Resistance is Futile

Josh returned to the cellar after about four hours to find Diane asleep with her legs folded up.

His face softened, a smile tugging at his lips as he took in the peaceful scene before him. She looked so young and helpless while asleep that even with the bags under her eyes and the bruises over her face, he couldn't help but think that she was as beautiful as ever.

It reminded him of the first time he'd laid eyes on her hiding behind that curtain with shaky feet and trembling eyes.

Under normal circumstances, he should have killed her for being a witness to Spectre's activities, but instead- he'd felt like saving her due to how pathetic she looked.

At this point he didn't care, even if he wasn't her first - he could still be her last. She'll live with him till he was retired and they'd move out with their children somewhere and spend their old age together.

He hugged himself with a smile but a sudden realization made it drop to a frown.