
Under the sparkles of light in the waves of the dark purplish sky. The raiding party was walking to their destination. The ground was filled made of a black rock that absorbed starlight and produced a black gas. Luckily the gas was dense and stayed very low below everyone's knees. There some also some shining white rocks. The looting party's main goal was these rocks. These rocks were capable of attracting and magnifying starlight and that's why they were ground up into powder and used within alloys that made starships, there were even weapons made of these white rocks.

As the raiding party advanced, they saw a group of monsters. 12 golems were made out of black rock and one shining golem was made out of white rock. "Squad 3 you deal with this group." commended a small man in a full metallic knight's armor. The 4ft man had long white hair that reached his knees and a 6ft long great sword strapped on his back. This man was known widely on planet fennec as the 'Waterfall.'

Squad 3 was made up of ten people. As soon as they heard the command they ran up and got into formation. The golems did the same thing, the black golems ran up and attacked the squad while the white golems stayed behind and supplied the black golems buffs and heal. It sometimes even shot a ray of starlight to help out its friends. Finally, an archer managed to kill the while golems making it way easier to finish the rest.

'Those golems were so fast and hard. I would be totally destroyed by them if this wasn't the starlight dimension. I have never felt so strong and proud, I want to run around destroying everything. I regret coming in now. This feeling I have to bury it and watch the people fight.'

'The strongest buff I got from {Light Bather} before was from the blossom dimension and it was 2x, that amount of starlight double my power. Now, this amount of starlight is overwhelming me. If {Light Bather} didn't also increase my mental strength I would have lost control out of pure excitement. This feeling is too addicting just too addicting!'

>You are in an {Starlight} environment<

Calculating affinity…

{Starlight} affinity: 12%

{Starlight} and {Blossom} are in the group Blind Faith.

Can use all {Blossom} abilities here.

'Blind Faith, huh that interesting. I wonder if the blossom dimension is a follower of Starlight. The abilities I got from it are related to Starlight directly.'


*Clink* *Clank*

Tens of men swung their pickaxes mining white rocks from the cliffside. The raid team had separated into 4 squads. Squad 1, 2, and 3 left to hunt beasts while squad 4 stayed behind to guard the miners. Clay With the combination of {Light Bather} and {Experienced} was a mining god, but he restrained himself and chatted with Arby while working at the other miners' pace. When the squads left Arby transformed into a Fly-30 so he could explore the dimensions.

'My lord, I saw a group of people close by Squad 3.' Arby informed Clay. 'This is a public dimension, it's normal for other people to be here.' Nonchalantly Clay dismissed Arby's finding as he continued to mine.

"Break time! Come here and get your food." Alton shouted as he opened up boxes that contained bagged food. These bags were called MWF standing for 'Magical Water Food.' They were called such as the bags were filled with grain size green balls and they grew to pea size when given water. They were also quite tasty and nutritious.

Picking up one bag Clay tore away the top and poured water in it. The grains instantaneously grew up. Clay then using a spoon started to eat the peas up. 'This is very good; I will buy some to take with me during trips...'

*PA* *PA*

With the two sounds, two raid members' heads were stabbed with giant arrows. "All of you put your hands up or we will kill all of you." Six people wearing black cloaks and masks blocked the entrance of the cave. "What's going on? Who are you guys? We are the Wildhands guild, stop what you're doing, or when teacher WaterFall comes, he will kill you all!" Firmly shouted a man wielding a great sword similar to Waterfalls'. He was covered in gorgeous blue armor with waves on it. His white hair was as long as Waterfall's reaching his knees.

"You must be TidalBlade, don't worry we won't dare hurt the main character of this world. We are just here to use you to kill your teacher." Said one of the cloaked men gentle voice. "Hehehehhehehe, boss that's a nice line. Please let me take care of these tasty bags." One of the cloaked men was rubbing both of his hands as he looked at the other.

The boss nodded at the slimy-sounding men and said "Don't forget to tie them up." He and the other five ran away leaving the one guy. "You guys are lucky we don't want too much of a mess." The man's hands started to wiggle and release a greenish gas. "Make elemental shields and ground walls. Shoots him!" Not knowing the strength of the other side TidalBlade made his squad go all out but it was for naught as the gas became alive and dissolved the arrows then it flew super-fast at the group of the raid and mining members. Surprisingly the gas didn't dissolve everyone but only made them fall asleep.

"Hehehe nice try but no one can escape me." Vines grew out of the ground and trapped all the fallen people.