Chapter 12 (KenLoui)

"So...", we drove quite a lot until we arrived in the next city.

"Are you hungry?", I simply said and turned my head around.

"What?", he looked at me in disbelief.

"Are you hungry?", I asked again and already took my phone out to look for the next fast food restaurant.

"Are you serious right now?", he asked while looking around as if he was searching for a hidden camera.

"Yes I am, I have to eat and take my medicine so....", I found one and nodded towards the steering wheel.

"You literally kidnapped me, after ruining my wrist!", he started to yell and I simply raised my eyebrow.

"I did not ruined your wrist", I said. After an hour we had stopped and I treated his wound. It got cleaned stitched and bandaged so it wouldn't get infected.

"You had to stitch it!"

"Now will you stop screaming like a hysterical house wife!", I snarled at him.

"You kidnapped me!"

"You chased me!"

"You shot at me!", my brows came together.

"I did not shot at you, I shot your friend"

"What friend?"

"The guy that was with you", now we both were equally confused.

"He caught me sneaking away", he drily admitted.

"So why did you told me to shot?", I was definitely confused right now, what was going on...

"I looked for a way out and then I saw you so I told him that I had a partner with me and since he wasn't listening I used my hands"

"I thought you asked for help or wanted to warn me because the grenade!", I said out loud.



"He had a grease?", he asked the hysterical tone coming back again.

"Yes That's why I shot him!", then it actually hit me.

"You dragged his attention towards me, he could have shot me!", I hit him for that, with the gun still in my hand.

"But you shot him"

"Then why did you chased me?", seriously why?

"You pointed you weapon at me!"

"I was looking at you, what do you expect my eyes to be huh? Do I look like an eagle?", I snapped and pointed at my eyes which were opened wide.

"You pointed a gun at me, just after you reacted so fast. You shot like Usain Bolt just in shooting sorry that I shit my pants for a second!"

I suddenly had to laugh. I leaned back and just laughed.

"Why are you laughing?!"

"I thought I shot your best friend or something", I still laughed. So hard that my tummy already started to hurt.

"That piece of shit? I'd rather be best friends with an alligator who didn't ate for like two months", I just gave him a look and continued laughing.

After a few seconds he chuckled and then started to laugh as well. There we sat and laughed.

"So we agree that we don't plan to harm one another?", I said and he nodded.

"Words. Use your mouth-", I just then realized I didn't knew his name.

"What's your name?"

"Ken", I stopped the laugh that came up my throat so it ended up sounding like a constipated pipe.


"Sorry, but who would name their kid Ken"

"My mom did"

"Where does your mother came from that she'd give you such a name?"

"Thailand and besides it's not my actual name. Ken was my nickname given to me, but the orphan house said they don't know my actual birth name so they simply took my nickname"

"You're an Orphan?"

"I don't know, my mom left me there and my brother and went away.

"You have a brother?", he nodded. Then he stopped me when I opened my mouth again.

"Hold on, I wanna know your name first", I nodded at that. Understandably...

"Louisiana Berlusconi", I said and his head turned around so har d I thought he would start to spin on his neck.


"You're the boss's daughter?"

"Not the main family, my dad leads the second family", I said.

"I didn't knew that either!"

"I know, he doesn't make an effort to mention that he has Kids, he wanted a boy and got two girls"

"You've got a sister?"

"Mh, she's a few months olds. Her name is Julianna"

"Max is 12"

"Ouh, puberty", I flinched and made a face.

"Max is a good boy"

"Puberty hits them all"

"Good luck in a few years then", he huffed and a nodded.

"So, you're hungry now or not?", I asked again and he nodded.

"Then-", I motioned towards the street and he started the car.

"Don't you need to go back?", he asked while we where approaching the fast food store. I just shrugged my shoulders.

"I hardly believe he care about that if he even notice's it"

"How can he not notice that his best shooter and daughter is missing?"

"That happened more times than he actually asked for me"

"Damn, we're both pretty fucked with our families", I nodded at that and while we ordered the food I just looked out the window.

