All Hell Will Break Loose

Derrick stood in what appeared to be his school, but something was different. It was in ruins, flames surrounding everywhere as screams of different students could be heard from far and near. He stood with his fists clenched so hard they turned white. Amidst all the clamouring and despair he managed to spot Vivian screaming for help as Micah was caught under a massive tree branch, as she screamed she locked eyes with a fully demonised Derrick. "Help me please." She said as they fell on deaf ears. With one last look at her he vanished, taking his demons with him into the forest beyond.

As they vanished into the forest, he woke up from his sleep.

A gasp escaped his lips as he looked around. He noticed that he was still in the house. The room around him seemed eerily quiet, the sound of the rain pouring outside the large window was the only sound. "Woah, that dream was weird." He said as he stood up , his heart pounding rapidly and the cold sweat still running down his neck. "That was a weird dream" He repeated to himself as he made his way out the room. As he walked into the hallway something caught his attention in the bathroom mirror. He looked taller, had a more dashing physique and looked a tad menacing, was it his hair? His eyebrow different alignment? Or the fact his eyes had a dim red glow that seemed to blink rather slowly. "Well, that's cool." He mumbled before walking past the bathroom door and into his old bedroom.

After his bath, he went downstairs and sat down on the couch. After about an hour if binge watching cartoons he got his keys, his phone and his laptop from his closet, along with his umbrella he put on his shoes. After getting in his car he drove off to school, hoping this rain doesn't soil his plans.


The bell sounded, the hallways were crowded with students hurrying their way to their classes. The air smelt like freshly fallen snow and vanilla. He took a deep breath as the familiar scent of chocolate cookies, cinnamon, sugar and chocolate chips filled his nostrils. Today he would make some new memories today, he just needed to find Micah for some reason and just as the thought rushed past his mind , he saw him coming towards him, a huge grin plastered across his face.

"Sup bro! How you holdin' up!" Micah shouted as he ran toward him.

He stretched out his hand for a hand shake to which Derrick refused. "Look man, I'm sorry about Vivian, but you gotta understand that she's mine now. I was the main guy all along and I hope we can be cool about it. Things like these happen y'know?" Micah said with a casual tone. "What?! Of course dude, I'm not even bothered. You're cool, We're cool." Derrick said almost immediately. "Alright, cool then. I'll see you later." Micah said as he headed to his respective class. "Sure man- Hey Micah!" Derrick said as he approached Micah once again. He grabbed Micah by his collar, turned him around and gave him a punch so hard it sent him flying across the room, causing most of the people who walked passed to take notice. "Hey Derrick! What gives man?!" Micah shouted as the crowd laughed at him. "I've had just about enough of your shit Micah, I think it's time you had a little punishment." Derrick said as he grabbed Micah by his shirt once again, landing blows upon his face with each word. "Hey dude stop! You know you need to calm down or else someone will get hurt! Stop it Derrick! Please!!" Micah yelled as he tried to break free from Derrick's grasp.

Suddenly a teacher walked into the hall followed by two other teachers. They pulled Derrick off of Micah to which he resisted and resumed beating Micah to a pulp and in a matter of minutes the whole staff room along with the janitor came over to the scene to break off the fight. After much struggle Derrick finally let go of Micah who was beaten up to an inch of his life. He laid sprawled on the floor like a stomped mosquito, blood kept seeping out of his nose and mouth. "What the hell is going on here?!" Principal Hannington asked while staring daggers at Derrick. "It's all his fault Mr. Hannington!" One of the other teachers called out while pointing a finger at Derrick. "Yeah and don't forget how he punched Micah!" another chimed in. "You know I can do it again if you give me any trouble! You should've thought about that before you messed with me!" Derrick growled before storming away.

Micah slowly sat himself up, his nose gushing blood and his eye swollen shut. "Man what happened?" He asked, looking over at the principal. "I'll explain in a moment Micah, come on we need to the you to the clinic." Principal Hannington said while helping Micah stand upright.


