Chapter seven, Hold me

He came

If I say I could not believe my eyes I would be lying. Because as far as I knew, he was one of those people that never made excuses. If he said he had come, he would come.

Nevertheless, I have always left room for disappointments because that is what guys do, right? They say one thing while they mean the other.

So, one thing we shared was that; people are unpredictable, so leave room for disappointment.

While I was making myself useful, trying to keep away from my thoughts of him, he walked in, wearing his grey shorts and a brown hoodie along with his Adidas sliders not forgetting his famous grey cap to match the shorts.

He was one mysterious man. Always pretty hard to tell what was on his mind. He barely expressed his emotions by facial expression. That made him stand out. It might be exactly what keeps me increasingly curious about him. Mysterious indeed…

I tried my best to contain myself, but little do I even remember if he even knocked or just barged in. But that did not really matter no more. He was there, with me. That is what mattered the most. And it is not like I was going to have a problem with him entering without a knock. Who does not like men who do not take what they want without asking for permission? Aargh, so sexy! Dominance!

He walked in, closed the door, and sat back on the same chair he was on about an hour ago, as I kept busy with some paperwork from the University.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked

"You know, I get sleepy when I watch movies" he replied. At that moment he pulled his phone from his pocket and started touching it.

"I know, but you never told me why?" I asked, now while packing my papers away and preparing the bed for him to join.

"It is because I fail to concentrate on one thing or a long period of time."

"Oh, okay but you'll definitely love this one" I said with confident.

I sat up straight, opened my dearest laptop, precisely browsed through it, and selected an animation movie by the name, 'Raya and the Last Dragon,' I loved this animation and so it was worth repeating.

"Here, come."

I politely asked him to come join me on bed, and he did. He laid right beside me and for a moment I forgot how to breath.

He smelled so good.

Ohhhhh, I inhaled

I pinched myself because I honestly had a tough time believing if all this was true or not. Is this really happening? The joy in me, I bet I looked like red potato.

I placed the laptop on both our legs, in the middle, on his right leg and my left. I switched off the lights.

A few minutes into the movie, "I feel uncomfortable" he complained.

Uncomfortable, I thought.

"I want to take off my clothes"

I do not know what was on my heard hearing him say that, but I responded,

"Oh, okay. So, you are not used to sleeping with your clothes on?"

I looked at him.

Oh God I was so flustered.

"What scale of nakedness, will you be able to tolerate?"

"Uhm, as long as you have your boxers on, I'm good" Yet, I still do not know how exactly I felt.

Without hesitation, he stood up from bed. I guess he did not need to be told twice.

He began by pulling off his hoodie and remained with his vest. He went on to take off the vest too and put in nicely nearby. Now revealing his masculine upper body. That was not the end of it, he again went on to pull down his grey shorts and now was left with nothing but his boxers, alone. It was at that moment that I knew, God had to intervene, with the short prayer I said.

If only he knew that him being this naked and comfortable around me, did things to me that I yet cannot explain.

I laid on his accommodative chest and I could hear his heartbeat. Its rhythm was so pleasing to hear. My ears danced to the sounds. Now the beating of his heart together with the scent, continued working some more magic on my own body.

Moments into the movie, I could not help it any longer. My body began to tremble, and I got super tempted such that, my right hand would find itself travelling around his body. Roaming around to places that it should not even be touching. He did not complain though. But little did I think about how he felt. I needed to feed my own cravings, I guess. I was led by my emotions, giving me instructions, I tried to follow.

I found my hand lingering around his chest from near my face, slowly back and forth, and downwards towards his flat yet sexy stomach. What am I even doing? Little did I even think about it, but the next moment I knew, my hand was past his belly button and yet herding down… towards his only piece of clothing.

He was quiet, he did not move, he did not ask any questions and did not give any response too. But I was unstoppable. Reaching for his boxers, I found myself caressing the top of his boxers and it was at that very moment that I could feel a tweak of his body responding to my touch. Didn't I love that? Hell, yes, I did! He might not say a word, but his body would tell me how he feels. Nevertheless, I wondered what was on his mind. Why is he so quiet? Mystery at its best.

Forward as I was, I proceeded to touch him until I knew that I had now invaded the most precious place in his body. I quickly moved my hand away, a bit. I could not believe my senses! I had felt it, it was real! This is exactly what I touched. My emotions rose a peak immediately after feeling the touch of his adulthood. But wat was no reason for me to stop my quest. Once again, I went back, to gently caress his dick few times. It felt… amazing. I was ecstatic. This was really tempting. I wanted to give him neck kisses and leave hickeys to mark 'my territory.' But was it really mine? Who cares? Its mine either way. At least, that is what I would like to believe.


I snatched back to reality to the sound of his voice calling for my attention.

"What's on your mind?" He asked curiously, with a little smirk on his face

I was not able to respond, I smiled a bit and moved back a little, to allow him space to get back to bed after taking off his clothes.

I cannot believe all that was happening in my head in just those split seconds.

Truth is, I highly wish all that funky stuff would happen. No wait, how could my mind be so forward? Afterall, we have not addressed the elephant in the room.

I called myself to order and stopped getting naughty for a moment. Though I really enjoyed it.

Finally, he came back in bed; damn he is so hot.

No, I mean his body temperature. It was getting a bit cold as it was already night-time. It was already dark outside, and the clock had really gone by. It was after 10pm, and still unclear as to whether he would be spending the night here. I have zero percent experience of a sleepover. I have never been with a guy overnight and I do not know if this was about to be the first.

More minutes into the movie, it was quiet. Just little giggles there and there as far as the animation entertained us.

"Do you want me to leave?"

"What do you mean, by that?"

With a little bit of confusion at first, I turned to him. Seeing how sleepy he looked, I felt a hole in my heart, and I realized that I was not ready to let him go.

I closed the lid of my laptop, and I told him "No, I do not want you to go. We are sleeping"

I looked right at him, and I swear I had puppy eyes. It was at that moment that something in me struck an indescribable feeling.

He was convinced, it did not take much

We laid in the darkness. It was quiet, I was at peace with him around. Until, unexpectedly, "Are you a virgin?" he asked.

The question alone shook me. Why is he asking? Will that change anything? I wanted to lie and say something to make him stay, but why?

"Yes, am," I answered

"Ok. Then what will happen, if I have a boner, since I am sexually active?"

I so baffled with the question and for a moment in my head, I saw everything crumbling down. At the end of the day sex will be made a priority when it comes to relationships and guys tend to leave when they find out that they are not going to tap that.

What happened to genuine love?

What happened to, I love you for who you are, and we will make the most out of it.

"What is your take, concerning relationships?" I asked him

"I am not looking for anything serious, committed relationships are a lot and I don't think I am ready for those"

I wonder who broke his heart

"So, you saying you prefer, to be in a 'situation-ship' than be in a relationship, then what happens when the other party catches feelings?" I asked him curiously

"Then the relationship has to be called off, unless the other party does not mind" he said

What a heartless person I thought, people have their own reasons

As we laid in the dark, peacefully, sleep consumed us…