Sneak out (Edited)

Amy made sure that nobody she knew was following her, although she was more than sure that her shadow bodyguards were around. Not that it interested her at all, she had given up the idea of being conscious, after all they didn't even report to Jeff but watched over her safety. She checked right and left then walked a little bit more and got into the busy streets, pulling her hood over her head.

Mysteriously enough, Jeff's face popped in her head. She pushed back the thought, what was she even thinking of, had she gone mental? Yet, despite her struggles, Jeff's smirking face came into view. What was this, was she in love? No, it couldn't be love, since when, even if it was love, the last person she would be falling for was Jeff. He wasn't even her type or next to it.

A sweet melody cutting through the night air reached her ears. Her walking paused; her head whipped around to get the source of the song. Finally, she seemed to get a clue. Inviting, welcoming, sweet melody, a combination of a guitar being skillfully played and a nice voice lured her closer and closer to it.

Her legs led her to an empty hallway. She hesitated at first but remembering that she had bodyguards watching her gave her the confidence she needed to go forward. One step at a time and she finally got to the source of the sound. The view that greeted her was a boy around her age seated cross-legged on the floor next to a corner, a brown guitar on his lap, playing his sweet melody to the night.

Getting closer, she realized that he was dressed like an artist that he was. Short messy dreadlocks, raged shorts and an open bigger shirt revealing an inner T-shirt. The boy looked up and met her eyes. A slow smile formed on his face lighting up his features, though she still couldn't compare the smile to the naughty ones Jeff gave her… Pause, stop, just stop, why on earth was she comparing Jeff with this guy?

With a sense of guilt, she cautiously approached him. "Hey," she started softly as she bent a little afraid to scare off the guy.

His huge green eyes stared right back at her and she couldn't help comparing him to a chibi version. Awn, too adorable. Some little freckles dusted his face below the eyes and around the nose making him look…smoking hot. He gave off a confusing vibe that was between a hot nerd and a rowdy artist. Just then he spoke and she inhaled, not even knowing that she had paused breathing when she saw him.

Lightly, she hit her head. Really now, cuteness took her breath away? "Hello," the artist boy spoke first. One thing she noticed about his voice was the tenderness and softness. It didn't have the rough and husky tone that Jeff's had…really now, was she doing this again?

"Hi," she greeted back though a little awkward. She had decided to approach him by following his music not even sparing time to come up with something to say to him. Was she getting dumber by the day?

"May I help you with something or my music has charmed you here?" He gave her a toothy grin that made her coo.

Realizing what she had done. She slapped her mouth with the palm of her hand. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to…"

In a flash the boy was up and before her. "You're sorry for?" he cocked a brow up. "For me being too good-looking?"

Amy gave him a sheepish smile. For being too cute, but there was no way under Neptune was she saying that loud. Her shamelessness hadn't reached such a point "I guess you are." She rubbed the back of her neck.