The Cards Were Never Favourable (Issola’s backstory 3)

A loud crashing of books and papers fell upon the room, before the loud creek of a chair and an almost deafening thud.

Issola watched in horror as her father seemed to have lost all sense of being. His fury certainly couldn't be contained and her uttering even a word, would simply fuel it.

His files had been scattered across the floor, piling atop one another in a jumbled mess. The loud thud came from his chair that he had kicked, toppling it over.

"Issola, you had one job, ONE FUCKING JOB", he tugged at the curtains, ripping them off the wall.

The window now bare as the final rays of sun entered the room.

"Damn it, DAMN IT, DAMN IT, DAMN IT", he looked out the window, clearing his mind as he took in a deep breath. "You're under house arrest until I smooth things over with Earl Segwall".

"Go to your room".

Issola hurried away, there was no knowing whether he would snap in the next second or two.

Issola had told his father of the whole ordeal. She knew it was a bad idea, but it was necessary. The consequences would only further worsen as the days passed, and there were a few servants present in the room at the time. It was only a matter of time till either one of them, or Sir Sedrick himself were to tell on her.

Issola had spent the entire rest of that day, sobbing and cursing at the world. Yet that hatred was soon directed towards herself.

She called herself foolish, naïve, immature.

Wow, she was annoying huh? Always crying in every scene. But was it her fault?

- - - - -

Days passed and yet there had been no word from her father.

She didn't know whether that was a good thing, or only just the calm before the storm.

The servants did not know what had happened to cause the Viscount such anger, and so they made up all sorts of rumours and gossip.

The ball was still coming up, but she had no idea whether she was still going or not.

Issola seemed to have cracked, her expression dull and dim.

The doors of her roomed swiftly parted, revealing her father's butler.

"The Viscount requests your presence".

The tapping of their steps grew louder and louder while the servants' gossiping seemed to almost be akin to shrieks. Before she knew it, a loud ringing had entered her ears as if all thought had stopped.

"Issola, Issola!", the Viscount looked at her. "Snap out of it, did you even listen to what I was saying".

Issola looked to the floor.

"Listen, to what I'm saying", he emphasised 'listen' as if he thought she were no longer capable of such an action.

"The Earl has forgiven you for this transgression, but that was only at the request of his son. Idk why, but he seemed to be wanting to set things right. You've been invited to stay at their mansion for the rest of the week leading up to the ball...", the room was silent, yet the atmosphere seemed to only get heavier. "This is your last chance Issola, if you bring down my name any further, you will no longer be a part of my family".

These few words sent chills down her spine, causing a wave of emotion she had thought she buried, to resurface.

Issola pushed off the sofa, standing up, "But fath-".

"Do I make myself clear?!".


"-yes...", Issola slowly sat back down, a grim expression clouding her face.

Noticing her downcast expression, he crouched down, holding her hands in his and brought them to his forehead.

Issola felt sick to her stomach and yet this had become the only source of affection she received.

"You know I love you Issola, you know I care for you. Everything I do is for us to never have to worry again. Your mother would be so proud of the girl you've become, and yet to see you do something like this... it's getting late, you should go back to your room".

Issola was then escorted out her father's room by a maid.

Finding herself back in the comfy confines of her room, she closed the blinds and covered herself in a blanket.

She remembered the rough scraping of wood she had heard from the man she had met at the Earl's property. She could still feel the hard rough Oak trunk against her back, the soft chirping of birds and sun rays leaking through the leaves like sharp beams of energy that could slice you in half.

And the song he sung to himself.

What was weighing on his mind? Why was he there? Who was he?

These questions flood her mind and it was certainly a first.

A soft smile graced her cheeks.

- - - - -

The journey to Earl Segwall's mansion seemed longer than ever.

The bumpy gravel road shook with such vigour, it was impossible to sleep. Not that she could in the first place.

She had actually not indulged in sleep for a few nights by now.

During cold nights, she snuck out of her room, into the gardens. She walked and walked and walked. The peaceful nights filled with bright stars and the glow of the moon, so tranquil and beautiful, her worries seemed to fade away. She soon found solace in these moments, wishing that daybreak would never come, and yet it came every morning, and every morning she returned to the life she had come to dread.

Soon she saw the familiar parting of the trees and the large mansion that stood in the distance.

"Miss Issola, we have arrived".

Stepping down from the carriage, she was met with the figure of the man she was least excited to see.

"Pleasure to once again make your acquaintance Miss Issola", he greeted her with a bow. "You look as beautiful as ever".

Issola was put off by this sudden change in demeanour, but accepted it, putting on a smile.

"No the pleasure is mine, I was looking forward to our next meeting", empty words and simple flattery, just as she had been taught many times before. She didn't bother looking Sedrick in the eyes, she just wanted the day to come to an end as soon as possible.

"As, was, I", an ominous gaze with subtle gaps between each word.

Issola's stomach sank to the floor, simply smiled and nodding to his every word, there was nothing else to do and nothing else she rather, could do.

"So shall we head inside?".
