Derrick The Archangel

"Oh no. It can't be..." Derrick said to himself as he was in shock. Before him stood his entire demonic powers personified with the most sinister grin on his face. "And what do you think you're doing here?" The figure spoke to Derrick.

He turned around and began to run. "You'll never get away from me you wimp!" The figure yelled, his eyes shining like fire. As the figure chased after him, Derrick ran faster and faster until his legs couldn't carry him anymore. "This can't be happening, what is this?!" He screamed to himself as he sped off to nowhere in particular. After a few minutes, he stopped to notice he wasn't in the room anymore, he appeared to be in some sort of forest with blue trees. His legs began to throb painfully as the energy left him. A moment later the figure appeared again.

"It's over now little angel." The figure snickered at Derrick as he walked closer to him. "The end of your pathetic little life is upon you." He continued as he pulled out his scythe. Derrick tried to back up but found that he couldn't move.

"Don't do it!" Derrick pleaded, as he closed his eyes shut. As soon as he did, he heard a loud thud, his eyes flew open and saw the man laying face down on the ground. He let out a gasp of relief before looking forward to see the face of his apparent savior. It was also him, but the difference between them was that he wore a black suit with an extremely large trench coat. On top of the hat were the wings of an angel with a very small pair of glasses perched atop his nose.

When he looked into the stranger's eyes, they widened before turning a light shade of blue. "Lemme guess, you're the angelic part of me I neglected while I fed this guy with every amount of juice he needed." Derrick said with a tired expression as he pointed to his demon counterpart on the floor. "What... how are you even here?" The angel asked him. "Well, for starters, you didn't really answer my question earlier." He responded.

As if he felt guilty, the angel averted his gaze from Derrick. "I'm an angel," He explained. "Not just any angel, you're me if I... I actually embraced and used your essence. This is a bit trippy." Derrick said as he ran his hand through his hair. "What brings you into your own subconscious?" The angel asked as he adjusted his trench coat. "Lucifer... he's enslaved the earth and the heavens and I wish to stop him... If we can merge and become one entity." Derrick said, trying not to sound too hopeful. "That's easy enough," The angel said as he took off his trench coat, "I can't..." The angel said with remorse. "Then why did you save me?" Derrick replied immediately.

"So you can leave this plain and get back to the physical. There's nothing for you here Derrick." The angel responded with a sad smile. "I let the entire world down because I wasn't ready for a path that was predestined for me, and here I am trying to make it right and you stand here to tell me you can't? Am I supposed to take that for an answer?" Derrick shouted at the angel. The angel stared at him for a minute before replying. "You could leave this way too." He suggested pointing towards another direction. "I can't just sit by and watch Lucifer destroy everything." Derrick replied. "If you fight him, you may not emerge as the victor." The angel said. "I know, but I can't just leave everyone else to suffer." Derrick said. "Pathetic, utterly pathetic. No wonder he made me the dominant one." The demon counterpart said as he got up from where he was laying on the ground. "Not this guy again." Derrick groaned in response. "It's great that you two are here, now I can end you both and get it over with." the demon said.

"Yeah well see... about tha-" Derrick was cut short by a punch that sent him flying yards away. "Where's your grace? I thought your abilities came naturally with it." The demon taunted. "My angel grace disappeared along with all my other aspects. It doesn't mean I wouldn't kick your ass though." Derrick spat as he got back to his feet. The demon rolled his eyes before throwing him back into the ground. "You'll have to find something better than that." The demon teased before sending him flying once again. The angel was starting to feel his energy deplete as time went by. He decided that it'd been enough for today and turned around to fly back home when a flash blinded him and a loud ringing voice filled his head. "Who is it... Who is this? God? F... Father? But it's impossible, we all thought you were dead." The angel said as he spoke with the ringing voice. "But... I can't, I'm not powerful enough to take on Lucifer, I'm sorry." The angel said as he bowed his head. "I can? Really? Okay... Okay I will." The angel said as the ringing voice came to a complete stop. The angel went to where Derrick and the demon brawled as he said. "Enough! Cease this!" The angel commanded. The demon immediately froze and fell to the ground as Derrick stood up with blood pouring from his nose. "Thank you. But how..." "I'll help you." The angel said plainly as he picked up his trench coat. "Just like that? What changed your mind?" Derrick asked as he cleaned his bloody nose. "God spoke to me, we can win this." The angel said as he adjusted his trench coat. "Hold on, God? As in the big man upstairs?" Derrick asked as he raised a brow. The angel nodded affirmatively. "We don't have much time, merge now or we remain separate forever." The angel said as he held his hand out to the human in front of him.

Derrick looked down at the outstretched hand and hesitantly placed his hand onto the angels. The moment Derrick's hand touched the angel's he felt a light burn through his body, as if an explosion had gone off inside of him. As soon as the pain faded, he was greeted by a very bright light . When the light subsided, he realized that he was no longer in the same place he had been previously. He woke up on the floor of the room he'd been in with Azrael standing over him. "Derrick?" He asked nervously. "I'm back." Derrick said as he got up from where he laid. He sprouted his wings as bright lights erupted from his eyes, nose and mouth. "How do I look?" He asked smugly as he smiled brightly at the angel. Azrael was stunned into silence as he looked at the beautiful creature who had just manifested from thin air. Finally recovering, he cleared his throat. "I believe you've proven to be capable of defeating Lucifer once and for all." "You're goddamn right, and he won't know what hit him." Derrick said as he created his former Lance out of thin air, it had a golden glow to it as he held it in his hands. As they stepped out of the room the seven demons stared at Derrick in awe, taking in all of his magnificence. "Woah! You're full archangel Derrick!" Envy said as his jaw dropped. "C'mon guys, let's go save this universe." Derrick said as he wore a smirk wide on his face. They nodded and followed close behind him.

After walking for about ten minutes the three demons stopped to catch their breaths, all of the adrenaline that built up throughout the journey was finally beginning to wear off. As they caught their breath, they noticed a figure standing in front of them. "Lucifer." Greed said in a dark tone as they slowly approached him preparing to attack. However, Lucifer simply chuckled and shook his head.

"Derrick, it seems like our paths have crossed again. It appears fate has brought us together at last." Lucifer said with a wicked grin across his face. "Fate does not bring us together, it creates us." Derrick corrected. "Yes yes, that's true." Lucifer said as he waved his hand dismissively. "Now, I must ask, what exactly are you doing here?" Lucifer questioned. "I'm here to kill you." Derrick answered. "Oh, I see. And how do you intend to do that?" Lucifer said as he extended his arm towards Derrick. Just then an army of demons emerged behind Lucifer as they prepared to battle Derrick and his allies. "You didn't think he'd fight this alone now did you?" A voice said from above. It was Michael with Uriel, Raphael and other angels by his side. "You came." Azrael said with a smile. "Of course I did brother, now let's fix this world before it's too late." Raphael said as the angels descended to the ground. "Yay! The gang's all here!" Lucifer said as he stretched forth his hand, signalling his demon army to charge at Derrick and his allies. "I can't lose to these fools again. Let's show them what it means to be an archangel!" Michael said to them as he began running towards the soldiers that charged towards them. Lucifer took to the skies as Derrick followed suit immediately. "I was a fool to let you live with your wounds, never again." Lucifer said as his eyes turned red with horns emerging from his forehead. "Cut the bluff and let's do this already, I've been itching for a fight for a very long time." Derrick said as he flew towards Lucifer . Lucifer summoned two swords and held them tightly in his hands. "Let's finish this then." Lucifer said as they clashed their blades.