At noon as he was dining his take-out food ordered by his assistant, his men called claiming that they had kidnapped Lucy and she was yet to be questioned. He was connected to a camera on the man's eyes and an earpiece he placed in his ear so he could converse with the leader of his elite team. "Miss Lucy the sooner you cooperate with us the sooner you get out of here," Mark spoke.
Lucy hissed between her teeth. "You brats! How dare you?" she shook violently in her seat where she was strapped.
"Miss Lucy, please cooperate and no harm shall befall you."
When she realized that her attempts to free herself were futile, she stayed still and with alert and narrowed eyes, she asked. "What do you want?"
Mark took a seat in front of her even thou she was blindfolded. "I want some information about Miss Amandla."
Lucy shook again. "No way under the sun and moon are you getting anything from me. If you want to kill me, please hurry up with the process and bury me." She sat stubbornly.
Mark gave her a look before moving further into the room to converse with his boss. "Boss, what do I do now?" he asked.
Jeff remained silent for a while. She seemed to be the loyal type, even willing to die other than give out information about her friend, he smiled for Amy. She had found gold. He could imagine what Mike would do if offered a couple of bucks. The guy could even tell out what he had planned to name his grandchildren, lol, he had never really gotten a chance to prove his friends' resistance to something for his sake.
"Threaten her with Amy's life, make it look real. I want that information, Mark." From the tone of his boss, he was well aware that no mistakes were allowed. He knew and had seen for himself how ruthless his boss was and thou he couldn't understand why the boss specifically asked for them to do this job which didn't even seem to be a threat to him or involve his business, he knew that just as much seriousness was expected too.
Taking back his seat, he cleared his throat. "Miss Lucy won't you listen to my question first?" he tried again.
Lucy shook her head vigorously. "Don't, anything concerning Amy is not up for discussion, I told you, you could kill me." Her voice didn't waver at all; it was as if it was a pledge she had made long ago.
"Then you leave me with no choice but to finish off Amy."
"What?" Lucy shrieked causing the men inside the room to subconsciously wince from the pain in their ear drums. "No, you can't touch my baby! You can't! Please?"
Jeff could hardly believe the women he was meeting lately. This lady before him was reacting crazily when it was mentioned about her friend being killed while when her death was mentioned she just acted as if she was the world's sacrificial lamb ready to die at any point."
Mark waited for her to calm down before continuing. "If you speak, that could be avoided."
Lucy sunk back. "Fine, what do you want to know?"
"What is Miss Amandla planning about her music career?" he asked although, in his brain, he was questioning if he was boss was still normal.
"What do you intend to do with that, how can I be sure it is not something you're planning to use against my baby." This woman had to stop calling Amy baby, thought Jeff angrily, it sounded insane when someone called her that. In fact, he couldn't even see what about her deserved to be called baby. She was as hard as a rock not to mention laser-tongued.
"You don't have an option Miss," Mark reminded her.
"Fine, fine, but please don't touch my baby, please?"
"Miss Lucy speak fast."
"Okay, she is a singer and rapper and songwriter, a gifted one, she can sing and rap really well as well as compose her own songs and poems, she can play the guitar too, she was planning to be an underground singer or a masked one that was before she got married, right now she is still unsure of what to do with her career and talent in music," she said it all in one breathe.
"Thank you, boys take her." Mark stood up. "Boss?" he asked.
"Fine, congrats, Mark and the boys, make sure she is safe." He disconnected them and swung in his swivel. "Yes!" he bit his lower lip feeling so good about himself.