The End?

"He's really out, huh?" Greed commented as he sat on the couch staring at Derrick. "You really are insane, aren't you?" Lust asked, looking back at Gluttony on the ground with his knees to his chest. "It was either that or get trapped in his body for life dude, it's only for a while."Gluttony replied as he played with his fingers.

"He still looks like a mess though..." Greed continued to comment. "Dude, he looks like hell bro! You should have seen him yesterday... I couldn't see shit from that place you brought me." Lust explained . "Yeah, but I had my eyes closed when it all unfolded" Gluttony added.

Greed just shook his head before getting up and walking towards Derrick. "This is bullshit. This is so fucking crazy! You think he'll wake up?" Greed continued "He really went all out."

After some time Derrick finally did begin to stir and groan, his eyes fluttering open slightly but they soon snapped shut when everything around him was too bright. After several seconds he finally opened them again.

"Where... Where am I?" He mumbled to himself "That's not right" he muttered after hearing what Lust said about him being dead. "You're not dead, Derrick!" Lust yelled causing Derrick to jump slightly "I don't remember how I got here."

Greed walked over to Derrick "We've been talking since you passed out." He informed "How' d'you feel?" Lust asked. "Confused... Why'd I pass out?"

"What do you remember?" Lust questioned again "Well uh... I had this crazy fight with Wrath and a bright light. That's all." He responded.

Lust sighed in relief and let go of a breath he didn't know he was holding "Thank god." He looked back at Derrick "What exactly did I do?"

"I don't know man. It was like the worst thing that ever happened. You were covered in blood, you tried to kill Wrath and I think in the process of it, burnt out a portion of your soul. Which I'm guessing wasn't healthy for you" he answered before looking at the clock "You should probably eat something first if we're gonna talk about this."

"Oh yeah... I guess so." Derrick stood up quickly and turned to look at Greed. "Why are you looking at me like that? What's wrong?" He asked. Greed stared at Derrick with a feeling of regret, if he hadn't pushed Derrick to take their offer none of this wouldbe happened and now a portion of Derrick's soil is gone. For good.

"Nothing, nevermind. Just sit down and eat. It'll be better." Greed reassured. "Is there food?" Lust asked. Greed laughed a little "Of course there is." He replied. The three then headed off to the kitchen to make some food.


A couple of weeks later it was Friday morning and everything seemed back to normal. Derrick decided to check out things in school. When he entered the school he was met with the usual sights. People going to classes with headphones in and people playing various games. Everything seemed like it was the same as it always has been except the people were all acting differently. They acted almost like robots which worried him more than anyone else, because they weren't all kept acting so monotonous with busy expressions on their faces. He made his way to class and noticed two things; one, the teacher seemed distracted, she usually was when she taught so it didn't seem very odd. And two, the students all kept murmuring between themselves as they each threw Derrick a glance. He was beginning to become paranoid and scared to death because it felt like everyone knew something about him without even saying anything. He felt it was because of the event that transpired a few weeks ago but that couldn't possibly be the case. So he took a deep breath to calm himself and began to make his way to class.

Before making it to his class he stopped for a moment to listen to the conversation behind him.

"Man, I can't believe he actually came back. I mean what's next? Is he going to blow up the city?" The first student stated, obviously referring to the battle from a few days ago. "I don't know man but he looked pretty messed up." A second student agreed.

"You know, it doesn't matter how strong the guy is. He doesn't have enough power to destroy an entire city." Another student spoke. "Hey hey! Let's not say that! Look at all those buildings. That could've been us if he didn't snap out of it!" The third student retorted.

"Yeah, I know, it's freaky but I hope they fix that soon." The fourth student added. "You know... you guys could stop hiding and just speak directly to me." Derrick said as he made his presence known. "Oh no..." One of the group of students thought to herself. Derrick turned to face the students and saw the shocked expression on their faces. As their shock slowly disappeared, it was replaced with fear. He smiled lightly at the students and waited until they finally spoke "Uh, w-" "Whoa! What's up, man? We didn't know you were gonna come back today." The first student said in an attempt to avoid confrontation. His friends quickly chimed in to agree with him. "Um, yeah, you totally scared us for a bit there dude." "No, it's fine... I just wanted to ask you guys some questions." Derrick told them.

"About what? We don't want any trouble or anything." The second student pleaded "Just, um, whatever you need help with." "I know it's kinda last minute, but do you guys remember me? From the hospital? The whole explosion thing?" "Wait, you remember what happened to you?" The third student blurted out "I mean of course, how could we forget?" He asked before turning back to the others "Don't worry, we won't tell anyone okay?"

"Um, ok. If you guys promise." Derrick said before heading to class.


After what felt like an eternity the bell rang signaling the dismissal of the day. Derrick picked up his belongings and started to head toward his next car. Once he passed through the hallway he heard some whispers, one student was talking to her friend "I just wish it could have gone worse.." She muttered and Derrick stopped. He turned around to see who she was speaking to "What do you mean? How bad could it be?!" Her friend questioned back "If it wasn't for that stupid stunt he pulled..." She trailed off. "But if you think that, I can explain. He wasn't trying to hurt anyone, he was just angry. he never intended to set fire to anything." "All that doesn't matter now does it? The school's ruined with no chance of immediate repair and you know what that means? NO DANCE!" She shouted angrily before storming off to her next class.

