Chapter 10

"Everything okay?", Sony asked as soon as I returned to our table and sat down. I nodded and symbolized Mai that we'll talk about it later when we are alone.

"Yes, just some little family drama back home", I said in the simplest way possible so she could understand my low quality Thai.

"Yeah I noticed that your Thai is", she hesitated and I cracked a weak grin at that.

"Not good", I said and she nodded.

"Don't worry, just say what you think. I appreciate honesty more than lying so my feelings wouldn't get hurt", I said and gave her a small but honest smile. She smiled back and her eyes looked like they sparkled a little bit.

She was nice, I started to feel comfortable in her near. It surprised me but I decided to not think about it now, I had bigger problems.

"Where are you from?", she asked.

"I'm half German-half Italian, that's where I spent most time"

"So you speak quite a lot languages", I nodded while she made an impressed noise. I didn't knew what to think about that reaction but I felt my cheeks heating up a little bit.

"Who are you that you made her flutter", Mai said impresses and gave Sony an impressed smile and a thumb up.

Sony just smiled while I sat there and gave no reaction. I didn't know how to react, I was an introvert while Mai had problems talking and mocking with people. Sometimes I envied her for that, I'm pretty sure people would notice me more if I would be more extroverted. But I wasn't and now I had the salad.

"How long have you been here?"

"Max and I came 2 months ago, Mai was here earlier", I answered when I noticed that Sony looked at me and Mai therefore wouldn't speak. That brat... knew exactly how I was and still let me hanging here...

We continued eating and just as we finished Sony got a message from her brother stating the boys were back.

So we headed back to the student dorm and while now Mai got a call -probably my dad- she took Baby and Sony and I headed upstairs to her brothers room where not two but three young man sat and slung down take out.

"Ah you must be Loui", her brother said as soon as he opened the door and let us in.

While Max excitedly waved with his hand my eyes wandered to the third boy in the room and my heart stopped beating.

Oh no.....

"Everything okay?", it came from Sony who was about to give me a chair at the table but stopped when she noticed me standing in the room.

"Oh yeah, sorry just surprised", I snapped back and smiled lightly at her. She nodded and pointed to the chair.

"Oh yeah, let me introduce you two", Song said when he noticed it.

"This is Loui, she is Max's older sister", he stated and gestured towards me. The young man nodded and cracked a little smile with his mouth still stuffed with food.

"And this is a friend of ours, Macau", I know.....

Macau swallowed and nodded in my direction again.

"Hi, nice to meet you. I didn't knew Max had a sister, you don't really look alike", he said and his eyes wandered between me and Max.

"We are not blood related", I simply said and sat down as far away as possible.

Max look got confused as he saw that, I usually wasn't that extreme when I got shy around new people but seeing my look he just said:

"She can be a little reserved at the start, she is a nice person", he said and Macau nodded.

"Ah where is Baby?", Max then asked and looked around confused.

"Mai has him, she got a call but she should be here soon", I said and he nodded happily.

"Mai is here?", I nodded and he got even more exited.

"Who is Mai?", Song asked while Macau asked "Who is Baby?"

Just in that second it knocked on the door and Mai appeared.

"Oh, who of you is Song and who is the left over one?", she asked while the door wasn't even fully opened yet.

"Do you have towel? Baby's paws are a little bit dirty", she said to Sony who immediately nodded and went to action.

While demanding Baby to sit outside she quickly came in and laid her jacket and purse down while Song just stood there, clear speechless by her appearance.

"This is Song", Max stated while poking the boys leg with his chopsticks so he would stop staring and spare himself an embarrassing moment.

"Yeah, yeah! I'm Song, nice to met you", he said and smile brightly as if he would act in a tooth paste commercial. Mai turned around and smiled at him.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Mai", then she looked to Macau and turned her head to the side.

"And you are?"

"Macau", he simply said and her eyes went big and shot towards me. I hastily gestured her no and she looked back at him.

"That... is a unique name", she simply stated and I wanted to slam my head onto the table.

"Thanks", he chuckled. Max in that time got up and smashed himself onto Mai in a tight hug.

Macau looked morley confused while Songs look got unsure.

"You are together?", he then asked at which Macaus eyes went big and his eyebrows shot up.

"No, she is Loui's best friend, she is much older than us", Sony said and gave Mai the towel.

"Ahhh", both Song and Macau slumped back down and started eating.

"Max let me clean Babies paws and finish your meal", with that she got freed and went outside while max sat back down.

"Are you gonna take baby with you?", he asked towards me and I shook my head.

"If he can't stay over here Mai can take him to her hotel"

"Oh no he can stay here we sneaked him in and out successfully the past nights"

"A dog named baby sounds easy to sneak out", Macau said with a chuckle. He sounded just like his brother.

"He's not", Max said with a grin. He loved to fool people into thinking Baby was a small dog just because he was nicknamed baby.

Most people thought Baby was a poodle or a Maltese.

"What is he, a golden retriever?"

"Finished, someone is hungry", Mai stated from outside and finally opened the door fully.

Soon the black dog found its way inside the room and let Macau choke on his water in surprise.

The dog was unfazed by that and attacked Max with love the second he reached him.

"That....That", Macau tried to say while couching.

"That is Baby, isn't he cute?", Max said laughing while the rest laughed as well.

"That is not a dog one would call Baby. That thing is half my height!", he spat out.

"Mh, he is quite big indeed, but that normal for a Great Dane", I said.

"Who got the idea to call him Baby?", Macau asked and I simply pointed at Max.

"His actual name was Aight, but Max always called him his Baby. So he is now called Baby Aight", Mai said while still grinning. Then she turned to Song and waved her hand holding the towel around as to say 'where to put this'.

Song immediately jumped to action and went into the small bathroom.

"Should we watch a movie?", Max asked.

"Didn't we wanted to go out? It is Friday", Macau stated and Mai immediately jumped to action at the words 'go out'.

"Oh yes, let's go out", before I could even open my mouth she pointed in my direction.

"Don't even start to complain, we have the day free so no excuses"

With that my fate was settled.


This story is also available to read on Wattpad @cocosunny

Hello fellow readers, sadly there was a mix up with the chapters. I am very sorry for that and hope you can still enjoy the story.