No relationship is perfect. The goal is to keep working on it. To keep representing each other. To keep motivating each other. To keep understanding and growing from one another.

And to keep communicating. Openly, and freely. Relationship should revolve around these basic things and all i know is it's really a basic thing to do but it's very strong one and if you can stick around with it.

I am assured you that you will make it and it will be good to make your relationship stay healthy and to makes your partner happy and also it can be to lead you to be a better person if you both always trying to understanding each other.

If you feel like your relationship getting slower try to talk to your partner and find a solution together and always try to charm each other and try to make your feeling towards your partner blossom again like the first time you both meet.

And I know it will be not easy to maintenace your relationship but you should try your best and also in this situation you both needed to move together and you both needed to be in the same way and you need to trust each other and working together whenever you got into a bad situation or argument that's the only key for every problem is talk.