Darkness and light, are forever fated to be enemies fighting for control of the multiverse and destiny picks on who is to serve selflessly. But how can we be selfless when we are mortals, made of flesh and blood, bones and tissues, emotions and– will?
"She activated her powers, how?". I heard mom question Claire as I gained back my consciousness unknowingly to the two.
"You've been interrogating me ever since she passed out, why can't you get this is awkward? You are supposed to be dead. I'm not giving info to–" Claire responded.
– "What happened?" I had to cut in. They could now see I was up and sitting on the couch. They rushed to me.
"Are you alright? You scared us, " They chorused. Their heads seemed so large and their faces were right in my face.
"I'm fine." I got up standing.
"Why are you here?" I asked mom.
"I'm sorry for getting into your head like that. It's why you felt that way and passed out. I just had to get to you." She said,
"Yes, last time I checked, you said only I could summon you. Another lie?" I asked her with raised brows.
"No. I just had to bend the rules somehow to get to you and to warn you–of what's coming." She said,
" 'What's coming, What's coming?" Claire panicked.
"Sarah seeks to bring the war to the kingdom of light. To dominate it and be its ruler. Once she succeeds, she will come for you and will finish this realm. The darkness she has sold her soul to has consumed her beyond saving. You must be prepared." Mom told me.
I scoffed.
"I'm not some superhero mom, and I am not dedicating my life to fighting off any supervillain to save the world. It never ends well, I learnt from the endgame." I told her.
"Annie, I think your mom is being serious. " Claire told me.
"And I can see that but it's still absurd," I said, turning away.
"Claire says you have your powers now." Mom told me.
"So?" I asked her.
"Your power is your purpose." Mom said,
"I am not defined by it. I get to define it. Funny how you only realise my value when there is trouble lurking." I said,
"You cannot continue to be irresponsible." She said harshly.
I blinked.
"Excuse me," I said, turning back towards her.
"Okay. I will be upstairs." Claire said, leaving us.
"You cannot run away from your destiny." Mom told me.
"Destiny? Fighting off all that could kill me is my destiny. Perhaps that was yours, not mine!" I said to her,
"You should join the whiters. Come to the kingdom of light, they will help you, teach you how to use and tame your powers," she told me.
"Hah, something you refused to do. Was this the plan? Not wanting to help me access the powers and now that I have, I should join the sisterhood, be a whiter, and save the world. How many percent of the glory goes to you when it all goes your way? Hmm? Tell me." I urged her.
"You want nothing to do with us?" She asked.
"Why would I? I want none of this. You forced me into this by birthing me." I told her.
"Sure and yet you waste no time robbing a bank once you find out the little you could do." She said to me,
I blinked my eyes in guilt.
"What then happens when you find out more of what your powers can do? Be a greater devil the entire kingdom of the whiters will need to train years to defeat?" She added.
"You have no right to talk to me in that manner– ghost," I said to her spitefully.
I watched her eyes flicker before they could regain balance again.
"Fine." She finally said, "live your life as you would wish." She added and then vanished.
"That was cold," Claire said as she descended the stairs.
"Eavesdropping," I said,
"You shouldn't be so mean to her." She said,
"With all these discoveries, I just feel so angry. I could almost say I am beginning to hate her or that I do already" I said, taking my seat.
"You shouldn't. No matter what, she remains your mother. Even in death, she still cares and it's because she loves you. You should relax, you know. Everything that ever hurt you can be undone now. Your mom's death, your Dad's, everything. Make yourself happy." Claire said, placing her right hand on my left shoulder.
"This is a game where I am the most important player. Everyone will act loving." I said to her,
Slowly she took her hand off my shoulder.
"You mean the same for me don't you?" She asked.
"Let's go see Chris," I said,
"What's the use?" She asked me.
"What do you mean?" I didn't get it.
"You are all powerful now. You shouldn't be here. You should go back to your Claire, Your Chris who loves you and a life without the mother you hate and father you blame." She said to me,
"Mind game?" I asked.
"Call it whatever you wish to. Just leave." She said sternly.
"Again," I said,
"Yes, Again." She affirmed.
I didn't have the time for this and she was right. What am I still doing here? I have been in the past for too long, I now can go to the future. My future. Where I belong, where things are real, where everything is in accordance.
I smirked at her and then walked out the door, not forgetting to slam it.
It was cold outside that morning. Busy too. I got back to my Dad's. He was away on a business trip and would be back the next day. Patiently, I waited till it was midnight.
My eyes were red from the wait. Once it struck twelve, I laid flat on my bed, with my eyes looking up to the ceiling. I shut them.
Deep concentration was needed for this and I knew. I took a very deep breath and exhaled for longer till I could hear the heartbeat monitor which caused my eyes to open up at once.
I was back. Back in my hospital bed. I looked around and could see it was all the same.
Where it all began.