"Are you okay?", I nodded and walked next to the young man.
"Just a rough night", I looked around and observed the people around me.
"This is the club?"
"Yes, they met here", Vegas said and just looked straight forward. I knew he observed everything already, he was better at this than me. I wasn't good at reading people and their behaviour, I got reminded of that last night.
"I saw you as someone who wants to keep control", I looked up at him and raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"You look like you drunk the whole bar last night", he said while opening the door and holding it open for me.
"Almost I think"
"And you are able do this right now?", he asked and motioned towards the corridor we just entered.
"I never had an hangover, I remember everything. It takes a lot of alcohol to actually make me forget things"
"So something happened last night that confused you and you drank a lot so you could say you forgot", Vegas knew he was right. Damn it that man....
"How do you wanna know?", he just looked at me knowing I just asked this particular question because he was right.
"I tried it once with Pete", he sighed and I actually snorted at that.
"And you thought you might have a chance?", he grinned at that before his mouth went back into a straight line.
"Yes, I quickly learned that Pete is probably the only person I will never be able to lie to", he said but he looked proud.
"How long did you need to get that into your head.
"Not as long as I imagined but it was hard"
"I know, I had the same with Ken once the realisation hit", I said and we continued walking towards the next door.
Behind that the chaos became visible.
"Jesus Christ", I muttered and tried to understand what was happening.
We made our way through the all the people who either made out on the next available table or tried to smash each other's heads.
"I didn't remembered it being such a chaotic place", he muttered as we both looked after someone who looked like they had a word in what was happening here.
"Have you been here again after they met?", I asked and ducked under a Glass that went flying across the room.
"A few times when my dad had a deal but after three weeks they met somewhere else. He let her move in after two months or so", he muttered.
"Not really careful", he nodded at that.
"But my dad is the same, 5 weeks and she moved in", our facial expressions probably looked quite the same. God we hated that woman.....
"What a bitch....", I muttered absently. Just the pure thought about this woman made me angry, every little thought about Pim immediately lead to Julie.
"Exactly "
"Alright let's find the manager", I said and straightened my shoulders.
"At the bar", he simply said and I looked at him. Did that meant I had to go myself?
Social anxiety was kicking at its finest.
"For what are you waiting?", he asked when I still stood next to him.
"Don't tell me you're scared to ask someone a simple question?", he huffed and my eyebrows found their ways together as I frowned.
"You got raised like a first born should be raised okay? I spend nearly my whole life in the background. Most partners of my dad don't even know I exist and even if they notice me they are still surprised when they find out I'm his daughter. I never got taught to speak to someone",I said.
"At least not in a way that would make clear I don't accept a no", I said and the man next to me huffed again. At least he wasn't actually pitting me.
"Your dad is either completely dumb or he knows how much more dangerous you would be if he thought you all that", he said and went to the bar.
"Time to start your lessons", with that he shoved me in front of him and nodded at the bartender.
"What do you want?"
"The manager, call him", I simply said and felt a hand poke my back when the bartender raised his eyebrows.
"And why?", oh Jesus why did I had to do this?
"Not your business, call your boss", I said. Another tap on my back.
"What if not?"
"Bullet", I said and motioned my fingers into a gun and pointed them towards the guys head.
That damn ass chuckled and continued to wash the glass he was holding.
I huffed in frustration, that's why I stood in the background.
"Ey!", I snapped and the guy turned around again.
"What do you want you fatty?", he snapped back.
"Fatty wants to see your boss, now. Or you get a bullet into your head, right between your eyes-and believe me, when I want it to be perfectly in the middle it will me perfectly in the middle", I growled and turned to Vegas.
"Translate", I simply said.
And so he did and the guy chuckled again.
"I don't even know who you guys are", he said which was actually meant for me. He definitely knew who Vegas was, his eyes were unable to lie.
"She's with me, so it's a problem of the Theeraphanyakun Family"
"Why do you sent someone like her, I thought you had good people"
"Fuck his ass, I wanna punch him so fucking bad", I mumbled. Both men looked at me.
"What did she say?", the bartender asked and Vegas just shrugged hi shoulder.
"I don't speak that language, but it wasn't nice that's for sure. Be careful with what you say, she is way more dangerous than she looks"
"Get your boss or I'll lose my cool", I said and got my gun.
"You sure you can handle that?", he said. That man obviously thought I was a joke.
"Oh for god sake2", I snapped and with a quick motion of my armed hand the security cam in the corner went off.
"Get me your boss or the next goes between your eyes", I said and finally the men seamed to realise.
"O-Ok!", he stuttered and went to the back.
"Fuck my life", I said and turned around. While Vegas looked rather unfazed the rest of the room looked at me and at the broken camera on the floor.
"What, don't you have to smash a head or eat someone's tongue?", I barked and turned around again. I wanted to get away from here as soon as possible. This place definitely suited someone like Pim.
The bartender came back and opened the door behind the bar for us.
"This way", he said and we followed him.
At the end of the corridor another door opened and behind a desk sat a slim man that looked like he fell into an oil tank. He was tidy and all but the vibe he gave wanted me to vomit.
"What can I do for you?", after he introduced himself.
I looked at the bartender and he looked at me.
"Don't you have to mix cocktails or something?", he went instantly.
"She doesn't look scary", the guy mumbled.
"She will be if you don't take her serious", Vegas said. Of course the guy took him serious.....
The man looked at me.
"I want to know more about one of your former ladies that worked here", I said and the guy nodded.
"Which one?"
"Pim", I said and he looked confused.
"Who?", I sighed and got the picture out that showed my father and her. The guy took a closer look and his eyes went big.
"Ahh, Berlusconi", then he looked at me fearful.
"You know Berlusconi?", was he going to shit his pants?
"Yes", I simply said. Oh please don't shit your pants...
"Oh okay, she called herself Mary when she worked here. She came to look for Berlusconi when she started to work here, but he wasn't interested. So she went for your father", he said and Vegas nodded.
"So my father was here a few years ago?", I asked and the guy nodded then choked on his spit when he realised what I said.
"Your father?", I waved my hand.
"Not important, why was he here", I asked and waved with the picture in front of his head.
"He had business with mr. Theeraphanyakun, that's all I know", he hastily said.
"And Pim?"- "Or Mary", I asked after I remembered she used a different name.
"She came from a club further down", he hastily grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down what seamed an address before handing it to me.
"That's all I know", we nodded and went back to the club room. The bartender now avoided looking at us while we left the club.
"Did you knew our dad's had business?", I asked as we walked back to the car. He shook his head.
"Your whole clan is called Berlusconi?", I nodded.
"Then not, he never mentioned the name", he said and seamed a little surprised too.
"I'll got there tomorrow or so, Thanks for your help", I said and he simply nodded.
"Can I let you out somewhere? I promised Macau to help him and a friend with a project", he said and I nodded.
Mentioning that, I had to talk to Max again.... And Sony.....
This story is also available to read on Wattpad @cocosunny