Driving to the outskirts she took her time to calm her nerves by her peace spot; the bridge. She couldn't even count how many times she had stayed on the bridge in the late at nights ever since she was young, before, her mother used to stay with her as they watched the water below.
The soothing color of the water always soothed her hurting soul, the city lights shone in the water as well as the moon. It was her haven as she called it. Long back, as Lucy dreamed of being proposed in the Lycabettus hills, hers had been this very bridge. but she never really found the strength to bring anyone on the bridge with her. She considered it too sacred and even her baby, Lucy had never accompanied her there.
The bridge and water had witnessed her grow up, seen her cry when her mother was sick, and seen her mourn her mother when she died. Seen her suffer the injustices her father and stepmother inflicted on her, seeing her fall in love with Patrick, and now here she was married to a man not even worthy to be called a human.
Her hands felt the cold rail, her curious fingers exploring the patterns on the cold metal. Her ears became numb to the cars passing behind her as she focused her gaze on the water wondering if her mother was in heaven or hell. Chuckling a bit, she remembered her mother, a woman who urged her to go to church but never stepped on one herself. If she was in heaven then honestly, everyone was fit to go there. Her mind slowly drifted away, reminiscing the old times.
Her mother's warm vibes were infectious when she was alive, but when she died, she died with something in her. It was as if the sun's brightness and radiance had disappeared from her life and when she found Patrick, she thought they connected in all aspects only to fall back into her darkness on realizing that he had fallen in love with her step-sister and betrayed her innocent and young heart.
If only her mother would have been alive, she thought, no one would have used her. Even thou, they were poor, her mother had a way to place things in order, how she missed that soul. Now, here she was not sure if she would ever have kids, leave alone, having a loving husband, was it a curse in her mother's family or something to never find happiness and love? No, that was nonsense; she was a Christian for heaven's sake how could she think so lowly?
Finding it late, she decided to go back to the villa lest she faces Jeff's new cold creepy side. Surprisingly, the villa was quiet meaning the three monsters and their leader weren't around. She made herself ready for bed when her phone rang, it was an unknown number. Gingerly and cursing under her breath, she received the call.
"Your worst nightmare here."
"Hello is this Mrs. William?" asked an unfamiliar male voice amid noise as if the person was near booming woofers.
"Nop, don't know any Williams." She shook her head even thou the other person couldn't see her.
Some silence. "Are you Jeff's wife?"
"No, my first time hearing that name actually."
Another moment of silence. Now, this was strange. "Are you Amandla?"
"Hey Mister, do we know each other?"
"No, Jeff is here, very drunk and he was saying your name, you should come to pick him up."
"Who, Jeff?"
"Yes, Jeff Williams," the man confirmed.
"I am sorry Mister but the Jeff I know is rich enough to hire all the rooms in the hotel or could even hire all of you to take him home. This might be a wrong number; more so, he has a girlfriend what was her name again? Yes, Stephanie. Please disturb her and leave me alone."
She hung up, plopped down on the bed, and fell asleep instantly.