When Edgar was woken up by Amelia that morning, he was confused and stared at her for an explanation since it was Evelyn who usually woke him up.
She generously explained, "According to Evelyn's words, she doesn't want to be associated with you anymore. She is pretty mad. I tried to convince her, but she wouldn't agree."
Amelia gave him a helpless smile.
Edgar ran his hand through his hair, ruffling them, and sighed.
"Understood. Thanks, Amelia. I appreciate it. I will handle the rest," he stated. But compared to last night, his confidence went down by a notch.
"Hurry up now or else you will be late for school. On a second thought, do you want to skip? You are still injured," Amelia pointed out.
"Tempting, but Evelyn is already mad enough at me. I will keep the offer for some other day. And the injuries are non-existent now."
He winked at Amelia.
Amelia patted on his shoulder, staring at the boy with slight amusement.