Where did you go?

"That's enough for now", Issola looked at my horror filled expression. It was just about to get to the good part. Like some enemies to lovers romance or something. I was invested and she just cut it off like that?

Issola grinned yet it turned darker the next second. Noticing this, I reached out towards the wood we had collected.

"Shall we head back?".

"Yeah", she punched me in the gut. "Your 'gentlemanly' expression was putting me off. Stop being mature, you're making me feel bad about my younger self".


Issola punched me again.

And so we arrived back at the cave, Issola shivering and me still gasping for air.

Adding some of the twigs to the flames, we all rested till morning light.

"Pack your things again; we're heading out", Paul called out to the refugees, who swiftly did as they were told.

The typhoon of snow had ended, now replaced with a beautiful blue sky. I finally got a good view of the mountain scape.

"Hey you two, don't fall behind", I called out to a little girl and boy who were admiring some ice that had formed beautiful patterns on the roots of the trees.

Scurrying over their little legs tried desperately to catch up.


A large humanoid monster that resembled a wolf, emerged from behind the trees.

A large cloud of vapour exiting its snout as it exhaled.

The two kids looked up in horror. Seemingly Incapable of running. Rather stood in place at the horror that was to their side.


It seemed that even my scream was unable to help them.

The werewolf leaned down.


"AAAAAAAAH", finally, as if a gunshot signalling a race, the little girl ran with all her might.

The little boys corpse fell to the floor with a loud thud. The werewolf now looked in our direction.

"I will not let you——!", I ran towards the girl lunging behind her with my sword held forwards in defence.

The werewolf, annoyed by my interference, sent a powerful slash of his claws, right as I had gained position.

Simply unable to find the time to dodge, I took the blunt of the impact through a swift block of my sword.

My boots left an almost perfect streak through the snow, as I was pushed to the side.


Hahahahhhha, take that you son of a bitch! You see how I didn't fall down? Huh, huh? How was that- oh shit.

Not letting me compose myself, another strike came, this time from the left.

Ducking down, I drove my sword up trying to pierce through the chest.

The werewolf opted to catch my blade. Dark crimson blood oozing from its hands.

I tried to pull my blade back, yet it was to no avail.

"leT gO-", the beast pulled its claw back. "Fuck".

Having no choice but to let go, I jumped back.

Looking back, I noticed the girl had managed to escape far enough.

I sighed out of relief.

Though in the next moment my legs seemed to quiver. A dark atmosphere left me unable to breathe, like death itself had caught me by the throat.

The werewolf noticed my sudden change in demeanour. Slowly approaching, caution still present in its movement. And yet I did nothing.

The werewolf now stood only a step away, looked almost disappointed, a tinge of disgust present in its look.

"You… are.. weak?", in a rumbling voice with words that were spaced so far apart it didn't even seem like it was speaking full sentences. The monster grabbed me by the throat.

"You are weak!", it tossed me to the side. A tree trunk stopping me from falling even further.

Some snow fell off the branches covering my hair as my eyes fought to stay open.

The last things I hear were gunshots and the sound of a sword cutting through air.

- - - - -

[It's all your fault!]


"Ugh", I opened my eyes to a wooden sealing.

Every part of my body ached.

Pulling myself up, I found the same old room layout. A soft bed with a desk that looked out the window and a chair with green accents.

It was dark out, a lantern on the desk lit up the room in an yellow hue.

That nightmare had yet to let me go. It had become less frequent lately, though still there. Maybe I still couldn't forgive myself even after so long.

I though that something had changed over these past 2 years.

Turns out nothing did.

Standing up, I left the room, walking down the stairs to a bustling bar.

"Oi, it's Ford", the entire floor went silent at those few words.

Like a puppet in a show, all eyes were on me, awaiting my next lines.

"Yo…", I waved awkwardly.

An immediate eruption of applause and cheers, louder than even before the silence, left me almost unable to hear anymore.

One of the men, George walked over to me, his arm falling behind my shoulders.

"I heard you went up against a werewolf and managed to give it a run for its money"


"YEAH, I heard that too"

"And he saved Melissa's kid as well"

"Like some valiant hero on a gallant horse"

"Man I wish I was there to see it"

"You're really brave, huh?"

I was surprised. I never thought I'd receive this kind of reaction. Not that I was expecting anything at all really.

It was almost like they were talking about someone other than me. And it probably was…

"I didn't really do much, just got my ass handed to me, I was probably gonna die"

"What are you talking about? You put yourself in danger to save that kid. I think that deserves a little praise", Issola came out from behind the crowd.

"But- actually no, you're right", I took a second to think. "Maybe I am kinda cool"

"That's more like it boy", a hand hit my back, a little harder than necessary.

"Where's Scott", I asked Issola, a smile on my face.

Though she looked more uncomfortable with answering than anything.

"He's uhm, outside"

"Oh, then I'll go see him"

"No, enjoy yourself a bit more before you go"

"Nah, I want to see how awkward he's gonna look when he tries to praise me".


I was already outside.

Now where is he…

"Oh Scott, there you are", I saw his silhouette in an alley next to the inn.

"Why aren't you inside?"


"Was it nice? The cheering, the laughter". He was turned away from me. "You were about to die", he turned towards me. "I realise that, even after 2 years, you're still not ready. I shouldn't have taken you with me".

"Wh-what are you trying to say? I did pretty well right? I survived pretty long, I even saved a kid".

"You're still terrified Ford, I saw you freeze up. You can think you've gone through your shit by training, but that baggage… it doesn't go away".

"Just a little more training and I'll be good enough".

"Do you not hear yourself. Think Ford, think, It doesn't matter how long you last, if you're going to die in the end anyways", I could still hear cheering from inside. "It's about time you give up on that dream of yours. Let it go, go to school, get a job, have a family".

"You don't know what I've been through".

"AND I'VE BEEN THROUGH HELL ITSELF", he finally turned towards me. "Do you not get it, I don't want to see you die".

"Then what can I do? What can I do to prove myself?".

Scott looked up, as if he had made up his mind, yet something nagged at him. "Tch".

He threw me his sword, taking on a bare-fisted stance.

The saddest thing about this whole situation, is that this was the first time Scott had truly talked to me—

—And maybe the last, as far as I knew.

I woke up the next morning in the same alleyway.

Opening the inn doors, I began to head up the stairs.

"Scott!", I knocked on the door to his bedroom. "Hey, I'm sorry about last night, listen can we talk some more? Scott?".

The door creaked open.

'Weird, it should be locked', I thought.

I didn't expect the room to be empty empty.


Wowkdjdjqiiansbdhwuhwbfbdheujew, cool