Chapter 16- Development


{Nicholas Kyle Dunamis POV}

3 years have passed and honestly I haven't done much.

I have finished my theoretical studies of medicine which took more time than computer sciences due to me not studying it before but I was still going at rocketspeed compared to the time it takes others.

I am now 8 years old and am now allowed to move around on my own without supervision of Alfred.

These years I have really tested and trained my powers that I currently have and am proud of the control I can display though I have yet to be able to use my abilities on people for surgery or any injuries.

Though I have practiced on mice and frogs.

Honestly just living in the mansion is quite stifling now. Earlier I could still explore the mansion and its gardens but now, after 3 years this place has lost quite a bit of its appeal.

And till now I have not once seen this place as home.

So this year I am planning to start school at Bruce and Alfred's insistence. I will likely attend Gotham Academy. I am still not sure which grade to attend as I have finished the courses but I just want a change in my monotonous life.

This was very unlike the other stories where trouble came looking for the reincarnator or transmigrator. I have lived quite a relaxed life so far in this dangerous universe but at the same time I might have longed for interesting events to come along.

While I would love to explore this world I am still scared to go without proper preparation.

Batman doesn't seem to have any idea of training me by saying I am too young but he has taught me a few skills such as to clear my head and to breathe properly for maximum body efficiency but nothing about combat.

So for the last year I have frequently visited Selina and asked her to teach me too fight.

She had to pestered for quite a while before she agreed to teach me something but even then she didn't teach me to fight. All she did was make me do gymnastics.

One thing she did teach me that is very useful is the technique to move.

She makes no sound and her very presence seems to dissappear, I am only able to sense her with haki.

She has some kind of feline grace as she moves and while I do not yet have that grace I am at least able to imitate some of it.

My haki has had little growth over these years and only covers a distance of 30 meters but still this is a very useful skill to me.

As I had started getting bored I was somehow able to remember that Arya had access to my music!

It was such a relief that I remembered this as I was able to get through days of boredom just by listening to music.

I don't know how those fanfic protagonists can be so single-minded in their training. I guess it has something to do with the dangers they fear facing in the new world but my anxieties and fears have faded quite a bit.

Besides all of this I am working on creating a Virtual Intelligence. It will not have the development capabilities of an A.I but it will still be very useful as I can barely use Arya's capabilities.

It would also be very helpful in creating the project that I am currently working on.

I am trying to create a robot that can scan, assess and treat various diseases and injuries.

Basically, I am trying to create Baymax.

So far all I have been able to create is the body but the truly difficult part is the healthcare chip which will contain all the medical data necessary and how to implement it. For this the V.I is needed so that the robot can properly interpret the necessary action for various ailments.

Baymax's overall appearance is designed to be soft, cute-looking, and non-threatening so he can assist his patients without harming them.

His appearance is of a wide robot covered in inflatable vinyl material, making his outward appearance resemble a human shaped marshmallow.

The true body inside the cover is a flexible carbon-fiber skeleton covered in plastic and wires with thick limbs holding the rest of his body together. The skeleton also has a projector in its chest for Baymax to display. Baymax's head is relatively simple-looking, consisting of only two "eyes", which are actually hyperspectral cameras, and a mouth-esque line connecting them. His access port is on the left side of his chest, and can be recognized by its badge-like appearance. In it are five slots, so Baymax can hold up to five different program chips at one time.

I divided the healthcare chips into three chips to facilitate different aspects of healthcare and another for languages and their dialects. The last is empty in cases of other needs later on. Baymax will learn and adapt towards different scenarios through the V.I.

It can also fold and collapse itself into the charging port which is in the form of a briefcase.

Though the idea and even materials were copied this is still a great achievement for me.

Obviously not in creativity but atleast to be able to bring this to existence is already good for me and to me it shows my progress.

The only part that is yet to be completed is the V.I. Though I say this is my creation Arya's help has been indispensable both in the robot and so much more for the V.I which is a work in progress.

She has pointed out many mistakes and given many alternatives which has shortened the time for Baymax's creation by at least 2 years according to my estimates.

I have also made some games which do not already exist though these are not the complicated type.

I made a an online website for games and so far all the games on the site are free. Right now there are just easily programmable games like Flappy bird, a variation of Mario because the original exists, a version of Tenple Run, Candy Crush and I aslo took an idea from an online game called Chaos Faction 2.

Later on when I make more complicated games by copying games like Call of Duty and Halo alongside some racing games and other 3D modeled games I will start asking for money to buy the games.

My life's money matters are more or less solved with all of this and with my plan to use my powers later for rich people I will soon be filthy rich.