A Chance At Normal

"It's been six months since the incident that took place at Welford High, condolences are being sent to the families of the deceased. The school is currently in process of making an investigation for the events that transpired. If any information can be found regarding said events or related individuals we would greatly appreciate it if you could provide us with any information that you may have." Derrick turned off the TV and sat back on the couch, he was thankful to finally be finished with their weekly questioning from the police because he honestly felt like he had barely slept these past few nights. The house was silent besides a faint hum coming from the television as Derrick began thinking again about the fire and the strange occurrences surrounding it. He couldn't believe how lucky they were that no one had gotten hurt. What baffled him the most was his inability to recollect any memory of what happened during the incident other than that it was extremely hot and very bright. He remembered waking up in the middle of his room with absolutely no recollection of how he even got there or why he ended up in the same location he was the night he moved in. It didn't make sense to him but he supposed he didn't want to think too much about it. "I better get ready for school, wouldn't wanna be late." Derrick said as he stood up from the couch and made his way over to his bathroom, as he turned on the shower he had a flashback to the day before. How he woke up with his body covered in soot and ash, feeling completely out of breath with six boys his age in front of him, not knowing what the hell just happened as he fell to the ground before everything faded to black.

That morning Derrick went to class feeling exhausted he was already dreading having to spend 7 excruciating hours in school. "Mr Taylor, you're... you're here? I thought you were sick." Mr Hannington said as he wore a confused look. "Sick? I'm not sick Mr Hannington, what makes you say that?" Derrick asked with a puzzled look. "Well," Hannington paused to think of something to explain it without sounding completely ridiculous, "A group of boys came by few months back and said you wouldn't be able to make it, something about you needing a lot of rest." Derrick stared at Hannington with wide eyes as he tried to figure out why he couldn't remember. "Six guys? Wait a minute, was it around six months ago?"

Hannington nodded slowly as he watched Derrick struggle to recall anything more to do with what happened since the fire. "I don't really remember what happened, I just remember going home, getting cleaned up, and then nothing. It's weird to think that I was out cold for six months even though it feels like I took a short nap." Hannington chuckled lightly, not sure how to respond but figured now wasn't the time to bring up what happened six months ago. "You probably hit your head or something. The good news is, you're fine and that's all that matters. Now go on and get to class."

The rest of the students filed into class and soon enough Derrick left to join them.

Derrick walked through the door of his classroom and immediately noticed everyone staring at him. They quickly looked away when he looked at them, some trying to avoid eye contact and others giving him sympathetic looks. He didn' t blame them though, what was he suppose to say? That he forgot everything after going unconscious for six months? That he wasn't sure if he was still alive? "Good morning class, I know that today is our first day, but I hope you all have a great first day! Today we'll start with some of the things we' d been assigned to learn yesterday." The teacher announced cheerfully. The class groaned loudly before turning back to their workbooks and pens. Derrick took his own seat in the corner of the room, his mind going a million miles per hour, wondering what had gone wrong.

After the bell rang signaling lunch, Derrick packed up his belongings and made his way outside to go eat lunch. As soon as he arrived at the picnic table he heard a couple of boys talking to each other about the fire last week. "Oh yeah that was totally freaky dude. He must've been on some pyro shit with all that flames." The blond guy, who Derrick now identified as Zack, laughed at his friend who shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly and smiled." "He's sure got some nerve showing up here after what happened." The other boy said and Derrick nearly choked on his soda he'd been drinking. Did anyone else hear what those idiots just said? Were they seriously blaming him for the fire? He had nothing to do with it and he knew for a fact that whatever the hell he had inhaled wasn't exactly normal.

Derrick tried his best to ignore the conversation happening right behind him and tried to act like he hadn' t heard them as he ate his sandwich. After lunch was over he decided to skip gym class today and go take a walk instead. He was hoping to clear his mind and perhaps find out why everyone kept whispering behind his back. As he walked down the street a mysterious man was watching him from the shadows . His eyes were dark and menacing with deep set scars covering the left side of his face, leaving only the part of his right cheek exposed. He watched Derrick closely as he continued walking until he disappeared around a corner. Derrick turned around to see if there was anyone following him when suddenly two large hands grabbed his arms pulling him into a nearby alleyway, slamming him against the brick wall.

Derrick struggled against the unknown men grip, screaming in fear as the other person grabbed his wrists and pressed them to the concrete wall above his head. "Don't worry son, I'm not gonna hurt ya." The man spoke in a smooth and deep voice "Just tell me how you opened up the gates, and I wont have to do any damage." He let go of Derrick as he spoke letting the teen collapse to the ground. Derrick tried to catch his breath as he wiped the sweat from his brows. "Who...who the fuck are you? And what gate are you referring to?" He asked while cautiously standing up. "Son, I am an emissary from one of the higher powers and I need to know how you opened the gate or else things will get bloody." The man said as he cracked his fingers. "What do you mean you want to know how I opened the gate? There's no gate sir, I live around here and I don't know what you're talking about." He stated, growing frustrated by the second. "Look son, you're either gonna help me out or I'm gonna snap your neck." The man replied in a fierce tone. "Who even ARE you man? Got a name?" Derrick asked as he dusted his shirt. "Names not important boy, I suggest you answer my question. Or do i have to make your death more painful?" "Okay okay! But you gotta understand! This has never happened to me before! I've never seen or heard of this!" Derrick pleaded. The man sighed, his expression softened a bit, but his voice remained threatening. "Listen boy, you're going to help me now or else I'm going to hurt you worse than a dog that bites." He snarled. Derrick shook his head violently, "NO! No! You don't understand man! Please, just leave me alone! I swear I won't say a word." "I'm sorry but you leave me no choice." The man said as he punched his way through Derrick's heart.

Derrick gasped for air as he awoke from the horrifying nightmare, he had awoken in a panic as he felt an intense burning sensation on his chest. He pulled his shirt aside and saw an ugly looking burn mark that stretched almost all the way up his chest and across his left shoulder blade. Derrick felt his breathing pick up and his vision became blurry. He sat up in bed shakily clutching onto the blanket, shaking violently as he felt tears well in his eyes. Tears of pure terror filled his eyes as he realized the reality of what he was experiencing. "Th... That man, he killed me. So how am I... what's happening?" He whispered as he clutched his hand over his heart which ached painfully, as if someone was pounding their fist directly into it. His breathing grew heavier as he felt himself begin to hyperventilate; he could feel his chest rising and falling rapidly as his breaths became shorter and shallower. He closed his eyes tightly as his body started to shake uncontrollably. Suddenly his eyes shot open once again as he felt a strong pain rush through his body. "No, I can't do this." He said before grabbing his blanket and wrapping it around his frame and making his way towards the door of his bedroom and quietly closing it.

He walked downstairs silently, trying his best to keep his trembling hands from shaking as he reached the bottom of the stairs and walked into the kitchen to get another glass of water. As he drank from the bottle trying to make sense of what happened and how he got that scar a voice said behind him "It's good to see you again Derrick." Derrick jumped slightly as he turned around to see six boys just about his age, they looked pale with black eyes and had a coltish build. "Who are you all?" Derrick asked with fear dripping in his voice. "You may not remember me when we last met, well in this form at least." One of the boy smirked. Derrick swallowed hard as he said. "That's not a name, tell me who you are!" "I'm Lust. And we need your help Derrick."