"Now, what are you up to?" Conrad was on the other line, he sensed that something was going on with Luther and he didn't like the way his senses were telling him.
"I heard something. Strong and vividly heard voice."
"Huh?" Conrad was confused. "What do you mean you heard a voice, what's that supposed to say to me? That you have turned into an obnoxious psychopath after you were bedridden for two weeks?"
"What? No!" He groaned, he was currently fixing up his things. Somehow, he couldn't rest well thinking of that voice and sitting still right here in this very apartment is making him itch in curiosity. Subsequently, he planned to settle a journey, in search for that voice's owner.
"Then what?" Conrad exclaimed, furrowed brows and hand placed on his table.
He was thinking hard whether or not he should tell him his plan, but in the first place Conrad must have sensed something out of him already.
"Nothing. I just need to get a breather after I slept for two consecutive weeks."
"Breather? Hey! What do you-"
He dropped the call and didn't even think of letting him finish what he was about to say. He can't take it, if he needs to forge a journey on his own, then he'll do it without hesitation. His life was all nothing but a fraud, not until such situation immerged and it brought his curiosity back. He wanted to die however, with such placed on his back, he has to know where the voice came from before he finally diminish in this world.
He went out of the apartment using his speed, did not bother to check out, and brought himself back to that bar where the crime scenes all happened.
It looked exactly the same as when he was here not too long ago, nothing changed at all. He was carrying the documents, while immensely staring at it, the blurred image of the woman who he was looking for.
"Why was she here? I knew I smelled something close to her scent but, the fact that there's a huge possibility that this here," He placed his index finger on the blurred image of that woman. "Is her, gives me utter animosity. This couldn't have been her but the similarity though, I seem to find not a single difference. How could she have been here? What was her purpose for coming here?"
He massaged his forehead to his head. Sighing heavily as he shook his head in frustration. "This all seems impossible, I have so many questions left unanswered. And that voice, where did that come from?"
To think that he was now indulged in supernatural beings. He never thought that there were vampires before, not until that tragedy happened years ago that forcibly made him believe that they exist. Now, this happens. A thick, tumultuous, and extremely outrageous voice came out of nowhere and would not even dare show off its face to him. That being must have been lying in between the winds and heavens, it's impossible to think that that was just merely human.
He was still looking for some signs, when someone called out his attention. He felt the sudden footsteps approaching him and he immediately reacted to it. Turned his back around and stood a defensive stance, as he grabbed the gun of that man and made him turn around, wrapped his arm around his neck, and this man was now under his locked grasp.
"Who do you think you are to attack me behind my back?" He initiated his interrogation, as his jaw tensed up, and his brows narrowed.
"I could ask ghkkk—" He was finding it hard to talk as his arm was taking his neck hostage. "the same question to you, argh– let me go, you son of a bi-"
He slightly loosened up his arm but not too much, just enough to let him talk. "What do you mean, you could ask me the same question? I was the one threatened here, not the other way around."
"What I meant is, who do you think you are roaming around here? What are you doing here, thinking that you can languish freely around when you know well that this is a crime scene and only exclusive people can check the place once in a while."
"Huh, and why would I introduce myself to a man just as you who only cares about taking someone hostage all the while you don't even know me. So tell me, who are you?"
The man was silenced for a while, before it raised its hands and showed his badge. "I'm working for this state's detective intelligence, under the professional office of national policies. Basically, I'm in charge of keeping these grounds safe and not other hotspots for people such as you."
"What do you mean, people such as me?"
"Criminals, syndicates, or worse a cannibal."
He let that man go, the man made a sudden move and took out his gun, but Luther faced him with madness and irritation. "Do you not recognize me? If you were here two weeks ago, you would know that I was the one who saved those poor women from getting attacked by those feverish men. I was the one who avoided them being raped. Now, is this how such intelligence entity should be working?" Luther was furious, he couldn't believe that he was just about to get attacked by this man.
The man was staring at him for a while before he decided to let down his gun. "Now that you've mentioned it, you do look familiar. So, why are you here after that incident two weeks ago?" He placed his gun on his gun holder, which was wrapped around his hips.
Luther fixed his shirt. "Why do I have to tell you that?"
"Huh, who knows. The next second that you remain silent might be when you're asked for interrogation. Of course, it makes me question why you were at such a place in that very incident. Also, we haven't assessed our questions for you just yet."
He wanted to scoff out loud but he contained himself. He might just bite off this man in a second if only he was that desperate, but he still had humanity lingering innside his cold veins. He was not that evil that these mortals have thought of him.
