Chapter 83: The end of Gareth's and Rusty's story.

Chapter 83: The end of Gareth's and Rusty's story.

Parked, Gareth stared up the steep incline that led to Gunner’s hunting cabins. When he was here in the dark, and when Cletus picked him up in the morning, he was so distracted by everything that was going on that he didn’t notice the height before.

Now he noticed.

Gareth smoothed his tie and then put his Mercedes into drive. If he wanted Rusty, he would have to get up this damn mountain. He told himself not to look to the side where the drop-off was terrifying, and slowly he let his car climb to the top. Gareth kept his mind on Rusty.

The sun was bathing the mountain in bright light right as Gareth crested the top of the road. Ahead of him were the smaller cabins with the larger main building in the center. Gareth drove on the gravel toward the main lodge and parked. He had just smoothed his tie again when he spotted Rusty.

The man looked good enough to eat.