Come on Envy, I doubt that Vivian would ever cheat on me, she loves me too much for that." Derrick chuckled. "Maybe you're right, maybe she doesn't, you wouldn't know though, right?" Envy said sarcastically. "Well it's not like it matters now, I'm going to catch the bus and get home before the pizza gets here. Bye." Derrick said as he started to turn away. "Wait wait wait." Envy jumped on to Derrick's back. "Would a person that loves you do THAT!" Envy said as he pointed towards Vivian's direction, she gave Micah a short kiss on his lips as they held each other for a few minutes. Derrick felt his world go dark, like he had the oxygen in him sucked out, he stood there motionless as he watched his supposed "new" girlfriend kissing another guy. He wanted to run but for some reason couldn't. He still found it hard to believe the scene that played before him, and his stomach was churning with anger and pain, but he could feel himself growing weaker, he fell to his knees and leaned against the wall behind him as the world around him started to fade in and out. As Vivian disengaged from the kiss she turned around, her eyes locking with those of Derrick. She gasped at seeing him just standing there with red eyes as tears began to stream out. She exclaimed and ran over to him as Micah dropped her hand "Oh god, Derrick are you okay!" Her voice shook slightly and tears formed in her eyes. "I- Good luck to you guys." Derrick said as he forced a smile on his face. He then broke eye contact and started walking away from both of them in a trancelike state. He walked out of the building and made his way to his car, and once again set off for home.


The ride home seemed much longer then it actually was. In reality it took barely 30 minutes. But by the time Derrick reached his apartment complex he felt like death. With shaking hands he unlocked the door and stepped inside of the apartment and shut the door quietly behind him. He dropped his backpack on the floor and kicked off his shoes, leaving them by the door. He slowly headed upstairs to shower. "Listen man, you had to see it. I'm sorry if I shattered your world but I couldn't watch you suffer." Envy said as he appeared before Derrick. "Look, I just need to be alone." Derrick said as he shut the door behind He went into his bathroom and stripped off his clothes and got into the shower. After a short while, he exited the shower and slipped back into bed and closed his eyes, and in an instant began to cry, he blamed himself for Vivian's actions, he just felt there was something wrong with him. He tried to stop his tears but they kept on flowing all the more. "Stand up Derrick, Stand up from your wallowing and don't be insignificant." Wrath said as he appeared before Derrick causing him to quickly clean his eyes. "Go away Wrath, I'm not in the mood for this." Derrick said as he got the last tear out of the way. "Oh but that's why I am here." Wrath said as he took a seat. "What do you mean?" Derrick asked as he sat upright. "It is time you made them pay, made them all pay! Vivian made you look less of a man, she did that to you because she felt she could get away with it, she didn't just wrong you, she humiliated you in front of an even lesser man. You have a choice, you could either prove her right or show them the true beast within. Take charge Derrick! TAKE CHARGE!!!" "But I don't know how, I don't know what I want." Derrick said as he buried his head in his palms. "Let us make them pay, together. Let's make the school burn." Wrath said as a smirk grew on his face. "Y- You're right, They have to pay for what they've all done to me!" Derrick said, almost screaming at the top of his lungs. "Good, guve me control now, let's make it a reality. " Wrath said as he stretched his palm towards Derrick. The instant Derrick took his palm in his his eyes were shut tight as he merged with Wrath, he convulsed for a short while before stabilising. He took deep breaths and opened his eyes which glowed with white light, fumes emanating from his body. "There we go." Wrath said from within Derrick's consciousness. "Now, let's start our revenge mission shall we?" "Thought you'd never ask." Derrick said as he clenched his fists even tighter as a smirk grew on his face.