Chapter 12-Moving in with Bruce Wayne & Heroes Gather

{Nicholas Kyle Dunamis POV}

A few hours have passed since my morning conversation with Arya and I am now standing in front of Wayne Manor with one box of luggage.

I didn't really need to take much with me as Alfred said anything I might need would be provided, so all I took were a few sets of different types of clothes, toiletries and a stack of books which I am studying and notebooks that hold my notes of future plans.

It didn't hold any future knowledge, it just ideas of my expectations of advancement of technology and what I wanted to bring to this world.

One of the main things I wanted to introduce which would likely not involve taking someone else's achievements for myself are games. I had decided that I would start bt introducing different types of games in this world.

Leaving that aside I was led in the Manor by Alfred who mentioned something about Master Wayne being 'busy'.

I was given a room which was the size of Selina's apartment which was good for me as I could freely experiment with my powers. Though that would only be after I made sure I am not under surveillance of any kind.

I went through the motions and settled down in my new room. It had a slightly old feel to it with a King size bed and polished wooden furniture all over the room. Most of the tops of the furniture where ornamental items are usually kept were empty.

Alfred told me,"As this is your room we decided to let you choose your own decoration style. As soon as you decide on your decor changes will be made accordingly."

This was quite generous in my opinion but Bruce probably had more money than he could spend.

I was still quite satisfied and took out a few of the stolen goods from various heists and proudly put them on display. Selina already made it clear I helped her so might as well flaunt it.


A few days have passed and I really don't see much of Bruce Wayne in the house either because he is busy with some work or the main reason of him wearing a ridiculous yet very cool bat costume.

I spend most of my time with Alfred or rather he spends a lot of time on me and I can tell this I'd not to keep check on me but genuine concern of me being lonely in this large mansion.

Alfred is a very polite and king man who is adamant about taking good care of me. This is in many ways quite troublesome as I can no longer use the schedule I got used to with Selina. He demands that as a growing child no matter how my brain has developed my body still needs to grow, therefore he wants me to follow a proper schedule.

I checked the entire room and bathroom with haki for any spyware devices and was honestly surprised to find none.

Maybe even the Batman doesn't want to be a pedophile. Even though there were no spy devices according to my senses I still did not use my fruit abilities and instead just used the Wayne families vast library to study up this new world.

It was quite relaxing as I was no longer rushing to finish and was studying at a quite leisurely pace but was still much faster than I was in my previous life.

This world's history is so similar and so different at the same time that it actually pushed me to read more.

Though I still focused more on programming,computer technology and hacking along with the plethora of books on medical knowledge.

I didn't really use or summon my sword again because Alfred and Bruce didn't want me to injure myself and also the fact that they are artifact projections make it likely to be related to magic.

Bruce told me he I calling one of his acquaintances for help so I have to wait before I can use them freely. I obviously didn't tell Batman I already knew what they could do and let him figure out things for themselves.


[24th Feb 2003]

{3rd POV}

Today was a day of horror, of hope and also an awakening for myself.

7 beings inhabiting physical bodies attacked different places in the country try and set up strange towers. When different heroes went to investigate they were attacked. The heroes, namely Batman and Martian Manhunter, figured out the towers were to send a signal to deep space and likely to their home planet.

Deciding they couldn't let it go on the heroes banded together and destroyed bothe the towers and a few of the bodies of the invaders.

The green lantern identified the species as Appelexians. He stated that while the Apple Appelexians were not the problem but the fact they were using Apokoliptian technology was.

He explained to the gathered heroes that Apokolips was home to the New God and warlord Darkseid who reveled in destruction and wanted to shape the universe and everything in it in his image.

Hearing the possibility of a threat greater than a single hero can face the gathered heroes decided to band together to form a group so as to better combat such threats.

In the words of the Green Lantern,"This is the birth of the .......... Super Seven!"