Chapter 16

To say it never had an impact on me when I shot someone was a lie.

I was always aware that I was taking someone's life, ending an individuals existence and I had no right to do that.

I had no right to decide when someone's story came to it's end, I had no right to rip people out of their families just because my dad couldn't stand them.

But it never felt so bad. This time it was someone I could call close to me.

This time it Pablo.

He wasn't my friend and he certainly wasn't my family, yet he was something constant in my life and I only realised at the end how close people can be with each other without having any relation to each other.

I lost Pablo, I ended his life and I had no right to do so.

The ride back to the plane I thought about why I did it, why didn't I searched for a different way to get him out of it.

On the plane ride back to Thailand I realised that I might get more into focus of my dad now. Sure he still had Stefano, but Stefano was far away from my level of shooting experience.

So he might need me even more now, which wasn't good.

It was quite easy to be in contact with the Theerapanyakul Family, but now it would get much harder, especially with Pim shoving her damn nose anywhere even tho it wasn't her business at all.

Women in this family usually wouldn't get involved into the illegal businesses of the Clan.

My cousin- who would take over the main family clan one day- knew everything, but his little sister got worked into the most legal firm they own, far away from all the illegal stuff going on.

I was an outcast, because my father was the only one of the five Berlusconi Brothers who wasn't granted a male child.

I was one of a few female family member to actually be involved with the clan business.

So Pim had no business and no right to get involved into everything, she was just the girlfriend and she just knew my father this close for not even a year.

On my way to my father I was planning on how to get my business done without any of them noticing it.

As soon as we left the car I noticed that Stefano will take over Pablos position, which was a huge problem.

If my father gave Pablos tasks entirely to Stefano, it meant that he was now keeping an eye on me.

Which meant that he would be telling my father everything because if there was something Stefano was good at- then it was crawling into my fathers ass.

The moment we entered the Villa he rented for his time he was in Thailand I turned around and looked at the man that was practically glued to me since we left the plain.

"We are home now, leave me alone"

"My task is to-"

"To keep an eye on me, I know", he looked surprised by that.

"I'm not dumb, just because I don't spend much time at home and not getting told every Information- doesn't meant I'm completely unaware of what is going on", I said in a noise that was coming from above- even tho I was almost two heads smaller than the man in front of me.

"We'll then maybe I have to talk to your father about that, it would be dangerous for you to know too much", he said in the same voice. What a fucking Idiot....

I turned around completely and faced him with a stern expression.

"And I think I have to remind you about the position you are on", I stepped closer.

"I don't care how my father shoves me around and as how important he sees me. He still knows who will take over the lead of this family when he is dead and he knows who will help him manage the business when he gets too old, no matter how much he neglects me and no matter how many jobs he will give to you and the other ones that could be easily done by me- he will never trust you as much as he trust me when it is about the business.", I took the pager he had in his pocket out and turned it off then handing it back to him.

"If you survive that long to see my father grow old, then you should be careful about how you act towards me. Never forget that I will be your next Boss if you are still alive until then", I said in a low voice.

"Leave.Me.Alone", with that I turned around and went to the main office- Stefano left behind in the entrance area and probably wishing me to hell.

The first thing I noticed was that dad indeed was waiting for my report, but Pim was nowhere to be found.

"Everything went smooth?", he said without looking up.

"Yes Sir", he nodded.

"Give your sniper to Mauriel, he will clean it", I nodded again and then hesitantly asked.

"Pim is not here?", he shook his head.

"Where is she?", he looked up with a confused look.

"She went out shopping with her friends, why do you ask?", I leaned onto one of the chairs.

"Did she take Julie with her?"

"Why would she take that thing with her?", that thing.... I wanted to punch him, that thing was his daughter....

"We'll because she is the one to care for her, what about her school notes? Is she healthy, does she eats enough?", I listed the main things.

"I don't know, she will do what she thinks is right, beside the child is old enough to care for herself", my fingers came together to form a fist.

"She is five", I gritted through my teeth.

"Old enough as I said, you knew how to shoot when you where seven. Your sister is a little behind you", dear god- someone stop me from killing him here and now....

"She is not me, she is too young"

"And you were the one responsible for her, I expected better", he said and I just decided to punch my thigh. Which hurt so fucking much but at least I didn't punch the man in front of me.

"Of course", I muttered drily.

"So she's here?", he nodded again obviously annoyed.

I left the office and rolled my eyes at Stefano who immediately jumped into action to follow me but got called in from my dad.

"Boss, Loui-"

"Not important right now", I grinned and leaned through the door back into the office.

"Get your dog under control, I'm old enough to survive without a bodyguard that just wants to go higher in the Pyramid", I said and my dad nodded.

"I'm not-", Stefano blurred out but I stopped him with a quick movement of my hand.

"I will not harm this clan and its  businesses, all this will go onto me one day so why should I harm it and make it harder for me?", I said.

My dad nodded and looked at Serrano.

"Stefano calm down, she knows what she has to do as the boss child"

With that I made my way through the house to find Julie.

As long as I had free hands while Pim was out the house I would try to spend time with my sister.


"Lou Lou!", I heard as soon a the little girl spotted me. A smile spread across my face and after making sure no one saw me entering her room, I crouched down and closed my arms around her little body.

"Hi my Piccoli", I and gave her a kiss on her cheeks.She giggled and returned the kisses.

God I missed her so much.

"How are you?", is asked and took an overall look at her.

"I'm okay, it's very boring with her", she mumbled and I nodded.

"I know, do get enough to eat? Do you learn enough? Do you need a new doll?", I asked and asked until her little hand found place over my mouth to shut me up.

"I'm okay, I just wanna go home. I wanna be with you", she said and her voice turned whiny.

My heart broke a little more.

"I know, I wanna have you with me too. I'm working on it. When I finished we will go back home and visit grandma and go to the water park, okay?", I said and she nodded.

"And we gonna eat Curry Wurst!", she shouted and I nodded while showing her to not talk lower.

"Yes, we gonna take Mai and Max and Baby and we gonna go eat Curry Wurst", I said and then took a look around her room.

"We have a bit time until she comes home, how about you tell were we stopped last tie with your dolls, huh?", I said and her smile grew again. She eagerly dodged and stormed off to her doll house….

I would sacrifice the world for her….


This story is also available to read on Wattpad @cocosunny


This story is also available to read on Wattpad @cocosunny