Awakening The Light

"Lucifer." Derrick said as his expression darkened. His hands were shaking with rage and he didn't know why he couldn't control himself. He knew he had no chance of engaging him in a fight but something in him kept urging him to do it anyway.

Lucifer looked at Derrick with a dark smile. "You're supposed to be dead, but we'll get back to that later. Azrael, still kicking I presume?"

Azrael gave a faint smile, "Oh you know the usual, trying to save the world from your dead and rotten grasp, no biggie."

Lucifer chuckled dryly. "I knew I should've ordered for your head the moment I conquered Heaven. And you guys..." Lucifer paused as he glanced at the seven demons. "I have neither the time nor the need to punish you all just yet."

Derrick's fists clenched at his sides and he took a breath before continuing. "We have unfinished business Lucifer. You've ruined my life and I wish to settle the score!"

Lucifer smiled at him sadly. "But we have no business together Derrick. Not anymore, you're the least of my worries." Lucifer then turned towards Azrael. "Now brother, I believe we have unfinished business to attend to." He said as he summoned two swords, one in each hand. "You guys might wanna take cover." Sloth said as he made a run for it outside, his brothers following quickly behind him.

Before Azrael could reply Lucifer lunged forward at him, sending a powerful slash down at his stomach. Azrael dodged just barely but was hit in the right arm, drawing blood from where a sharp blade had cut him open. He felt bile rise in his throat as he watched Lucifer raise the sword above his head. "Vade satana, te purgant ad viscera gehennae." Azrael chanted as Lucifer roared as his body began to burn up, the flames were so high it touched the ceiling. "Wha... What did you do?!" Lucifer grunted as the heat became unbearable. "A little spell to send you back home where you belong." Azrael said as he wore a smug look on his face. Lucifer dropped to his knees as he let out an enraged cry. "I'll have your wings for this, mark my words!!!" Lucifer screamed as he was cast back to hell in a pillar of fire.

"Are you okay?" Derrick asked as he crouched over Azrael. Azrael smiled warmly as he put his left hand over his wound, healing it instantly. "Yes, I am. But we need to move and fast, That spell won't hold him for long." As they headed outside they met the seven demons pacing around anxiously.

"Is Lucifer gone?" Sloth asked nervously. Azrael nodded. "He will not bother us again." Azrael promised as he motioned to follow him, leading the way deeper into town. "Why did you come looking for me? And how did you know I was alive?" Derrick asked Azrael as the demons followed closely behind them. "The Void gave a signal when you were expelled from him. At first I thought it was nothing up until I realised he's never done this before, I had hope... even if it was the tiniest. I had hope that you'd be the reason for such anomaly. And I'm glad I was right." Azrael said with a smile as he kept treading the wasteland that used to be Welford. "And what if it wasn't me?" Derrick asked still doubtful. "Then I'd have my wings clipped and hung upon Lucifer's trophy room." Azrael said matter of factly, causing everyone to pause.

They arrived in front of an old mansion. It seemed abandoned , covered in vines and weeds, it's windows had been boarded up with rotting wooden planks. Derrick stared at the building, his thoughts racing. "What are we doing here Azrael?" Derrick finally spoke, turning to face him. Azrael smirked, "You remember the prophecy." Derrick frowned slightly, unsure of what was being said. "You said that I would be the one to defeat the Devil... I'm sure that's it." Derrick replied. "You really think you've lost when in reality, the battle hasn't even started." Azrael said mysteriously. They walked further up the property, the demons following quietly. Azrael raised his hand as he stopped at a set of large oak double doors. He stood back as he pushed them open. Inside was complete darkness and a few candles were lit along the walls. A staircase lead upwards towards the second floor of the house.

"So what exactly would I be doing here?" Derrick asked as he looked around the house. "When you fought with Lucifer, you harnessed the powers of your demon half, ignoring your archangel abilities. Causing them to go dormant. I believe we can ignite them and make you a full archangel." Azrael said as he rummaged through a chest near the door. He eventually pulled out a silver dagger which was stained with dry blood. He handed it to Derrick who looked between the knife and Azrael warily. "What does this mean?" Derrick asked, "It means that once you activate those powers, you can become the most feared warrior the world and the heavens has ever seen. So be careful." Azrael answered with a shrug. He held out a small object towards Derrick, "Take this." He instructed. Derrick hesitantly reached out his hand, taking the object from Azrael. It glowed faintly in his palm, it's form flickering like a candle flame. "What are we gonna do with all this?" Derrick asked as he gestured around them. Azrael shrugged, "We'll be using it to awaken your abilities. Just remember, it isn't going to happen overnight, if you're not willing." Azrael warned. "Alright then." Derrick nodded as he tucked the dagger into his belt, "Where do we start?" Derrick asked as Azrael smiled proudly before he motioned towards another large door with sigils all over it. "We'll sit this one out. Good luck Derrick." Pride said as they watched Derrick go on with Azrael.

