Sky like

After having breakfast with his parents Clay drove to the forest so that he could grind his Areolar affinity. Today was a sunny day so with the ability {Light Bather} he would get at least a 50% in both mental and physical. 'I have started to really enjoy the sun after getting {Light Bather} it feels so relaxing now. I now understand why people blessed by the Starlight are so tanned, they must spend all day under their planet's star.'

As he pulled up to the hunter's clubhouse parking, he saw many guild buses. He knew they were guild buses as they had the same symbols on them. An upside-down rose held by a mechanical hand. This was the symbol of Wildhands guild, one of the largest guilds on planet Fennec.

Out of curiosity, Clay walked up to the busses. 'Is a guild raid happening now?'

"Yō kid what you doing here go, hurry up and join the rest of the raiding party we will leave soon." Loudly said a short man in formal clothes. "I am not part of your guild; I was just curious what was happening here." Replied back, Clay.

"Oh, you are a new hunter. Well, if you are curious about the raid, you can join us." Said the man with a smug look on his face. "Of course, as you are a newbie you can only join the looting or mining team, but you should still join as it would be a good experience for you."

"Really I can just join like that?" asked a surprised Clay. "You gotta sign a waiver form and yea that's it." Replied the short man as he started tapping on his watch.

"But I am a Rank-E and isn't the Starlight dimension only allowed to Rank-C and above."

"As we are a guild as long as we have strong high rankers the government lets us take lower ranks. So, you don't have to worry about it" The man sent Clay the waiver. "You will get paid $10,000 credits if you join us in this raid."

'I can grind Arboreal anytime and this raid sounds cool even if I will not get the chance to fight. I wonder how much stronger of a boast I will get with the {Light Bather} ability in the Starlight dimension.' Thinking about this, Clay read and signed the waiver. "So, what do I do now?"

"Follow me I will take you to the leader of the looting team" The short man walked fast towards the forest. Clay walked behind him and soon saw the raiding party. They were fully geared in different types of armor and weapons. They all seemed relaxed and were chatting with each other. There were around forty people just in the raiding team. "That's our raiding team you will be safe in their hands. This time many newbies are going in but don't worry as we have our best there to guide and train them." Looking at the waiver he said "Clay, that's a nice name. Do you mind If I tell my sister about your name?"

Clay looked at the guy with a confused look. "Ok, I guess? I don't understand what you mean."

"My sister is having a boy and is looking for boy names. My name's George, sorry for the late introduction." Understanding Geroge, Clay nodded.

George took Clay in front of a group of men who were readying up their gears. "Where is Alton?" he asked them. "Is it time to go? Sorry I got distracted. Everyone hurry up." A husky voice said. The voice came from a handsome black man with short curly hair.

"No no, there is still a lot of time. I just came here to give you a new helper." Explained Geroge. "You remembered? Thanks a lot, friend, even though one extra person might now be that useful. The fact that you cared enough to find extra help is heart-touching." Smiled Alton. "I am leaving." George, getting embarrassed by the undeserved compliment, hurriedly walked away.

'I was wondering why he would just ask a random guy to join the raid.' Smiled Clay seeing this cute interaction. "What's your name?" Gently asked Alton as if Clay was a little child. "Hi, I am Clay nice to meet you Mr. Alton. I will try my best to be useful."

"I can see that we will get along nicely. Here come let me show you the gear. You will stay close to me. If you have any questions ask me anytime." Alton led Clay to a truck with its gate open. Inside were cases filled with items. "Get a neon reflective vest along with a pickaxe you like."


The looting team had a subdivision which was the mining team. Clay talked with them while they waited for the raid to start. He learned a lot about the raid while talking. The raid would be led by the leader of Wildhands. Mathew, who is a Rank-5 Poison mage. Hearing that Clay felt safe, as the most dangerous thing about the starlight beast was their speed. 'For adventure Rank-c, the average class rank is 4. A level 5 is more than enough.'

"The raids starting get in formation." Shouted Alton. The raiding group first entered the gate then the looting team got in. The Starlight gate was the most beautiful one Clay has seen. The gate was a mix of black and different shades of purple causing it to feel wavy. It has small intense white spots making it look like the night sky.