Chapter 15

"I need you for a job, take the helicopter at 12- I'll send you the location", that's what he sent me. Automatic Google translator made an 'I need an Helicopter, I'll sent you for 12", out of. The German version was even worse.

So I took the helicopter and after arriving at an little airport I took my fathers beloved Cessna to wherever it might be. Most of the time I had to wait until we arrived, nobody really cared to give me an information as long as it wasn't the exact coordinates for the target.

"Why didn't he called you?", I asked to the seat in front of me where Stefano sat and flew the aircraft.

"He needs me as a first position guard", of course... feeling more safe in a mans protection than in his daughters protection....

I just hummed and looked out of the airplane that my father loved more than me.

It was his first airplane, he loved it dearly since he got it when he was 25 and it was under more surveillance than I was. If I got looked after as much as his Cessna, I wouldn't have been able to walk around so freely and I also wouldn't have been able to hide Ken and Max from him.

I hope I would be able to see Julie when I returned for the reporting. Just a few minutes...

"We will land in 10 minutes, get ready", it came in my headphones and I responded positive.

As soon as we landed I got shoved into a car and just now I could make out that we where in Italy....

Home sweet home...

"Which clan is it?", I asked. My uncle had a lot of stress with Italian clans in the past year, it was a surprise that haven't gotten mushed down like berries already.

"No Clan this time, one of our man betrayed us while he was undercover in the tutti clan", Stefano said and he looked even more serious than normally- he always looked serious...

"Which one?"

"Pablo", I looked up with wide eyes but the man in the driver seat didn't care a single bit.

"Pablo", I mumbled. Dear god what did he do, why was he undercover in the first place?

"Why did he sent me then? I worked with Pablo for-", I tried to recall for how long but I seriously couldn't make it out, he was always there. We weren't friends, we weren't even close but he was always there- he has probably been my only constant in life.

"I don't think I can do this", I said but he didn't care.

"I won't shot him", I said again- more clearer in case he didn't understood....

"You will, that's why you are here", Stefano said and kept his eyes sternly on the street.

"At least let me talk to him", I said no the men chuckled.

"How do you think that's gonna happen without warning him?"

"He isn't dumb and even if he -miraculously- still thought that wasn't discovered yet, he would get to know that I was on my way and he knew that I wasn't supposed to be here"

"He will know", I simply said.

"Whatever, you will get postured and we will tell you when to shot him"

"I won't shot him before I haven't talked to him", I said in a stern voice.

"That is not your choice "

"It IS my choice", I said loud and my tone definitely was in the right way to remind him that no matter how neglected  I was my father, I was still Louisiana Berlusconi. I would still inherit this god damn clan and that he was still just a substitute.

No matter how much I got treated like a left over umbrella, I was the first child of the head of this family, if I said something he had to follow and he knew that he needed me. Otherwise they would have gotten any other shorter that was reachable and they clearly had enough to chose from,

"I am not allowed to let you met him"

"I'm not asking for it, it will be my problem", I said and with that it was settled. We drove another 30 minutes after he changed the route.

When we arrived at an abounded factory he stopped the car and motioned to one of the doors. I entered what seemed to once have been a control room, Pablo was sitting in front of a door located on the other side of the room and tried to get it opened.

"You know that won't function", I simply said and made him turn around. After he saw me he just looked up and down and turned around. Leaning his back against the door he looked at me with tired eyes.

"How are you?", he asked and I huffed. But at the same time I had to smile a little bit.

"That's the first time you asked me that"

"I never needed to ask, I could read it. We grew up together- you remember?", he simply said and grinned. It was obviously that he got beaten up, very bad.

"My dad?", I asked and motioned to his obviously badly wounded body.

"Too, both found out and both gave me what I deserved", he had accepted the fact that he would die.

"Why did you do it?", I asked and sat down too- my back against the door that gave me entrance.

"Money, the chance to get more power- maybe enough luck to sneak away form it and start new?", he said and let his eyes wander around the room.

"The only way is to die", I said and he nodded.

"I know"

"You could have asked for more money", I said and he nodded again.

"I know, but than I would still have to work for your dad", he simply said .

"You had a good position"

"Loui accept the fact that I betrayed you"

"You betrayed my father, what you're doing to me is something completely different", I blurred out. He chuckled.

"We were never close, I was never friendly to you- how hard are you gonna miss me huh?", he said and looked at me. He was right, we never were close and we never were friendly to each other - and yet he was always there.

"You were there", he nodded at that.


We sat in silence for a while until he winked me over. Crawling over to him I gave him a questioning look.

"I'm pretty sure you gonna be able to live without me", he said and I huffed- my head turned to the side.

"Of course, can't you just accept the fact that I'm sad?"

"I can't, you've been sad your whole life. When your father decided you're not worth his attention, when he made sure your girlfriend would disappear, when he neglected Julie".

"There has been worse", I mumbled and he nodded.

"Ken", my head whipped around with my eyes wide. With a quick motion I grabbed his neck but he stopped me before I could add any pressure.

"Calm dow, I haven't told anybody"

"How do you know?"

"I followed you after your mother had passed"

"Why did you follow me"

"I always followed you, your dad sent me to 'make sure she isn't doing shit' so I followed you"

"Why didn't you never told him?", I asked and sat back.

"At first I wanted to have a backup, having something against the daughter of your boss can be really helpful", he looked at me until he spoke again.

"But with the time I decided you weren't someone to fuck with, your father is an idiot to not notice what a powerful and dangerous woman he raised when he decided to leave her to herself. Be both know that you could bring this asshole down if you wanted to", he said and gave me a grin.

"You knew?"

"I knew, since the first time you had a gun in your tiny little hands"

"You where only two years older than me", I huffed.

"And I knew on which details I had to concentrate", he said while his grin grew wider and wider.

"Loui. Just promise me that you get Julie out there and keep Max safe", he said and gripped after his jacked that laid on the floor.

Ripping the inside open a small object fell out, turning out to be an USB stick.

He gave it to me. While he learned close to my ear.

"That's all I found about this woman, I am not gonna tell you what exactly in case someone's listening. But if I'm right that bitch can get really dangerous for you, killing her would be the safest way", he said and leaned back against the door.

"And for god sake talk to that poor girl", he said and I rolled my eyes while nodding.

I pulled back and put the USB stick in the sole of my shoe before standing up.

"I'll make it quick", is said and he nodded at that.

"It is an honour to be shot by you little Loui", he laughed and I gave him a little smile.

"And take care for Venice", he said before the door closed behind me. For a second I just stood there, than I turned around and stormed the room again. Falling to my knees I hugged him tightly while whispering two I thought I would never say to him.

"Thank you"


Three hours later I laid on a hunting seat and piled the laser of my sniper on the ground in front of him.

Looking up he looked in the direction the laser came from and smiled.

Positioning my snipe right I decided where to shot and pulled the trigger.

His eyes went dead and he slumped against the door while the blood slowly began to wet his shirt on the left side of his chest.

"Loui to Stafano, Pablo down"


This story is also available to read on Wattpad @cocosunny