She left the villa, master (Edited)

Jeff made his way to his house and realized that the place was quieter than usual. Too quiet for his liking. As if the world had gone mute all of a sudden. That was eerier with him knowing that Amy and Stephanie were in the house or at least one of them was in. Either way, it wasn't supposed to be quiet.

He knew more than anybody that even when Amy dozed, she would leave the speakers barring out loud music all over and he knew Stephanie wouldn't fall asleep before creating a ruckus and trying to coax him to side with her.

Coincidentally the butler passed around him and he seized the opportunity to ask about Amy. "Where's my wife?" he asked.

The girl hadn't even driven him to and from work since Stephanie arrived and no matter how much drama he wanted to create; Stephanie's presence hindered that. The last thing he was looking for was being admitted to a mental hospital because of that woman.

"I think the guards have more detailed information, master," the butler answered respectfully with his head bowed down.

Jeff felt his anger bubbling. He wanted answers, not references, if he wasn't in a hurry to know where Amy was, he would have given the butler a piece of his mind, but for the moment he had other priorities, he should thank his lucky stars. Giving the butler one look, he made quick strides to the first gate swearing under his breath that if the guards had no information about his wife, he was going to strangle them with his bare hands.

The guards who saw him coming stood alert. "Where is my wife?" he asked as soon his feet came to a stop.

They exchanged looks, was he referring to the young sweet miss or Stephanie? As much as they knew, their boss never accepted the young miss as his wife neither had he gotten married to Stephanie. Was this some trap, since when did Jeff fail to know where anybody was, especially his own wife, one that lived under the same roof as him? Didn't he have shadow bodyguards following her? They sighed. If he wanted them roasted, he was halfway then. Almost whatever answer they were thinking of, would come out as if favoring one of them: that is referring to the mentioned person as his wife.

"Sir, the young miss…she…went for a walk," the bravest of the bravest answered, but not before he fidgeted and stuttered under his boss's intense gaze that seemed to bore holes in him.

Jeff's hands clenched; he knew he looked stupid. Here he was asking about his own wife when he was in the twenty-first century and reaching her was only a call away. The only problem was that he didn't have her phone number and he knew well enough that she wouldn't even answer his call if he found it. After all, he was Jeff Williams, he could have anything he wanted except the humility of his own wife.

Yes, he could always ask the shadow bodyguards but he had already promised to give her privacy, and doing what he wanted would be breaching the terms they had agreed on. Damn, he was so helpless and this feeling didn't sit well at all with him. He gave the guards a brief nod and walked back to his mansion. Maybe he could get some sleep. He wasn't even in the mood to find out where that redhead Stephanie was.

In some isolated street, two figures sat next to each other, chatting about anything and everything. Their happy faces and vibrant waves of laughter could be mistaken for old friends who just met up. Amy supported her chin with her hand as she listened to Jayden or Jay in short. The guy had so much vibe that she concluded by herself that he seemed to have everything to say. He talked about his love for music and she shared the same. At the moment he was talking about how he discovered the talent and beside him she sat listening to his crazy tales.

"And see, right now," he stood up to dramatically pass his point. "I am the superstar you see here."

Amy chuckled as she covered her mouth. This boy, she laughed. Jayden who was enjoying the show grinned more. Realizing that, she paused a bit to tease him. "What?" she cocked a brow. "Hmm?"