Chapter 90: WHAT?

"So how should we begin this story?" father asked around as nobody answered him when grandmother arrived. Grandmother had heard the summary of what happened when I tested the stone. "The beginning," she ordered.

"It is said that the Theodo Kingdom was founded by 2 goddesses who were sisters. Scarlet Avery (the oldest) controlled fire powers and Skylar Avery controlled water powers. This power was passed on to the descendants. The royal family are believed to have the goddesses as their ancestors.

We inherited those powers. When the royal family members get married we have to be very special because our powers are passed onto our partner when we get married. Some of our partners might not be able to accept our powers. It is especially dangerous for them. Some might even die. Hence the members of the royal family are allowed to have a lot of wives for procreation. 

Now the problem with you is that you inherited the water powers. From the goddess Skylar no one has inherited the water powers, everyone has fire powers. Hence the blue that showed on the stone. No one has received the water power as Scarlet killed Skylar it was believed that Skylar set a curse on Scarlet's descendants. We would be burnt to death and have a short life. 

That is until a few centuries ago. The Royal Magician predicted that I would have a daughter who might be Skylar reborn as a Princess carrying water powers. Her mission is to find love again as she was harmed by it. As soon as this happens the curse could be lifted. Everything for the Theodo Kindom is meant to get better. That's basically it," explained Father, "Any questions?"

Of course, I had questions. A lot of them. In the novel, Camilla does not receive any powers. So what the hell is happening now? Why is the novel's plotline not being followed? Though I don't wanna be sent to exile I didn't need this big of a change. Oh my God. Does this mean the future is changed? So I won't know what is to happen in the future. This is not a good thing. I do not wish to die nor do I want to get involved with the ml+fl relationship. I just wanna relax man. 

What the heck? How the hell am I supposed to find love? Like I already have someone I like. I must remind myself I am a 20-year-old trapper in a 10-year-old body. This is absolutely ridiculous. Why is finding love the mission? Can't it be anything else? And why me?

Suddenly I don't think all of this is a coincidence. It can't be a coincidence. I have been brought here by god knows who and now the plot line is changing. Hopefully, I don't end up dying. This is utterly ridiculous. Wait I don't even know Skylar's love story. How the heck am I supposed to help myself find love? 

"Wait firstly, this is ridiculous. Secondly, why did Scarlet kill Skylar? And what is Skylar's love story?" I asked. I can't believe I'm doing this. "Well yes, it is a bit unbelievable. But the second and third question I can answer," muttered Brandon as I turned towards him. At this moment we were all sitting around the sofas in Father's office.

"Legend has it that Skylar and Scarlet fell for the same man. They had a fight with the man as the bet. A bit ironic isn't it? Scarlet won and Skylar died. As soon as the man got this notification he killed himself. I suppose he too loved Skylar. Scarlet ended up marrying a man who loved her deeply. But I think you have to find that man again. The man who would kill himself for you," suggested Brandon.

"Well this is very helpful now isn't it?" I uttered as everyone laughed. "Brandon that story you just told me is very familiar. I think I have seen that scene before. That's quite strange," I mumbled. Everyone looked at me in shock. "Camilla, why haven't you said anything before?" Mother asked. "Oh, I thought it was just a weird dream," I replied, "Now that I think about it I could only see some scenes and not hear anything,". 

What an amazing story. Not. Uhh. I just wanna live my life as a happy rich woman. Why can't that become true.