In the next couple days, Evelyn bonded well with Landon over the books they enjoyed and became closer. It fell into Edgar's attention and made him feel sour.
Dissatisfied, he tried to intervene and get Evelyn away from the boy. But in response, Evelyn only reprimanded him, telling him that he was acting immaturely.
Since he had friends she didn't approve of, she should be given the same freedom as well. He wasn't her father or anything such.
Edgar fumed upon listening to this but wasn't able to argue against it.
Paul looked at how brutally Edgar beat these men up. The bloody sight was frightening, but what was worse than that was murderous aura around Edgar.
Even after fighting to this extent, it seemed that he wasn't satisfied. There was still rage and frustration burning inside of him. He didn't know where to take it out on.
If only he could beat up that loser, Landon, maybe he would be able to cool down to an extent.