Something in Your Shadow

Fredrick had the gates of the Bermount estate in sight when outside was already dark. He'd not seen the old madame for a while after Drake mentioned her traveling abroad for a long-awaited holiday.

The place where the estate was located was once used as an orphanage of some sort. The Bermount family was said to be in charge of the orphanage for over three hundred years adopting only a few special children, and it was said that every single one of the children they adopted did well.

Rumor had it that a lot of adults at that time tried to sneak their kids into the orphanage to find out about its secrets.

Even Drake Bermount was said to be one of those adopted children of the Bermount estate, but it was also rumored that their actual children were mixed among the adopted ones for safety purposes.

The family had so many rumors surrounding them although hardly any negative ones.