It was lunch time and Derrick could be seen in the toilet stall, trying to wash off his cuts and bruises from earlier. As he washed his face he stared at the mirror as he said "What have I become? How did I do this? Wrath.. Wrath was that you?" "Why of course Derrick, it was I." Wrath replied with an echo. "Why?! Micah is in bad shape because of me." Derrick said "Pshh! He had it coming, do not forget what we're here for Derrick. To rain hell upon them." Wrath replied. "No, not like this, this has to sto-" "Oh please! Do not act like you didn't enjoy it, the rush of it all! I felt you enjoy watching him pay Derrick, you can not deny your true nature!" Wrath said in a more furious tone." But you are wrong, that was never my intention, this is wrong!" Derrick yelled back, slamming the stall door behind him. "Fine! I'm not letting you foil my plans anymore Derrick. Just know that you leave me no choice." With that, Wrath took full control of Derrick's body. "Let ME show them how it's done." Wrath said.

"DUDE! DUDE! DUDE! Wake up! Wake up!! Derrick!" Someone shouted. Derrick groaned as his senses returned to him. He rubbed the tears from his eyes as he opened his eyes. "Hey... Lust? what happened?" Derrick asked, as the pain started to recede. "Wrath took full control and he's terrorising the school, YOU HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!" Lust said with urgency. "WHAT?! How are you here then... where is here?" Derrick asked he looked around him. "You're in your consciousness man! Assume full control before it's too late." Lust said as he pointed towards something Derrick couldn't see. "What are you pointing at?" Derrick asked confused. "Oh, wait." Lust said as he waved his hands to reveal his high school in flames just as it was in his dream. "Now do you see it?" Lust asked. "Yeah.. yeah I do. And I guess that answers my questions about how you got here though.." Derrick said. "What do you remember before coming here?" Lust asked as he helped Derrick stand up. "We had an argument in the bathroom, I said he couldn't hurt people anymore and then he snapped and well... I got here." Derrick said as he dusted his pants. "But why aren't we both dead yet?? I feel perfectly fine right now." He continued. "I don't know Derrick, it is possible I suppose but I doubt it." Lust answered. "Okay but what do you mean when you say 'we'?" "We? Me and you of course, oh yeah and the rest of us." Lust said with a smile as Envy, Greed, Sloth, Pride and Gluttony appeared. I'm guessing you guys found out too huh?" "Yeah. It's a long story but, uh I heard you're in your consciousness with us." Greed said, giving him a small smile. "So it's okay if I ask, you're not mad, or scared?" Pride questioned.

Derrick chuckled, "Nope. A bit annoyed that some demon took over my body and is destroying my school though." "We're gonna stop him!" Lust replied. "Of course we will." Pride said. "That means we're joining you two for this battle?" Glutonny questioned "Yes, of course. Now come on let's kick some ass." The two demons said in unison as they teleported themselves with Derrick to campus and stormed through the halls searching for Wrath.

"Over there, there he is!" Lust shouted as he grabbed Derrick and flew him towards Wrath.

As they landed they saw Wrath was sitting with his legs crossed as he snapped his fingers. "Well well, look what we have here." Wrath said while turning his head towards them.

"Get off of him!" Lust said angrily. "And how do you expect me to do that when you and your friends don't even know how to properly attack someone like me, do you?" Wrath mocked. "Enough Wrath! I'm taking my body back now! Derrick said as he stood up getting ready to fight.

"You think you can defeat me? No, you won't. You were foolish last time and now you've learned your lesson. It was a mistake. Don't do it again. Come." Wrath said as he stood up and held out his hand.

Derrick glared at Wrath, as a smirk spread across his lips, as he gripped Wrath's hand tightly, causing them both to burst into flames. Before anyone could register what happened they began floating away. "Get out of my body now!" Derrick said as he gave Wrath a ferocious blow, pummelling him to the ground. The other six watched the exchange with astonishment, they never knew he'd be able to fight. In fact, none of them ever imagined Derrick would be capable of doing anything at all.

