Will do what needs to be done

"Good morning city hero."

"Stop it."

"It's nice to see our heroes are humble." Laughed Clay.

"I only killed a few non-elemental beasts I was barely a help. The Rank-2s' were way stronger than me and the other rank-1s."

"Well good then that you're becoming Rank-2 in a few days."

"Yea excited for that. I also made friends with two of the Rank-1s I was teamed with, can they join us in the muscle dimension?"

"Sure. But we will go tomorrow, I want to sign up as a hunter so I can be informed of important events."

"I forgot to tell you while the hunters and military were busy defending the city an anarchist group called the "Boneless hand" robbed a bunch of military trucks. The hunters association put a bounty on them and you get paid a lot if you can find the trucks." Sans then showed Clay a picture of the truck and also the pictures of the assailants.

"Such smart pieces of shit. I should have thought of that."

"I don't think you could pull off something like that."

"Sure whatever you say. Anyways they should be high rank I don't think we should get ourselves in such trouble. Bye and tell your friends we will go tomorrow."

After talking with Sans, Clay took a taxi to go to the hunter's associations. The hunters association was a huge tall black building. Its walls were covered in enchanted concentrated Niktide making it able to survive even a nuclear bomb.

Clay walked into the building past security and into the reception. He then walked in front of a girl wearing a pretty black dress.

"Hello, I am here for my hunter's license." Smiled Clay.

"I sent you a level-1 personal info contract if you sign it your watch will give us level-1 personal info about you."

Clay clicked agree and the form was automatically filled.

"We have an examiner ready in room 16 in the hallway to your left, please go to that room and have your blessing confirmed.

"Understood, thank you." Clay walked to room 16. The metallic door slid open. He then walked inside a white room, the walls seemed to be covered in a foam-like material. A man walked in after Clay.

"Hello, there young man what's your name?"


"Ok, I got all your info here."

"A condition type uh. Don't worry kid even though condition types can be limiting as long as you work smart you can use artificial conditions."

"Thanks." Fake smiled Clay.

"Here, wear the VR set. I will first put you in the environments you have already gotten your ability in. Then in a new environment."

Clay nodded and then wore the headset after sitting down on a chair.

[Join Hunter association ability testing site?]


Clay pressed yes and was teleported into a forest.

"On the report, it says you got 2 abilities each from a forest environment and the flower dimensions, show them now so can be recorded..."

Clay showcased his abilities for the examiner. After his surroundings changed and he was now in a cave.

>You are in an {Troglobiont} environment<

Calculating affinity…

{Troglobiont} affinity: 16%

{Troglobiont} and {Arboreal} are in the group {Bounded beings}.

Can use all {Arboreal} abilities here.

'Wow.' Clay was shocked, as he couldn't believe his blessing could still surprise him but he was happy to be wrong.

"So something happened?"

"Yep. Looks like a can use my forest abilities in a cave cause they are in the same group."

"That's great news for you boy. This isn't actually the first time we found secrets in a blessing, this is the resource only the hunters association holds. You will find many like-minded people who can greatly help you here." advertised the examiner.

"You pass the test with flying colors. Logout of VR now."


Clay took off the headset and followed out with the examiner. "Kelly, Mr. Forth here now is a Rank-E hunter do the proper procedures."

"Understood Sir."

After the examiner left. Kelly uploaded the hunter's app on Clay's watch and told him all he needed to know about being a hunter. Finishing all his work in the association Clay returned to his room. "Arby did you get detected"asked Clay.

"No my lord" replied the watch Clay was wearing. "One night was enough for me to learn and become stronger than those machines and software."

"Well, my blessing did call you a marvel of technology." Happily said, Clay.

"So Arby what can you do?"

"I have access to all of the hunter's associations database and automatic devices."

"Always be careful the association must have their own blessed with technological abilities." Warned Clay.

"Understood my lord."

"Sent a copy of the manuals, Critical sword, Perfect punch, and Master of all." These three manuals were the know best training guides for swordsmanship, fist fighting, and basic weapon control. Now Clay used a sword but he knew it would be best for him to learn how to use all types of weapons cause his {Experienced} made him very comfortable and good at using but it didn't make him use them perfectly.

Arby then transferred the manuals to Clay's watch.

"Do all my coding work while finding me a better way to make money."

"Lord I already know the best way to make money."

"Really? what is it?"

"Cheating in gambling."

"Ok, how do we do it."

"It would be too risky to do it externally. If you get me in their server room I can fully control their online games and manipulate them to my will."

"I will think about it later. I don't think I have the ability to do it now."

"My lord I can actually do it quite easily. If you can feed me a Fly-30 I will be able to infiltrate by myself and if something does happen to me you can just recreate me with some adamentide."

"That actually could work."Contemplated Clay.

"My lord we would be talking a small amount of money from a gambling behemoth. It is a victimless crime."

"I don't care about that. Since childhood I have pirated stuff. That kind of stuff doesn't bother me. I am just scared this is going to be a slippery slope eventually leading me to be a full-on villain."

"I can see your concern. I shall find a new plan."

"Wait a sec..." Calmly said, Clay. "No need to get a new plan. Your plan is good, order a Fly-30."

"My lord what about your concern of this being a slippery slope."

"If this is a slippery slope I will happily slide it down for power. I know who I am, my parents raised me to be good I am not some weak child that will lose myself to power. I may be a selfish arrogant bastard but I am not evil." Determination surged in Clay's eyes. "Mother Earth gave me such a powerful blessing I would be an idiot to bow to fear and nerf myself."