
"Why is he just hiding in there." Clay was standing on top of a protruding rock looking around confused. Clay was eastern most side of Hiten city at the Sive beach. Half of Sive beach was covered in giant boulders, while the other was golden sand.

Clay was currently in the middle of the boulder side. Clay due to Arby knew his target was hiding in some trees nearby the beach. These tree were the same as the trees in starlight forest except smaller as the Sive beach bordered the starlight forest.

'He shouldn't be waiting for beasts as this place barely has any beasts due to the hunter's association making sure the beach goers are safe.'

"Arby the is the surrounding clear?" Clay said looking at his watch. "Its clear, there is nobody around."

Hearing Arby, Clay nodded and then started running towards the tree where his target was hiding. As he ran in the forest a interface popped up in front of him notifying him that he entered an {Arboreal} environment.

"Yo! Dude what are you doing on top of the tree." Clay shouted as he ran towards the guy.

The guy dressed in camo got startled and looked towards Clay. "Shoooosh." He hushed towards Clay. "I am doing something." He looked angrily at Clay.

"Why do you have such a big camera with you? Are you one of those creeps who takes hidden pictures of beach goers?" Clay squinted his eyes at the young looking man.

The men dressed in black had a camera with long lens. He was hiding his face with big red glasses.

"Kid I am just a tourist taking pictures for memories. Leave me alone." He hissed at Clay in a rude manner. "Must be hard travelling with such a fat camera. Also stop calling me a kid I am just two years younger than you." smiled Clay.

"Leave me alone or I will punch that smirk off your face." The man was getting very pissed at Clay. He started to dismantle his camera and put it back into his backpack. "Come on Jack, why are you being so mean. I am just excited to meet you after so long."

The man suspiciously look at Clay. "You look to young to be a messenger, are you a errand boy of the society?" Clay had no idea what this man was talking about...but it sounded interesting so he just nodded.

"I was just checking out the surrounding area before getting in. I had no malicious intensions. I swear. I am actually a huge fan of the society and have been working hard since I became a blessed to get in." He proclaimed with energy. He then climbed down the tree.

"Its understandable what you did. We promote such behavior, so don't worry about it." Clay still had his smile on his face. 'Is he playing with me. From his reaction it doesn't look like he remembers my face. Should I just come clean and beat him up.'

"My invitation said to wear the mask and wait by that boulder for further directions." He said as he looked towards a cliff. 'This guy must be joining a gang or something. I just came here for revenge, but its getting too messy. I should report this to the police."

"So Jack, what made you a fan of us? I am interested to know."

"The society is just so cool. Who wouldn't like to join. Everyone from famous heroes to big criminals are connected to it. The society is what keeps the world in balance." Jack seemed to have practiced saying this line as he perfectly recited it with joy.

"Ohhh, well said." Clay patted his shoulder as he laughed. 'Fuck me! He is talking about the 'Society of secrets,' Should I leave? It was in the news that Climaria city had a society base in it, but turns out its in Hiten city instead. The society is very lax and no matter who you are, you can join as long as you know how to. The benefits of join the society are too many to leave.'

"Let me show you a cool tech only the society has." Clay put his hand near Jack's chest as his watch broke down into silvery nanobots. That then gathered in his hand into an knife. "Thats sick!" Jack exclaimed.

"I know." Clay quickly stabbed the knife into Jack's chest, he then leaped away. "What?" Jack looked at Clay in confusion as he fell to his knees. "Fife kill him!" The air around Jake flared up as a wind elemental was formed from a tiny gust of wind. The 6 feet long elemental was made out of energy powered cyan air and had a spiral whip. Its lower body was like a tornado protecting its core. Getting its order, it locked onto Clay.


The elemental swung its whip, which shot out wind blades. Even though the elemental was fast. Clay was nearby a tree and managed to protect himself from the blade.


The elemental dispersed into air as Clay shot Jack in the face. "That was close. I really need better defensive abilities. I am too weak without my muscle armor. I really am on a spree, killing left and right."

{Technological} affinity: 47%

'Got two percent from this kill, so the other guy must be an technologically blessed.'

As Clay walked towards the dead body. Arby who had turned into a silenced pistol changed back into an watch. Clay crouched next to jack's body and searched him. Inside Jack's bag Clay found a metallic gray bowl. This bowl was actually a mask. He also found a gray card in Jack's pocket. The card had tiny random black dots. These dots were used as an id number in the society.

'I just wanted to beat this guy up and hospitalize him like he did to me. This is my punishment for being petty?...Well being able to join the society is worth it, I guess.'