There I was, caught in a big room that still felt to small with all these people moving there bodies around. The air was sticky and heavy from smoke.
"You look like you would rather die than being here", someone screamed in my ear but through the loud music it was almost like whisper. I turned my head and saw Sony with a drink in her hand.
"You don't drink alcohol?", I thought about to just shake my head but somehow I wanted to talk to her.
"I do!", as an answer I got a confused look and I sighed. Then I simply leaned to her ear.
"Control", I simply said while noticing the shiver that went over her skin. Did I went to close? Was she uncomfortable?
"O-OKay", did she just stutter?
In a second I reconsidered my mind and grabbed her hand, dragging her along with me to the bar.
"One Jacky-Coke", I screamed and the barkeeper nodded.
"You don't have to drink"
"I want to", I answered and waited until I got my drink. My eyes wandered around the room to search for Max. He was on the dance floor with Macau. I wasn't sure if I should feel uncomfortable or not. Did he knew me? Did Vegas or Pete talked to him about me?
I was sure he knew what was going on, but did he realized it was me?
He didn't seemed like this but I had to get Max alone for just a minute so I could talk to him. It wouldn't be good if he accidentally told him something and Macau would realize who I am and therefore who Max was. They seemed to be quite good friends and I didn't wanted Max to lose that.
A tab on my shoulder let me turn around to Sony now holding both drinks.
"Can you keep an eye on mine for a second?", I asked and when she nodded I motioned her with my finger to wait and that I'll be back.
I pushed myself through the dancing crowd until I spotted Max and Macau. To my luck Macau seemed to tell him something and a second later he went off and I saw his figure distancing itself to the bar.
I grabbed my chance and went to Max.
Grabbing his wrist I walked in the opposite direction. Pushing him into a niche I made sure no one would hear us and turned around.
"Did something happen?", Max asked and I half nodded- half shook my head. He just looked confused.
"Listen, how close are you to Macau?", he looked to the side and seemed to think about it.
"We are close friends"
"Did you talked to him about anything family related?", I asked- desperately hoping they did not. He shook his head.
"Do.Not. Talk to him about anything family related, especially your brother", I said.
"Do you know his last name?", he shook his head.
"Don't worry, I won't tell him. I won't get you in trouble, he is just a frie-"
"His last name is Theerapanyakul", I interrupted him. His mouth stopped on it's way to close itself. His eyes didn't went bigger but I could see the realization in them.
"Are you sure?", I nodded.
"I'm sorry", he looked down and then to the side. Biting his lips he shook his head in conflict.
"What do I do now?", he looked sad.
"Just be careful what you say", we just stood there. His hand going through his hair multiple times while his eyes roamed over the room not knowing what to do now.
Then it hit me.
"You like him", I said.
"He is a good friend", he mumbled.
"NO, You like Him", I said again. His head went slack.
Oh no.
He nodded.
Oh no no no no.
"I'm sorry", I said and hugged him.
"It's fine", no it wasn't. The first time he liked someone and then it was Macau.
The problem wasn't Macau himself. I'm pretty sure he was a nice guy, but he was Vegas little brother, his father had killed Ken.
Our Ken, his brother.
I saw Macau coming back and coming in our direction.
"He's coming", I said and straightened up.
"What do I do now?"
"Just be careful", with that I went away before Macau would see me.
Making my way back to Sony I saw her younger brother.
I knew it.
That boy was actually flirting with Mai. Oh dear Lord.
"Everything okay?", she asked me as soon as I got there. I nodded.
"Where were you?"
"Max", she looked in the direction I came form and saw Max and Macau talking to each other.
"I think they are having something going on there", she said with a grin to which I nodded.
"That's why I talked to them"
"You have something against it? Because they are boys?", her look got confused if not to say unsure.
"I'm Bi, I have nothing against it", I said and she obviously relaxed.
"Good to know"
"Why?", now I was confused. She seamed to trip over her words for a second.
"I told Max to take a step, they were circling each other like blind lions", she pressed out while her eyes went around the room.
"Ahh", I simply said and then took my drink from her hand and gulped down a good amount.
"Woah, go slow", she said.
"That won't get me drunk, don't worry"
"You sure?", I nodded and poked my own belly, minoring the slight but yet still noticeable pain.
"I'm heavier, my body breaks it down faster"
"Ahh", she said and looked were my finger was on my tummy.
Then I took the next sip and looked around, all few seconds looking in Max's direction.
"He seems shy, I wonder what Macau is telling him", I heard Sony giggling next to me. He wasn't shy.
He didn't knew what to do know that he knew who Macau was.
I knew it didn't helped that I still gave him my okay, because now he had to debate with himself if he could accept the fact that the father of his crush took his brother away from him- and me, he surely was also thinking about me. He counted me as family since the second time we met.
I felt so sorry for him, but I still had to say it.
I wasn't his mother and he surely didn't actually saw me as a mother- more like a sister- but I now understood what my mother told me when she was pregnant with Julie.
"Parents ruin the most dreams".
They did, even if they're just the person who cares for the child.
"You will let them get together?", Sony asked from the side and I nodded.
"In a good speed, I don't want them to rush things"
"They might have already sped up things", she slowly said and probably hoped I wouldn't hear her.
My head wiped around.
"Nothing", she hastily said and tried to take a sip of her cocktail.
I stopped her by gripping her blouse and pulling her close to my face while my other hand hold hers holding the drink so it won't spill.
"What?", I said again and she nervously licked her lips while her eyes wandered around.
"They might not", I gave her a 'seriously' look and she sighed.
"Just tell me, I just want to know, no one will be punished", she just blinked at that. Her breath seemed to be heavier now, I was just holding her. Not even aggressively.
"I just walked in on them, I think they kissed"
"They were wearing clothes, all hands were visible!", she added and I simply nodded.
"Anything else?", I asked and looked her straight in the eyes. She seemed to get even more nervous, was she drunk already? She seemed a little tipsy...
"You smell good", Huh...
I looked at her confused.
"Pardon?", she didn't answered just let her eyes wandering over my face.
What was happening?
She opened her mouth but nothing was to be heard. I looked down to read from her lips but they weren't even moving. They just parted a little more, her tongue darting out to moisture them.
I watched intently how the red muscle peaked out and slipped back into her mouth. Would she talk already?
She wouldn't.
She just simply leaned forward and kissed me.
She kissed me
She kissed -
Oh Lord.
I froze...
I just stood still, even after she was already gone into the crowd.
This story is also available to read on Wattpad @cocosunny