[Bonus] Brawl?

We reached the goal for power stones so here is the bonus. 80 is the next goal for a bonus.


Clay dropped off Arby in an underground parking lot. The parking lot was under Alte the biggest online gambling company on planet Fennec. Arby had hacked the building's system making it extremely easy for him to fly into the server room. "My lord, it seems like breaking into the servers will be harder than I thought. A technological blessed must have messed around with it to try and make it unbreakable."

"So the plans a flop?"

"No my lord he tried to make it unbreakable and... it's done. I put a simplified version of myself on the servers. It will do the dirty work for us and also be undetectable."


"Arby S1 logs small amounts of money as the wins of gamblers but sends this directly to your Shadowrock bank account. Shadowrock looks like a normal bank on the outside but it's actually a neutral bank of sorts. They don't investigate suspicious money at all and that's why is the choice for rich people to embezzle money or hide untaxed money there."

"My lord even though it's small amounts of money, the flow is so fast you have earned 160k already. I capped Arby S1 at 1 million, if you want I can increase or decrease this amount."

"Well done, you have surpassed all my expectations of you. I can't believe I am rich." Clay had a huge smile on his face.

"Gift something worth 2000 credit to my mom and dad. Any more and they would freak out. Buy a good weapon that can handle elementals and also things that you can eat to be more useful. Some adamantine too, with your current amount you can't even mimic my sniper's full size."

"Understood my lord."

"I will leave you here. I am going to go hunt with Sans and his new friends."


Four people were standing in front of a huge gate made of different shades of red flesh. The flesh seemed to pulsate giving the illusion the whole gate was moving. The inside of the gate was filled with floating dense red particles.

"Can I inhale those?" Asked Clay.

"Sure but it kinda tastes like metal." Said a girl with a huge greatsword on her back. She was Laila a Rank-1 Flame Warrior who was also a member of the 'Fire of truth'. She had dyed red hair to suit her red armor.

The flame dimension was known for giving out the most blessings and thus had the highest number of blessed under its will. The 'Fire of truth' was a guild made exclusively for people blessed by the flame dimension. It was also the strongest guild as they had the most destructive fire and also the strongest healing flames.

"Good thing Sans and I don't need to breathe like you mortals ahahahha..." John laughed.

"How funny," said Laila with sarcasm.

John was a bone archer. Similar to Sans he could transform into a skeleton, of course, his form was different than Sans'.

"Let's just get in." Clay hurriedly walked into the gate while holding his breath.

The muscle dimension was a horizontal dimension without any solid boundaries, making it way more dangerous than the blossom dimension.

The muscle dimension was completely different than the blossom dimensions. Instead of a grassy field, they were teleported into a red underground cave. The only source of light was blood-red gems on the floor and walls.

"Let's not move too far away from the gate." Said Sans.

>You are in a {Musculi} environment<

Calculating affinity…

{Musculi} affinity: 36%

Reached 20% affinity

Obtained {Musculi} class: Unfaithful Brawler

Obtained ability:

{Thews Boasted}-Muscles expand and body power increases by 30%. Due to larger muscles, speed is decreased by 10%.

{Sartorius Whip}- A summonable whip

'Damn 36%. I completely forgot that I am made up of muscles. Of course, I would have a good affinity with it. I thought with leaving behind Arby, this was the perfect time to practice 'Perfect Punch' and this class is perfect for that. If I get into a pickle I will summon the whip to help me out... What! I didn't get anything moved to my natural body...'

The group kept on walking and found a minotaur with big muscles and a huge ax in its hand.

"This will be hard. Even though this Minotaur is not an elemental. It should be very fast and strong. John shoot at its knees if we can slow it down. Victory is ours." Laila was the leader of the group as she has the most experience. Clay was still depressed he didn't get an ability but seeing the minotaur sobered him up.

'I will fight it will normal body as there is not starlight here my {Satrlight Bather} is useless. If things get too dangerous I will ask John for his dagger.'

The minotaur seeing them charged at them. The group split as they jumped away from the charge. The minotaur again charged but this time towards Laila. Laila activated her skill causing her sword to be covered in flames.


Laila sidestepped the minotaur's charge and tried to slash at him but he blocked it with his ax.

"This minotaur is way stronger than the rest I have fought. Sans don't try to block just dogde it."

"Understood," replied Sans.


John had successfully shoot at the monster's leg causing it to roar in pain. Even thought it will not do much any reduction in speed is welcomed. The monster in anger threw its ax at John


Sans stepped in with his shield and saved John. The monster charged at them to get its ax back. When Laila with her flame sword slashed at the monster make it stop. The monster gets angrier and angrier and started to expand in muscle size.

"Shit, it's so strong because it is an elemental beast. It must have been newly promoted."

The minotaur after usefully using its first every skill ran up to Laila and clash with her just using his hand. The flame sword managed to stab the belly of the monster but the monster forcing through the pain punched Laila in the chest. Even though her armor saved her, she flew away and was knocked unconscious.

'This is what I get for being cocky.' Clay ran towards Sans and John. Seeing Clay's action the minotaur laughed and charged at them. Seeing the minotaur coming towards them. Clay then shouted, "Sans throw the ax on the ground and run I will handle it." After saying that he activated both of his abilities. A long red smooth muscle-like whip was seen in his hands he could feel the whip feeding on his energy to exist but it was a small minuscule amount so he was fine and his body began to swell but he didn't grow much bigger as his clothes still managed to hold on.

As the monster closed up on him. Clay dodged the charge and hit the monster with his whip. The whip seemed to feed and left a light wound on the monster's back but most importantly it ate a bit of the monster's energy and grew. "So you can grow huh? Let's try feeding you some." Clay started to push in his energy to the whip making it grow longer.

The monster was pissed his energy was stolen and tried to attack Clay again. When he was shot in his back by John."Roarrr!"

Finding his chance Clay ran up to the monster and whipped its legs together tightly shocking both himself ad the answer. Then *BAM* he used his school training and did a fly high kick with all of his body making the monster fall. As the ax was close to him Clay picked it up and chopped off the minotaur's head.

"That was tough."

"Clay you ok." Said Sans with a guilty expression.

"I am good let's check up on Laila."