
After noticing how both of them were missing, the teacher searched for them. On the way of returning to the classroom, they were found.

The teacher educated them a while on why it was wrong to skip class, and then after that, they entered the class, continuing through rest of the day.

When the day was over, their homeroom teacher stood there with Edgar, looking out for his guardian. There was little Eve accompanying him.

Upon seeing how Daniel came to pick her up from school today, the corner of her lips curved up to form a wide grin, her dimples emerging. She waved her hand at him.

He walked over to her and patted on the top of his head. Then, his eyes fell on Edgar who stared on the floor listlessly, bearing a downcast mood.

Seeing that, he ran his hand through his hair, making the child raise his head. He then mentioned how he was there on behalf on Edgar's guardian.