After about five minutes, the door swung open with a creak, Derrick and Azrael stepped inside, closing the door behind him. The room was massive, a giant circle with four rings of light surrounding it, there was also a table sitting on one side of the circular room. On the other side were rows of bookshelves stacked with scrolls, some broken open. The room smelled strongly of incense and dust, it made Derrick want to sneeze. The entire room seemed cold and dreary. Derrick made his way slowly, making sure he was alone so he wouldn't startle anyone. Slowly he climbed one of the steps up towards the round table. There was only one chair in the room which Derrick sat in gracefully. He opened a large scroll that rested on the table and began examining it intently. As his eyes scanned the text he noticed several sigils, symbols that he hadn't seen before. He traced their meanings slowly with his index finger, hoping he'd understand the language soon enough. "What do we do now?" Derrick asked Azrael with the scroll still in hand. He ignored the question though. "You said the battle hadn't begun, What did you mean by that?" Derrick asked again. Azrael ignored him once more. Derrick rolled his eyes and sighed heavily. "Okay fine then," he snapped, getting ready to give up, "If I can't learn anything I guess I'll just read all of these books." He said as he picked on off the shelves and began browsing through them. "We'll need you to reach in to your subconscious, if this would work we'd need you to open that angel part of you that has been shut out by the demon half." Azrael said plainly as he began cleaning out his black bowels.

Derrick's brows furrowed together in confusion. "How does that help?" Derrick asked. Azrael lifted his head from his bowels. "Because you have something unique. You possess powers that Lucifer doesn't even possess, you were able to tank two of the strongest archangels without breaking a sweat, imagine what you could do if you used your angelic essence to brawl this time." Azrael said as he began putting various ingredients into the bowel.

"What's the hoodoo shit for?" Derrick asked as he watched Azrael mix the ingredients. "Well since we'd need your angel powers back, we'd be needing you to awaken it from your inner consciousness. There's no time like the present, Let's get started." Azrael said as he offered the bowel to Derrick to drink up it's contents. Derrick looked at Azrael in surprise, "This is going to help me summon the Angelic energy?" Derrick asked. Azrael grinned. "Yeah, now swallow. It will taste bitter, I don't care." He said before walking away as the boy swallowed the thick liquid and gagged. He wiped his mouth as he carefully dropped the bowel on the table. "This tastes... weird." Derrick said as he rubbed his tongue against the inside of his cheek. Azrael chuckled and walked back to Derrick, "Try not to spit it out, I want to see it's reaction." Derrick nodded as he took another swig, this time not coughing up the contents but he quickly felt dizzy. The room began swirling around him, he struggled to keep his balance, falling down onto one knee. Suddenly all the colors and shapes started to fade.

"What is happening?!" Derrick cried out as he tried holding the ground. He held his he'd as he tried to stop the ringing he heard in his ear. Azrael came close to him as he whispered. "Don't worry, it's already begun." Derrick's vision became blurry, "Just relax..." he whispered before he collapsed unconscious on the ground.

Derrick woke up with a start. He looked around confused as he attempted to clear his mind. He glanced around his surroundings trying to figure out where he was. It was a room similar to the one he was in with Azrael except this one was painted white from top to bottom. "Where am I?" Derrick questioned aloud. He turned his attention towards the door and saw it standing open. He got to his feet and cautiously stepped outside the room, peering through the doorway to see an empty hallway outside. It was eerily silent with nothing to be seen. "Azrael?" He called out. No one answered, after what felt like five minutes of trying a pair of red eyes made eye contact with his as it came closer . "Oh nah!" Derrick shouted as he jumped away from the doorway.

He spun around and to head back to where he had woken up. It was standing in front of him looking amused. As it crept closer, it let out a low growl. Derrick gulped nervously trying to register who it was in front of him. Its sharp teeth glinted in the light as it slowly crouched down towards him, hissing at him. It was at that moment it hit him like a brick, this was no ordinary creature, this was Derrick... in his full demon form.