A Vast World (Pt. 1)

"I'll introduce myself once again. I am nameless, but I can be assigned a name, you can call me The Elder or just God. You don't know me... But I completely know you. I am the one that creates and shapes the very essence of everything, I'm the creator of this entire and vast world. I am the father of the cosmos.

You are confused right now and you didn't change your mind... You still want to kill yourself, don't you? I'll show you the cosmos so you can repent and then I'll offer you something." Said The Elder.

It looked at Andrew with a suspicious gaze.

"Alright, I guess... But I got a question." Said, Andrew.

"Go ahead."

"So... Why did you choose me? What did you see in me? I am just an old and pathetic man..." Asked him.

"Alright, first you need to understand something. There's something called the Quintessence, which is like some kind of soul. Depending on the purity of your Quintessence, it can be easier or harder to awaken its powers. And if you awaken it, depending on the complexity of your Quintessence, you can ascend to higher levels of existence.

And you, Andrew Brown. You have something others don't. Your soul seems to be extremely complex, even I struggle to comprehend it. That's why you can wake up from your illusion. You could see everything as it is. And when I mean everything I'm not referring to your current existence level, I mean everything I know about. A mere dream.

You see, if you ascend between existence levels, you'll start to realize that everything you now transcend was just some kind of fiction, an illusion. You would become transcendent from everything but yourself, because you would become real. You would become like me, even more real than me.

But to wake up you need help. You need my help. I need to wake you up, but you need to want to wake up.

Do you want to wake up?" Answered The Elder.

Andrew stopped for a second and thought about it until he understood it.

"Yes, I do." Firmly replied Andrew as he looked into The Elder's eyes.

And in less than an instant, The Elder brought Andrew to the Pinnacle of the Cosmos.

"Here we are." Said God. "Before you ascend above everything, you need to understand the Cosmos. You can see almost the whole creation from here. If you have any questions, tell me."

"Where are we?" Asked Andrew confused.

"We are at the peak of the mountain. We are at the Pinnacle of the Cosmos. It is a separate plane from everything. This place isn't physical, that's why you may feel different than before. Like if you didn't have your body anymore. We are in a place unreachable, inaccessible, and transcendent from everything below it." Replied The Elder.

When Andrew opened his eyes, he couldn't. He was already seeing, but not in the way he was used to. He was standing on some kind of glass, but it didn't follow any type of existing geometry. It was just how his consciousness processed the metaphysical realm of the Pinnacle. He tried to walk but he couldn't. He was somehow already everywhere. Looking to his right, he saw a horizon made of crystal and nothingness. When he looked to his left, he saw another horizon, made of more nothingness. But when he looked at his knees...

At first, he couldn't assimilate what he was seeing until he focused his attention on the bottom of the abyss and noticed an endless chain of interminable things without a borderline. He could see that the things were layered into an incessant hierarchy. It was infinite, or even more than infinite.

He tried playing with them as The Elder looked at him with a proud glance. Andrew felt as if some infinitesimal part of himself had left his being while still being a part of him and descended to the abyss, becoming simpler in the process. At first, he only moved the forms. Then he accidentally shattered one, then he shattered two, then he shattered three until he noticed that he wasn't playing with forms but with lives.

Then, Andrew reconstructed the ones that he demolished. He didn't know how, but he somewhat did it. It felt like an unconscious process. Like something automatic. Something weirdly typical for him.

He felt proud and delighted with his creation.

"What are those? Did I... Create those?" Asked him.

"Those are the universes, my child. And indeed, you recreated some of them." Answered The Elder proudly. "Looks like you are rapidly learning."

"I see."

"They are infinite. You can see them and you can play with them, but you can't see their exact shape. If you have an infinite amount of numbers, can you name the last one? You can't. That's how a universe works, you can't see its border like you can't name the biggest number."

Andrew stopped for a second to contemplate the magnificent Cosmos. His words couldn't describe its beauty. The pinnacle looked like a giant crystal without any borders.

Then, he tried looking through it, and he glanced at a giant structure in one of the universes. It was a huge building. It was some kind of obelisk, like the Argentinian one he saw on his vacation trip years ago.

"What is that? It looks pretty big, even bigger than the other forms."

"Ah, that is the logical structure called the Reinhardt cardinal. It exists as an entity. There is one of them for every mathematical concept, from ordinals, theorems, and transfinite numbers to even large cardinals. That's the product of mathematics being the underlying logic that reigns all of the universes. A human theorized about it, his name was Max Tegmark, you know who that is."

Andrew once again focused his attention on the bottom of the abyss, but now he saw almost the whole picture. He looked away from the universes and saw where they resided. It was massive and it didn't have any borders like the universes. You could realize it is bigger than the universes by just staring at it.

"Is that some kind of bigger universe?" Curiously asked Andrew.

"What you are seeing now is called the multiverse. Multiverses exist as an infinite hierarchy that works exactly as the ones of the universe, which is contained in the lowest megadimension. It is probably the simplest cosmic structure you know as its only role is to contain the transfinite hierarchy of universes."

"That is... really impressive, but makes sense. By the way, what is a megadimension? And you named "the lowest one"... Does that mean there are higher megadimensions?"

"A megadimension is where the multiverses exist, but many other things reside in them too. There are 3 megadimensions. The first one is yours. It is called the 'Shaped World', and in it, common beings exist. It contains every single multiverse and the things that reside in them. It is bigger than all the multiverses put together and beyond.

Then, the second one is called the 'Collective Container', it is inaccessibly bigger and superior in terms of existence level than the Shaped World. The perfect archetypes of your world inhabit it. There are exceptions like the Pinnacle of the Cosmos or the Crown since everything that inhabits them is somewhat of a supreme archetype. Like you, being the current supreme archetype of humanity and every single being that exists in the lower megadimension. Or me, being the supreme archetype of everything. It is pretty simple to grasp."

Andrew telepathically shook his head and God continued with his explanation.

"In the third one, chaos rules all over it. The energy here is in its nature is chaotic, it is unpredictable, and beyond your reasoning. It has no order or sense. The energy is disordered, but it can be ordered again. You only need to apply logic to it and you'll see how it gets automatically ordered. This megadimension is still bound by dimensions. The purpose is to bind the chaotic beings that reside in it, its number of dimensions can be represented by the Shelah cardinal. I made it like that so the things -which aren't even things- that are contained in the third megadimension can't escape because they would need to transcend all those dimensions, which is impossible, even for illogical stuff. In conclusion, the third one is even bigger than the Collective Container and beyond it, transcending it and its nature. It is the highest megadimension due to its nature.

And something separates them, the Infinite Depthspace. That's why you can't go from the Shaped World to the Collective Container, because you would need to travel an immeasurable distance to travel from one megadimension to another. Its depth is beyond infinity.

There are many other things in the cosmos, but they are more complicated to explain, do you want me to explain those?"

"Why not." Responded Andrew.