Claude's voice was tinted with a slight annoyance as he called her name.
Upon colliding with his firm chest, Lia hastily pushed him away.
"Lord Claude."
"Were you playing tag with Lord Torin?"
"No. Why would you say that?"
"Then he was just chasing you?" asked Claude, his gaze directed at Torin as though he expected him to answer. Torin had stopped in place, clearly flustered at the young duke's sudden appearance.
Lia felt her face flush at his teasing words. "No, that's not it either. We… were just having a conversation."
"I'm surprised you can hear each other from so far away."
His lips curved into a soft smile, but his eyes were frigid. He brushed off the dust from his hand that was leaning against the wall.
"Don't you agree, Lord Torin?" he asked, staring at him.