Escape The Devil

"We're in what?!" Derrick screamed out loud with wide eyes. "You heard us, Lucifer's cage." Envy said as he bowed his head. "How long? How long have you all been-" "Two years, We've been here for two years." Pride said as he clenched his fists tightly.

It had been two years since the battle, two years since all of their lives became an endless cycle of torment. "Damn... I've been out for two years?!" Derrick exclaimed. "Yup." Envy stated as he popped the P.

"Well, let's get the hell outta here!" He announced with a bright smile on his face.

He began walking towards the door until someone grabbed his arm and pulled him back. It was Envy. "Hold up. Where are you going?"

"If we want to live, then we gotta be able to escape the devil." Derrick stated firmly. "And I'm gonna try my damnedest to do it." He added.

"No disrespect man but you just got back from the dead, and in pretty bad shape too, you think we're just going to let you go like that? How sure are we that you still got your powers?" Sloth said as he leaned back against the wall. "I know I'm not as strong but I'm not completely powerless." Derrick said defeated. "Then you'll need help getting your powers back, so I'm in. What say y'all?" Wrath said as he stood up. "I'm in... I mean, what's the worst that could happen? Lucifer has drained us almost completely, why not just speed up the death train?" Greed said as he got up from where he sat. "How do we get out though?" Pride asked as he looked around the room. "You can't just use your devil abilities to break the lock." He added. "Yeah and the place is flooded with guard demons, powerful ones." Greed replied. Everyone fell silent for a few moments before Envy spoke again. "We could use the hole I've been digging." He answered. "And what hole would that be exactly?" Greed asked suspiciously. "Just trust me." Envy responded as he took off running towards the door. "Wait! Wait! Wait! Where are you going?!" Greed yelled after him. "To save our lives!" He shouted back. "Great, now he's nuts." Greed said as he tossed his hands in the air. The group followed Envy with Wrath tagging closely behind.

"What happens when we open this hole?" Wrath muttered as he walked towards the group. "It's like a trap door leading us to Derrick's apartment. I've been building it for sometime now, all I needed was some of his blood to act as a locator, some demon essence and the last tidbit... a teensy weeny bit of raw demon power to act as the key." "Impressive idea bro, I do have one question though... What if this doesn't work?" Sloth said as he raised an eyebrow. "Oh nothing much, we'd just die in the hands of the devil if he finds out... it's a win kinda, anything beats being here honestly, you can join me or sit here and rot slowly... ball's in your court." Envy said with a smile. Greed snickered. "Alright alright, I'm in." Sloth said as they continued to where Envy had dug the hole, it was a big one, big enough to fit ten people at least. He placed his hand on the edge and began chanting as sigils appeared on the ground forming a circle around them, soon after a blinding light surrounded erupted from the hole as it surrounded them. Once it disappeared everyone could see Derrick's living room from the hole. "Woah." Wrath said in astonishment. "You guys ready?" Envy said as he looked around the group. "Let's do this." Derrick said as he walked towards the hole before they heard the cage doors bust open. As the door opened, they were met with an endless sea of demons with swords and spears pointed at them. "Oh thank God... it's just you guys." Sloth stated. "Run!" Greed exclaimed as he jumped into the hole with the remaining demons following suit. "Woah guys! I don't know if there'd be any side effects!" Envy called out as he watched them all dive in. Before Derrick and Envy had the chance to jump they were attacked by demons. "Dammit Envy, this is not helping!" Derrick yelled as he was thrown backwards onto the floor with several demons surrounding him.

Envy watched as Derrick fought off several demons before suddenly feeling dizzy and falling. He landed heavily on his back as the demon above him raised his sword over Derrick's head, preparing to strike. Suddenly Derrick's eyes turned pitch black as he held up his hand, stopping the blade inches from his head. "Not today. " He said with a sly smirk as a wave of pure energy engulfed the demon. All of the demons went flying, knocked out cold. Derrick slowly got up and walked towards Envy. "Are you okay?" He asked as he crouched next to him. Envy stared up at Derrick with wide eyes. "Uh... yeah?" He said confused as he sat up. "Good. Let's go." Derrick responded as he took Envy's hand and jumped into the hole together as a beam of light erupted once more from the hole, transporting them back to his apartment on Earth.

Everyone got up feeling woozy. Gluttony slowly looked around wided eyed as he got up. "Holy shit, it worked! IT REALLY WORKED!!! WE'RE FREE!" He screamed as his chains and the chains of the other demons came loose, he hugged everyone tightly. Pride laughed lightly as he looked around to take it all in. "Man... we did it. Well done." He said as he ruffled Envy's hair. "Thanks man..." He said as the others congratulated him.

After the celebration had died down, a thought crossed through Envy's mind. "Hey, what's the situation outside?" He asked as the rest looked at each other curiously. Greed got up as he opened the windows, his jaw dropped slightly. "Wow... I don't think anyone's left alive..." He mumbled as he watched demons swarm every which way through the city. The sky was bright red and dark clouds filled with ash drifted across the sky, killing everything in its path. "That doesn't look good," Pride sighed out.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door causing everyone to jump. "Hey Der, is someone in there?" A familiar voice called out. They all froze as the door creaked open revealing the very person they had never expected. "Vanessa?!" Derrick asked wide eyes. Vanessa smiled as she came in. She had gotten taller and more mature, her face now adorned a beautiful smile and had short blonde hair. Her clothes now consisted of a plain black tank top and jeans, she had also gained some muscle, making her look like a badass. "Who the heck are you?! How are you even alive?" Derrick asked getting more confused. Vanessa chuckled as she walked closer to Derrick. "Look who's talking." She teased as she came forward to engage in an embrace. Derrick put his arm forward blocking her. "You didn't answer the question. How are you here... What sinister being is walking free wearing your skin?" Derrick asked to everyone's surprise. "Woah dude, chill-" "No! Vanessa's eyes don't give a light blue glow. It's an angel." Derrick said interrupting Pride as he punched Vanessa hard on the face. She let out a maniacal laugh as her eyes glowed brightly. "You're right... not an angel but... it's certainly close. Try and archangel next time." Vanessa said smugly as a bright light enveloped the apartment. When it faded the angel that used Vanessa's skin was gone revealing another figure, Azrael. "Dude..." Derrick murmured in awe. Gluttony nodded in agreement. "I'm glad to see you've grown, but what exactly brought you back? I thought you went to hell." Azrael said looking at Derrick curiously. "I met the Void." Derrick said plainly. Azrael stared back at Derrick for a moment before he chuckled. "We need to go somewhere safe, The dem-" "What makes you think we can trust that you wanna help us just like that." Derrick interrupted Azrael as he folded his arms. "You can't either follow me where you'd be safe and properly nursed back to health..." Azrael stopped as he looked at Derrick from head to toe. "Or you can stay here and wait out your life till Lucifer finds you again. Oh and news flash hotshot, He's already scouring the place for ya." Azrael said as he prepared to leave. Derrick stood still for a moment before he turned to look at the demons as hecalculated his risks. "Alright let's go." Derrick said. "Not sure who said you guys could leave but they certainly will be punished... Hey Derrick, you look well." A familiar voice said from behind as everyone turned to look at Lucifer sitting calmly with a sly smirk plastered on his face. "Did you really think you'd just go scot-free like that?" Lucifer asked as his eyes gave a bright red glow.