
Magic is primarily used for supportive magic techniques, such as healing, conjuration, transmutation or sealing.

Some can replicate techniques that can be achieved through the use of ki and others can use their magic offensively to manipulate energy.

Those that possess magic may even have a very low amount of ki as the two energies are not related to each other.

Healing magic can be used to heal wounds and bring a person from near death back to normal but it has its limitations as it cannot be used to mend old injuries and reattach arms but it can be used to help restore a persons energy.

Conjuration or Magic Materialisation can be used to create physical matter out of thin air and those skilled in it can create weapons, clothes and many other things from nothing but there is also the Dragon Clan of the Namekians that have the ability to create the Dragon Balls which shows their level of mastery in that area.

Transmutation helps to change any object or person into anything whether it be used on oneself or someone else but it is only shown to be used by Majin Buu as he uses his Transfiguration Beam and those who have been changed will still have freedom of movement unless their form is something difficult to control without the knowledge of ki.

Sealing can be used to seal an entity in any kind of object or trap them in a certain space but it can also be used in ways to seal away a persons magic or ki.

Through reading the books of the old witch one after another and from her own understanding of magic from reading other books and comics but also what she knew about the Dragon Ball worlds magic, she was able to come up with her own understanding.

Even magical weapons and tools are possible when magic is used so when combined with science, it can produce many possibilities.

Her scientific knowledge had helped her to gain her own understanding in what transmutation was as she explored the shapeshifting technique on herself and applied it to her potion making.

She first started with studying materials around her and used her magic to purify, mature and perfect them before working to combine them into more perfect and purer versions of different types of medicine for herself which had improved effects compared to what Dr Gero could produce.

Without her advanced technology, she had to learn how to transmute and build up her equipment from the beginning with her own hands but she had made use of the old witches tools and cauldron which had some use to her.

At first it was difficult to study the surrounding materials and living creatures so she had to rely on experimentation and her previous knowledge but she had developed some spells that worked well with her own mental powers to help her with her research.

The more that she used her abilities, the more that she was growing as a mage but her growth in physical power or ki was very low since she was still recovering from the after effects of what the miasma had done to her body.

For a lone girl her age to survive so long was a difficult task on its own and she was very weak unless her magic was to be considered too so it was difficult for her to adjust to living a wild life but as it had continued, she had found new ways to prevent intruders and catch or grow her own food.

The home that she had was slowly transforming as it had changed from a very simple place for her to sleep in to a tree house that had a lot of room within and had most of what she needed for the time being.

A ten year old child was sitting with her head resting on her hand as she gazed towards a box that contained a frog. "Hey.. I have to say… this life is great and all but I have been cut off from people for too long. It will make anyone a little crazy and my only talking companion is only a bunch of frogs, insects and that great big thing that is deep in the swamp. Should I go somewhere else or should I just stick to this secluded life? Hmm.. eventually there will be a need for new things to explore and new materials to be tested. I cannot expect them to just fall on my lap."

The frog regained still as it let out a croak.

The ten year old blush had grown up to be tall and a little curvy thanks to her taking care of herself, she had kept her green hair medium length as it was styled like Android 18 has hers.

Her red eyes had become much sharper and lively and if her skin colour was not so pink then anyone would be able to see her improvement. "But you know.. humans are not so great! I still remember my ex's stupid face back then when I was known for being a mad woman and a crazy scientist who had insane ideas. You know what he said to me? He said that we should retire and get married so that I could have some kids with him and take care of them! So what if I am crazy? That jerk just wanted me out the way because I always outshone him in the companies projects back then. If I became a stay at home mom then he thought he could rise up higher. Sigh.. back then many were betting to see if he could help remove me from the company and were hoping for me to go away. Without me there, many would have a chance to gain funding for their own research and make achievements but you can imagine that it was not long until I was pushed out by the crowd. None of those fools listened to me when I said I could achieve it and only scorned me but even with the lacking resources and just myself, I was able to get so close to success. As for what happened after my death? I hope those idiots suffer greatly!"

She did not know what had happened after her death and if she had found out the truth then she would be a little pleased at first but then the reality of her mistake would come to haunt her due to the estimation of innocents that had been harmed due to her mistakes.

She then continued. "Even after I left the company and was pushed out of the scientific circle, that jerk had still come to visit me so that I would give up and accept his proposal but you know what? That jerk was too busy eyeing my research rather than wanting to marry me sincerely. I was so angry back then that I wish I had broke his stupid nose! The sexist jerk had really said such a thing.. me? Wait at home and look after your kids that you probably will not even care about and make you meals or clean your clothes while you gain from my retirement and probably try to steal my research documents? Pfft! Yeah right!"

She had made great achievements in the science circles and made many contributions during the prime of her life and had gained a boyfriend within the company she belonged to.

At first it was a welcomed experience to fall in love and plan a life together but she had found out that he was only interested in her because she was successful and could be used for his benefit.

He was a shameless man who continued to play on her emotions and needs until the time came for him to gain the advantage but she had found that out a little before she had started voicing her opinions on her new project which had received a lot of rejections.

He saw her down point as his chance to put her at home and have access to her notes and documents and marriage was the perfect step to complete that.

Her superiors were telling her to stay within what the company wants and not try to break boundaries, her colleagues were looking fir a chance to push her out and the one that was closest to her had been using her.

In order to succeed after losing all of her support, she had locked herself up and madly pursued her goals and took odd jobs to fund her research so that she could get to where she was before her death was coming.

Her current state was one that while she could talk to and interact with her fellow humans, she did not like to be around them much and it was not easy for her to trust someone.

After her death, she had experienced living with Dr Gero and had almost suffered at the hands of the old witch due to her being unfamiliar with the world she was in so she had become even more cautious.

Blush grinned as she pointed towards the frog. "You are such a good listener! I am glad that I did not eat you."

Her present situation was one where she had been out of touch with humans and her only companion was a frog that had escaped from being her food.

Usually if she had to find some food, the swamp was full of frogs so that would become her usual source of food unless an animal had been caught by one of her traps.

The diet, caring for her body, self treatments and the methods like yoga and training basic self defence that she used to keep her body healthy and in shape had allowed Blush to grow a lot healthier.

The average human is believed to be around five power level and even at a young age, Goku was already at ten power level and above when he met Bulma and went on their journey for the Dragon Balls but he is a part of the best fighting race and had talent for martial arts and enduring harsh training while Blush did not.

Even the adult Bulma was estimated to be around twelve power level and she is seen to prefer using her brain and technology over using brawn.

Blush had estimated that she was probably between three to seven power level at the age of ten even after she had tried to train herself after her body had shown signs of improvement but it was just enough for her to be healthy and to be able to protect herself.

She had her magic to aid her so she was not worried about her bodies lack of talent in martial arts which had been further ruined by the effects of the miasma which had also delayed her bodies training.

The ten year old child had wrapped herself up and then started to move things that needed to be kept safe and hidden from within her home to a nearby place.

She started by pulling at something and a door had been opened within the ground as a large space beneath was shown that had many things stored within as stone walls and flooring were around them.

After putting everything inside, she had closed it again and started using her magic to sweep the surrounding dirt over the top of it again so that it was sealed and hidden away. "Time to let the little one go free then I can go gather more information and look for a way to live in this world!"