Your choice

The Cintara military base was the biggest base in Fennec. It was like a mini city. The base had a huge aquamarine trapezoidal prism in the middle with countless roads connecting various other buildings to it.


> You are in an {Technological} environment <

As the cars entered the base Clay's interface popped up. Seeing the interface Clay decided that must reach 60% in {Technological} before his 3-year mandatory military service.


"That blue pyramid with its tip cut off is the Life Turtle. Right?" Clay asked looking at the humongous shiny hill-like structure. "Yep that's the turtle" Nodded Farah. Currently, both of them were standing in front of a research building.

"After we test how you survived the attack. I will give you three options you can only choose one. No negotiating, it's the rules." Sternly Farah told Clay. Seeing Clay nod Farah gestured for him to follow her.

He followed her into a cube-shaped sparring room. There a bald man was standing in a lazy manner and a woman in military tactical gear was with him. "Iss thiss the guy I wire up? Seemss a bit too young." Slurred the man. "Do it" Commanded Farah coldly. The man seeing her behavior straightened up and walked up to Clay. He poked Clay six times in different places with both his index fingers. "Tell me when to activate it." The man walked back to where he was standing before.

Clay was creeped out by the guy and his actions but he already knew what was happening as he was told before. This man has the same blessing as the guy who killed everyone on the train. Of course, this guy was of a way lower rank and not as strong as the other.

Clay bent down and touched the floor. Instantly his body turned into the same material as the floor his clothes included. Seeing that Clay was ready Farah nodded at the man.

*Thud* *Thud*

Clay's body was cut into multiple chunks causing them to fall apart. 'This is a very interesting ability. It's similar to the ground element's rock body. This condition-type blessing makes him a good ruins explorer.'

The chunks started to move slowly and merged to the closest chunk to them. Clay figure was eventually recovered.

*Clap* *Clap*

"This is a very good ability you have Clay. It even protects your clothes making it better than abilities like rock body." Praised Farah. "When you join the military show them this ability and you might get put in an exploration team."

"Thanks for the praise."

"Let's go to my office. We will talk about your compensation there." Farah walked and Clay followed. The atmosphere in the building was solemn and everyone seemed tense. "Is the news about the train released?" Guessed Clay. "Yep, we contacted the media as we wanted to make sure their article didn't contain any info about the general. A general is a massive deterrent if news got out, he was not in his post the beast or Gierriers may try something." Clay nodded as he had seen a video of a general single-handedly destroying half an army.

Farah's office was a medium size room with wood design wallpaper and many decorations including family pictures. This made the room feel very cozy and very different from the rest of the building.

Sitting down in her seat Farah pointed at her desk. "Select which one you want." On top of the desk, there were 3 items. One was a paper saying 'Start as an officer,' the other was an expensive-looking sword, and the last a suit of modern armor. "What rank are swords and armor good for?" asked Clay. "Top tier rank-2."

"I will choose to start out as an officer then." Easily chose Clay. Due to Arby, he was very rich he could get rank-2 weapons as soon as he reached F-rank in the hunter association which he had already reached the requirements by slaying all those minotaur's. To become an F-rank all he had to do was the rank-up quest.

"Good choice, as an officer you get more options and better treatment." Farah seemed pleased with Clay's decision.

"If you don't mind could you tell me a bit about the Blood Daemons?" Hopefully asked Clay. "I understand how you feel but most information about them is confidential."