Maybe you just have to live for the small things, like being called beautiful or someone picking up the pen you dropped or laughing so hard that your stomach hurts. Maybe that's all that really matters at the end of the day.

Because sometimes material is just not enough to makes you happy or even sometimes material is not enough to makes you smile or laughing because all you need is someone that care for you and they are really trying to be the best person for you.

And also, sometimes they trying to makes you always smile and laugh no matter what because with all of that small things that can makes you smile and feel happy, they already have a joy by it.

And you should know that is not easy to find someone like that because these days people just become selfish and care about themself and didn't care about others and all they can think of is their own happiness.

And one day if you already fine that the one person that you really care you should keep them always by your side and never let them down because deep down that they also care for you and they don't want to let you down either.