"I don't have anything to assess with you. The case was already done, as there's no longer any forging one, I won't have to overshare my personal information on why I am here. Don't use your authority on me, I know my rights." He turned his back on him and before the guy was able to introduce himself properly, he already flushed away.
"Huh? Where did he go?"
"Uh, sir? May I take your order, please?" The woman wearing all black and a black cap who had a red apron on asked his order as he was sitting down at a fine diner. It was already night and so he wasn't planning on heading home at all.
But it pesters him to think that he found not a single clue of where that voice came from. Makes his head heat in stress. Although, that's impossible because after all, he's a vampire.
He was staring at the menu for a long time now, the prices, and the different variety of foods that was quite unfamiliar with him made him almost question his worth. Who would eat such a thing and pay that much? He could not believe it, however since he couldn't stand his hunger anymore, and he wasted a lot of blood bags, he had to eat these dishes made by these humans.
He saw red meat and that was his cue to order. "I'll take this please, and just water."
The waitress almost sighed in relief just by looking into her eyes. He finally ordered after a long time, this guy must be a first timer. Was what she was thinking. Yep, he read her mind.
"Will that be all, sir?"
"Great then, it'll be there in twenty minutes. Enjoy your stay!"
The woman left and he exhaled in relief. He hates socializing, his skin hasn't fully healed yet, he needs to consistently lower his profile or he might just get found out later on. Luckily, that man earlier was either blind or he just thought that having a quite violet and feverish skin tone is normal. Which is very dumb of him.
The woman was yet to come back and so he stayed lowkey in his seat, but he observed that the people were slowly looking in his direction. As a matter of fact, he can't blame them. The way he is dressed right now does not fit as to where he stands. A luxurious diner, full of well-dressed people; wearing gowns and suits. While he was on his natural wardrobe choices, a black cap, with his grey hoodie on, and of course his black jeans.
"I should have just gone off to an ordinary diner, now they think that I'm some sort of a robber who infiltrated a huge bank just to eat here. Great!" He muttered and glanced at the window. "Even the windows here are fancy, just great." while he was still muttering, he didn't even notice that someone was behind him already.
"Uh sir? Here's your order."
He was caught off guard. "Oh, s-sorry. Thank you very much." He even backed his chair a bit to give the woman a way towards his table.
Wow, what a kind gentleman. You really should not judge people by its cover, huh. I wonder when was the last time I met such a guy. Nevermind.
He read her mind once again and he softly chuckled. It seems the world must have been too cruel for her to say such nonsense about him. He doesn't deserve the praise at all.
"Thank you for ordering sir, enjoy your dish!" And she walked away after bowing.
He started eating the meat and he was flabbergasted. Now he realized why it was so expensive for meat. He has never tasted such a soft and juicy meat in his entire life of eating fresh meat. The way the meat just slid down his tongue to his throat was almost as if it was made like a jelly, but the texture remained as a meat. To top that, the flavor was beyond just ordinary meat.
"Wow, never tasted anything like this before." And so he enjoyed it till the end. Just right after everyone was already staring at him, he went out and rubbed his tummy a bit. "That was tasty, thank you Conrad."
He was walking back to town when he stood to stare at the tall buildings surrounding him. He was astonished. How can he miss such advancements? He should have gone here long ago, now he's stuck in this current misery that's too hard to heal.
"I miss my mother. Mom, if you're listening to me right now while you're up there. I hope you're having a good time there. Wherever you are, I hope you're happy." He was closing his eyes, as the crowd was walking past him, his tears came back rushing down to his chin. At that point of time, he was trying to move on.
But, when he opened his eyes, The ground was already shaking and a huge wind was blowing down. He looked up to see a huge roundabout of clouds and as if a huge portal was opening he saw a hand. It was the hand of a woman, a woman who he recognized.
It all happened so fast, he didn't even notice that he got lured in that shallow hole as he desperately reached out for that woman's hand. The hole ate him and the wind disappeared in just a split second. And as if nothing ever happened, the people looked very confused.
"What just happened?"
"Who knows? Maybe some sort of a hurricane alert? Was there ever an update about it in the news?"
"Who ever saw that?"
"Saw what?"
"Something in the sky?"
"The wind?"
"No it was definitely not just a wind. It was something else."
Conrad was standing there, he was just about to call Luther but he witnessed it all. But, he never forgot it. It was as clear as day. And it was because he was a vampire.
With his husky voice, he uttered, "What the heck was that?"