"I need to call Max when we have the food, he might be waiting for me", he mumbled and I nodded.

"Did you ordered something for him too?", I asked and he nodded.

I paid with my dad's card and we went down the street.

"You can use that card just as you want?", I nodded.

"Won't he notice?", I shook my head.

"If he did he didn't do anything against it. I've been taking money to the side since I was 6 or 7. He never acted like he suspected something"

"Why? I mean money is always good", I nodded at that.

"I will have to care for Julie, he won't move a single finger"

"What about your mother?"

"She's ill, she won't make it through this year", I said and my look got sad. I loved my mom, but she was too soft for a man like my father. I was actually surprised that she managed to live with him for that long and give him another child. But now she gave up. She was nothing than a shadow of herself nowadays and she got sick so easy. Sometimes I thought she was actually intending to get sick so she wouldn't have to kill herself, now matter how broken she was, she would die with her pride and therefore not kill herself.

"No hope?", I shook my head.

"She don't want to get healthy", he seemed to understand.

"You can't save someone who don't want to be saved"

"Exactly", with hat we drove to a nearby parking lot and he called his little brother.

After some discussion I simply offered that we would pick him up and eat together.

"Wait a second", Ken then said and left the car.

"What are you doing?", i asked and saw him kneeling down in front of the car.

"Searching if they fixated new tracker or something else"

"Now?", he looked up at me and rolled his eyes.

"May I remind you that I thought your were planning to kill me until 30 minutes ago?", I closed my mouth again and than went around the car to check the backside.

"Nothing at the back, trunk is clean too", I said after 15 minutes and he simple opened the hood to check there.

"There we go", he said and held a little black thing in his hands that he simply threw on a truck that drove by on the road beneath us.

"That was the only one?", he nodded and we both got in the car.

After another 30 minutes we arrived at a motel where a little boy stood with two bags ready to go.

"You're leaving?", I asked as the boy approached him and he nodded. Then he and the boy-I supposed it was Max, their relation was obvious- started to talk.

I didn't understood a single word.

"We will drive to another city, I went away from my job without a word so they won't be amused about that", he said close to my ear so his brother wouldn't hear and I nodded.

Then we got into the car and the little boy leaned forward. Skeptically he looked at me and then at his brother.

"This is Louisiana", he introduced me in English. Realizing that the boy started to talk in English too.

"I'm Max"

"Nice to meet you, just call me Loui", I said and smiled. Than I opened one of the bags and gave it to him so he could chose what he wanted.

"I thought you went to work, not bringing someone home", he said while chewing away on fries.

We both chocked on air at that.

"I met her at work"

"I kidnapped you", Max stopped eating and looked at his brother who clearly had planned not to mention that detail of your meeting.

"She kidnapped you?", the boy asked and I nodded while Ken just looked away.

Max began to laugh at that.

"Oh wow, you're cool. I like you", he said and then leaned back and started to eat.

I turned around and cracked a grin at that.

"He likes me, I'm cool", I said mockingly and he just rolled his eyes.

"Just eat already", with that he started the car again, we needed to bring more distance between us and the fast foot restaurant.

"Where should we let you out?", he asked while driving. I just told him an address and gave him another fry.

"You sure you can come back home?", he asked and I nodded.

"Yes, no one will care", I simply said and I meant it. I was lucky if he looked at me and actually realized it was his daughter standing in front of him.


"Ah, if you're searching for an Hotel or something, drive there and ask for Mai. She is safe", I said and gave Max a little card so he could take out for them.


"I'll tell her who is searching for you, she will get a save place for you both".

We ended up driving along and listening to music and singing to it.

Somehow it didn't felt strange at all to sit in this car with this man I just met and his little brother in the back. It felt save, as if there was a strange connection that told us we had the same problem even tho we might live different.

They let me out at the backside of my house, no one ever cared about that door, nobody knew it was still functional....

"Bye, maybe we'll again some time", I said and waved them goodbye.

I didn't realized how fast I would meet them again.....


This story is also available to read on Wattpad @cocosunny