Underground Base

"Hello, I would like a clean-up service."

"Your card, amount of bodies, and the cords."

"One human and these are the cords."

Clay was in a grand hall the size of a house. Its sharp roof was as tall as a 3 stories building. The hall was brightly lit by floating yellow stones. He was talking to a receptionist wearing a similar mask to him. The only difference was that her mask has a short white horizontal line in the middle of her gray mask. The receptionist was wearing a white shirt with a red vest similar to other staff members.


After killing Jack, Clay reached the spot Jack had looked at. While he was standing in that spot a purple teleportation gate opened in front of him. That gate teleported him into a private room. The room looked like a normal hotel room. As soon as he was teleported in, he heard a knock on the door. "May I enter the room." A respectful clear voice asked.

"Yes." Clay answered the door.

A handsome young man with short blond hair walked in. "Welcome to the Society of secrets." The man put his right hand on his heart and did a slight bow."

"Thank you for the warm welcome." Clay replied back still nervous.

"Sir. Please take this brochure it contains the dogma of the society. It also has the QR link that will connect your watch to the society's system. If you feel uncomfortable using your private watch. The society will give you one to use." The man spoke clearly.

Clay took the brochure and immediately scanned the QR with his watch. The man seeing that nodded and said, "Sir. I require your card to scan you in." Clay took out and gave him his gray card.

"Everything is set, Sir. What color cloak would you like."

"One matching my mask." Said Clay after thinking about it.

After giving Clay a gray cloak the man bid farewell and left.

'Arby you in?' Hopefully asked Clay. 'I can't they have multiple strong systems cross-checking. If I want to take control I will have to force in.'

'I suspected as much. Society is made by the powerful to have more power. Of course, they will be strong in every regard. Even though the federation and big figures say the Society is bad for the world. Everyone knows, everyone wants to get in. Most of the politicians are already in.'

'Transfer money to my Society account. I need to have Jack's body cleaned up fast.'


'The Society has a quest system like in games. It's a conspiracy that the previous president of the federation was killed because it was a mission in the Society. Doing these missions will give me SC. Which is society credits, with which I can improve my position and unlock many more benefits.'

'This was definitely worth it but I shouldn't get complacent. I will leave now there is nothing for me to do here. After getting stronger I will try out some quests.'

Clay walked to the giant altar-like circle in the middle of the hall. As he stepped on it a book made out of orange light formed in his hands. The book showed all the places he could teleport to within planet Fennec.

'With the society's teleporters I can quickly go to any dimension in Fennec, after I get higher rank I can go intergalactic too. The price of travel will also drop as I rank up. The further the distance the more money it cost, just going home for this base needs fifty thousand. Looks like I will not be coming here that often then.'

Clay selected Sive beach as his destination. His body was covered in orange light as he disappeared.


Clay was teleported back to the rocky shore. 'That wasn't bad. I expected way worst. Seeing his surround was empty. Clay took off his mask and ran towards where he killed Jack. The place was normal with no body or blood. 'They really are professionals.'

Clay had Arby eat the cloak and mask as he ran towards his car. Clay soon reaches the beach parking spot. The car is on and waiting for him near the entrance. 'Let's go home, I really need to eat and shower.' Clay shrugged water as Arby drove them home.

*Ring Ring*

"Hey, Tina how are you?" asked Clay. "Very happy because you will fight for our love," Tina replied back laughing.

"What? I don't wanna do that"

"Well, you have to and if you win you get a million credits and an exceptional gift."

"You should have started with that."

"You prick. Anyways let's eat out tonight, I will tell you why I need you to fight."

"Good plan, bye bye go get a tie." Clay laughed at his dumbness as he cut the call.


Tina and Clay went to a cat cafe and talked about the tournament.

"Of course for you, I would do anything. This tournament is nothing."

"Thanks so much, You don't even have to try. As long as you don't look like a coward my dad won't care."

"Sure, sounds good."

'This is a good time to show her how much I have grown. Also, the reward of a free ticket is more than enough for me to try my best.'