"Wow..." was all Sloth could say. "Well what do you losers wanna bet? That guy is probably stronger than us! Like hell is he gonna lose!" Greed said confidently, as he looked at the others. "Wait a minute!" Lust said, interrupting Greeds sentence. "If we're in Derrick's body and Wrath is in control, wouldn't that mean-" Lust was cut short as he began to scream in agony followed by his brothers as hot chains filled with spikes began to bind them. "Yes Lust, I am in full control." Wrath said as he threw Derrick to the side. "And now I'll end you all so I remain ad the one true sinister sin!" "Derrick! Do something!" Greed screamed as he fell to his knees. "What can I do?! I can barely breath!"

The six demons struggled against the chains that bound them, "Damnit!" Lust exclaimed frustratedly. "Heheh. I know all your weaknesses, now you can't move without your bodies breaking apart." Wrath said as he tightened the grip of the chains. "Amd now for you, I can't be in constant control with you in the picture, so your soul has to go." Wrath said as he began to engulf Derrick in what seemed to be a fiery cage as he fell unconscious. "Stand up and fight D'Man! It's your body remember!" Sloth said before he fell to the ground completely. "I can't fight like this!" Lust said.

"Oh no! Not again!" Greed said. "Come on, we have to help him! This time it's our turn!" Greed said as he jumped up and down. "You don't even realise your powers are slowly diminishing." Wrath told him before adding "Once you're completely empty only then can I truly kill you all." "Snap out of it Wrath, this isn't who you are." Gluttony said as he struggled to break free." Shut your mouth Gluttony, I have no reason to waste any energy on you, unless you want to be my next meal!" Wrath said.

"Wake up, wake up Derrick!!!" Lust said trying to wake Derrick all to no avail. "There's no hope." Greed said. "Maybe it's better this way, if we're all gone anyway.." Pride said. "It's been fun lads, to think Dad would've been the one to exterminate us. You guys are the best." Pride said as he motioned for a group hug before they all succumbed to their faith. As they did a flash of light engulfed them leaving no trace behind. The six demons stared in awe as they saw Derrick levitating above everything. "I've had enough of you Wrath, it is time you left my body!" Derrick said as he released a beam of light from his chest . "Oh no you don't!" Wrath said as he formed three pairs of wings in front of him to protect himself.

The attack hit the shield hard, shattering it into many smaller pieces that scattered throughout the school. A small chuckle escaped Wrath's lips as he flew to another part of the school to avoid the attacks. Once he reached a safer distance he finally stopped to catch his breath. "Not bad, not bad at all. I almost forgot those pesky weak human souls still exist, but since the moment I saw you, I knew you're special. But I guess your friends didn't share my sentiments." Wrath said as he walked towards Derrick. "Let's get down to business shall we?" Wrath said as he sent a jet of fire towards Derrick who raised his arms blocking it. But as soon as the flames hit his arms, a white flame shot out and countered Wrath's attack, causing it to disappear altogether. "How disappointing, how sad...." Derrick said as he looked at his arms to reveal there was no injury. In the blinkof an eye, he was right in front of Wrath as he held his head in his palms, emitting a bright white light that slowly consumed Wrath's body. "You can not defeat me!" Wrath said as he tried to push his way out of Derrick's grasp which amounted to nothing. As he let out a loud cry of pain, he suddenly started fading away to nothing. "No! This cannot happen!!" He cried as his form was swallowed up by the blinding white light. "Father is not going to be happy if I'm gone! Let me come back! Please!" Wrath pleaded to the light. However there was nothing left to hear as Wrath's body was fully disintegrated into total nothingness. "Finally.... it feels good to be back where I belong." Derrick said as he fell to the ground as everything faded to pitch black.