Derrick sighed as he walked away before entering his car as he head home. Maybe they will be nicer tomorrow? Derrick hoped.

Once he drove into his driveway he quickly got out of the car and rushed inside. He changed into a pair of sweatpants before sitting on his couch. It wasn't long till he was startled as the six demons appeared before him. "Hey bro." Greed greeted him smiling. "Did you get enough sleep?" Lust questioned while crossing his arms. "Uhm, well no. What do you guys want?" Derrick asked as he let out a sigh of exhaustion. "Well, we've all been thinking and umm..." Lust said unsure of how to go on with the sentence. "Go on..." Derrick said as he sat up. "We'll be leaving Derrick. You'll still be able to see us but, we think it would be best if we leave your realm for awhile." Greed finished before letting out a sigh.

"Seriously!?" Derrick shot up from where he previously laid on the couch. "Dude! Why!? We have a great thing going, why would you wanna leave?" Derrick asked with clear sadness in his voice. "We almost got you killed man, as much as it's in our nature to do so it's not something we can bear. We love ya Derrick and we want to protect you from anymore of that. This is the safest place for you Derrick." Greed explained. Derrick sighed and ran a hand through his hair "Sorry for getting upset about it. But, I guess I understand. But, are you really sure you don't wanna stay?"

"Of course not!" Greed yelled before laughing "We'll always be here for you, but for now we're taking care of some business elsewhere. Don't bother coming after us." Derrick furrowed his eyebrows and looked down, he knew they had made up their minds but part of him still wanted them to stay. Greed continued "We love you bro. Don't worry. Everything is gonna work itself out." Before Derrick could respond Greed and the rest of the demons came in for a group hug.


It was 12:00 am and the demons got ready to leave , they all wore their human forms once again as they were planned on leaving in a way Derrick would be able to remember them. "So... where are you off to?" Derrick asked while watching them inscribe somethings o the ground, he felt a little nervous but also happy that he'd be in full control of himself. "Someplace you'd never find us." Sloth said with a smirk. "We're going back home, back to Hell." Greed said as he gave Sloth a light smack on the head. "Wait a minute, I thought you guys can't leave, you're bound to this house isn't it?" Derrick asked as he folded his hands.

The demons stared at one another and chuckled, they had forgotten about the lie they told Derrick so they did all their best to hide their reactions but ended up failing miserably. After a few minutes, Greed spoke up "Yes we can leave whenever we want to, and we do every single time. We only made up that statement so you could let us in." "Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" "Because we're hoping this'll be the first step towards your freedom." Lust said. Derrick nodded his head in agreement after a pause. "You could've just told me." Derrick said in a flat tone. "What's done is done we can't change it." Lust said to Derrick as he placed his hands on his shoulders. "Alright guys it's all set." Pride said as he stepped back from the inscription on the wall. Together they all chanted an incantation which made the ground shake as the wall began to give way and fade out of sight.

Once the walls vanished Greed stepped forward and held out his arm to his brothers to teleport. They all stood together as they said their goodbyes to Derrick before turning their faces towards they gateway that had been opened. Once they were ready they all stood in front of one another. "Ready?" He asked. "As I'll ever be." Lust replied. Greed nodded his head before turning to look at his brothers. "Let's go." He said as they teleported away one after the other. As Lust was about to teleport he gave Derrick one last look before he mouthed "You'll be okay, it's all a dream." as he teleported, causing Derrick to fall asleep.

"Wake up!" Somebody yelled. "Wha...what's wrong?" Derrick groaned as he sat up. He rubbed his eyes and tried to adjust to the room he was in. He could see boxes from the moving company that helped him move to his new apartment, a utility knife in his right hand and he noticed the room was in a mess. "You're awake! That's nice! Do you mind telling me why I'm getting noise complaints?" A woman's voice asked him.

"Ah! Um, sorry, ma'am!" Derrick apologized with a slight blush. "Oh, it's quite alright, dear. Please don't let it happen again." She said as she left his apartment. Derrick shook his head and sighed before picking up the knife. "Okay, so, where should I start?" He asked himself. He grabbed one of the boxes and headed into the bathroom to start putting some of his possessions on the shelves.

As he packed the rest of his stuff, he couldn't help but feel something was missing. He wondered what it could've been, something definitely didn't feel right. He brushed it off as an after effect of sleeping in all day. After he was done settling into his new apartment. He took a shower, brushed his teeth and then crawled into bed. "What a weird dream." He said before drifting off to sleep.

"You're sure we can't go back man?" Sloth groaned as the six demons watched Derrick from Hell. "No, it's better this way, it's better he doesn't remember us. I don't know guys, this might turn out great for him. But we all gotta admit, we've got nothing else better to do." Greed said as he stretched his arms above his head, Lust and Sloth followed suit. "Yeah yeah, we did have fun though, I'm not gonna lie." They all shared a laugh as they left to venture back to the Black Castle, their cheerful laughs could still be heard even as they entered it's premises.