My Phone rang.
"I need your help", she said directly. How nice....
"Yes, you know normally you great someone. Especially if you want something from them", I grumbled already annoyed by the problems a customer caused. That woman was getting on my nerves, I wanted him disappeared so badly.
"Would you like me better then?", she asked and I grinned.
"Then there is no need for that", she simply said and I actually let out a chuckle.
"With what do you need my help?", I asked. If she wanted to get to the point immediately it was the best. I had other work to do.
"I need more informations about Pim, she just called and asked about the progress"
"And what is the progress?"
"That I don't have her 'beloved' son yet", the 'beloved' sound as ironic as it was meant to sound.
"Which is the truth", I said and my head turned to the right where the tinted door hid the crib my son was sleeping in.
"I hope he is doing well", she said.
"He is"
"That's good"
"I don't think I can help you", I said and I meant it. Not to mention the fact that I really don't wanted to help her.
"You lived with her in the same house, you have to know something", she said and her tone actually became pleading.
"I can't imagine you not having someone's informations who lived with you under the same roof", she said.
"I have to admit that I don't. She was annoying and I didn't wanted to do anything with her", I drily spat out.
"Believe me the same goes for me, but I need these informations"
"Then get them, you where able to hide and go unnoticed by us so you shouldn't have a problem"
"This is about your child"
"My child is safe and it will be for the rest of its life"
"But mine isn't and I have to give her your child to get mine back. Aren't you a single bit grateful that I turned up to and told you that this bitch is trying to get your son?", she asked sounding very displeased.
"You wouldn't get the chance to take my child", she had the audacity to laugh at that and it was a mad laugher. God this woman....
"Oh you are so wrong with this, I had the chance to take your child, I had so many chances to do it. I was in his room so often, I sat on the chair in the corner and stared at your sleeping child so often while you slept peacefully in the room next door", she said and it was getting more and more clear that she was getting angry- and that she was definitely crazy.
"You are crazy", I gritted and she laughed again.
"You might know the best how it feels to be crazy Vegas Theerapanyakul, don't you?"
"I don't sit in other peoples rooms and stare at their sleeping kids"
"Because I have to deal with the manipulative stepmother you chased away who took my sister in exchange for your son. You don't have to decide if you take the easy way and give a child into bad care or take the complicated way to try get your little sister back without having to ruin a child's life AND risking your own", she spat out.
"Call me crazy all you want, but I'm trying to do the right thing"
"I still can't help you, I don't have informations about her and the ones I have are probably the same ones she gave you", I said.
"You can help me and you know it"
"Then tell me how"
"You've got connections", with that I knew what was coming.
"Fine, that's all I could get", I said and smacked the folder on the coffee table.
"That's not much, but more than I hoped for", she said and grabbed it.
"Thank you", she said and gave an honest look. There wasn't a smile but her eyes told.
"With that I'm done here", I said and wanted too stand up but her leg immediately raised up and set down her foot on the bench, blocking me from getting out of the booth.
"Not so fast mister", she said and her eyes demanded me to sit down. In moments like this it was noticeable that she was indeed the first child of a mafia boss, even if it was just the second family.
"I gave you everything I could find, what do you want more?"
"That Club", she pointed on one page in the rather slim folder I brought with me to the café. "I know it, but I won't get in, if I go there alone it will be to suspicious", she ended her sentence.
"And you want me to go there with you?", she nodded.
"Oh I ain't got time for this", I blurred out.
"I need your help, it is for Venice- and Julie", she added the last part in a lower voice.
"I have enough to other problems, If you remember- I have family business to take care of"
"I know, this guy is a pain in the ass, you should just get rid of him. Otherwise he will get gready and thinks he can bring you down", she simply said and I slumped back in disbelieve. My hands come down on my thighs with a loud smack.
"Anything you don't know about me?"
"Oh I'm pretty sure there is quite a lot left that you have to yourself", she shrugged her shoulders.
"Well I'm glad about that" I said coldly.
"See, I know you are cold to most other people and you are reckless but let me tell you that it won't function with me. You won't scare me off with that cold and reckless behavior and that grin is not threatening at all, I can do that too", I knew. I just sat there in silence.
"Help me with the club and I help you getting rid of that guy", she then said.
"I can get rid of him myself"
"I know, but I could get him from much farer away", she stated. I thought about it and then decided it was a good opportunity for me to be sure she actually was as good as she stated - even if deep down I new she was right with her statement.
"Okay, but I'll send two of my own men with you", she nodded at that.
"Of course, trust is good but control is better right?", she said and cracked a grin.
"Stop that"
Her smile just cracked open on the other side. For the first time she let that part be visible in her look a little bit. We definitely had something in common.....
This story is also available to read on Wattpad @cocosunny
Hello fellow readers, sadly there was a mix up with the chapters. I am very sorry for that and hope you can still enjoy the story.