Before she had left, she made sure to use her mana to push a big enough piece of rock over the buried items she did not wish to be discovered and she then turned to take one final look at her home before she would leave.

Blush had then set the frog free and walked by the swamp. "Farewell to you too. Live strong big guy!"

As she was leaving, a pair of eyes and a scaled body had appeared on the surface of the muddy swamp as its eyes watched her departing back.

The large crocodile was the biggest creature in the area and it had been living there for many years, Blush had several encounters with it but she was able to subdue it with her magic once she had gained more mastery over her mana.

Simple spells like mana shields, mana bullet, sphere and mana blade were things that she had comprehended through her battles and tests of survival in the forest but she had also found a suitable way to train her mana.

One method that is used in Black Clover to better refine and control their mana was to surround their bodies with a thin layer of protective mana.

That mana would protect them from the elements and other types of damage but it was not as efficient and as strong as a barrier spell.

Those that used the method she was using would have their mana drained faster and their defences would be lower than when a spell was used but it did have some benefits.

It helps to train mana control, mana efficiency and help to refine mana into a purer and more powerful state once it is truly tested but it would also provide protection against poisons and other things that needed to be breathed in or work when they come in contact with a person.

The same could be said for ki as Jiren has been able to make his own ki have high power and take on very volatile and hot characteristics due to him training his ki at a volcano or a very hot planet.

However Blush was not so prepared to risk going to such a dangerous location to test out her theory because she was much too concerned about her present situation and her current power level when she considered the great powers in the universe.

She had just started to enter her main growth stage and was now healthy so she knew how important her health was too so she did not wish to cause too great a strain on her body by putting herself through harsh training.

She was very aware of the training methods of Master Roshi and many others so she had tried to make her own for herself which considered her physical condition and health.

She had set many tasks for herself which would lead to herself building the tree house and transforming the surroundings in between seeking materials and catching smaller creatures for her studies.

Those creatures that were captured had either became study materials for her as she studied their behaviour, patterns and even their physiology and genes with the help of her magic spells that she had developed then they were released unless they were unlucky enough to be eaten by her.

Using her knowledge of mana and her mental abilities, she developed a spell by surrounding a living person or thing or non living object with her mana as she activated a spell that lets her investigate the structure.

The bigger the object it is or the deeper she wishes to investigate even to the smallest detail would require much more mana so studying the genes and microscopic parts of things was possible for her but it cost her a lot of mana to accomplish.

Luckily the method was also helpful for her mana and mental growth since when she was exhausted, she is able to replenish her energy and find that she has pushed past her limits just like strengthening a muscle.

The additional bonus was that she was able to look more carefully at the details of when materials were being refined and combined together during her Alchemy or Transmutation process so she was able to quickly spot errors and correct them quickly as she had even been able to spot some area where a recipe could be corrected that even Dr Gero had yet to notice.

Another spell was quite similar but it is an activation type that sweeps the area with her magic and mental power before returning and feeding back the surrounding information.

It was especially good for finding her way when lost, detecting life forms or finding something that she had been looking for.

It could also be repeated or kept up longer but the cost would continue to build up and the information to her brain would also increase her mental fatigue if she had become overloaded.

Her spells in the mental category could only be explained as investigation, detection, radar or peering skills that use her strong mental abilities with her mana sensitivity and control, although it was not at the stage of detecting the life energy in life forms, it was already quite impressive to figure it all out on her own after reading through the old witches books.

The six years spent alone were not in vain as she had already started to develop her own abilities to survive even without a high talent and the best conditions for training in martial arts and ki.

Even a wizard like babidi or bibidi could manipulate and seal Majin Buu but could also create shields to defend themselves from attacks from strong individuals so she did not have any problems with her path in magic.

She had started to develop her own spells that suit her and help her with her daily needs but they had yet to be fully developed to reach their full potential and would still need a lot of trial and error before they could be considered as perfect spells.

Blush had continued walking while carrying her things and she continued to ponder over her gains and losses over the years but also how she would use the information she knew of the world for her own benefit. 'I cannot possibly become a puppet scientist for someone else's ambitions like Dr Gero and his family line so I must try to secure my own place. My current race will make it difficult for this to accomplish though.. it would be best to adjust to the surroundings first. My skills may already be too advanced compared to what others can produce so they may fail to recognise their worth. It would be best to sell some simple products to earn some money, although the old witch did have some and I have brought it with me, it may not last long when considering my goals."

She continued along the road and skipped going to the area where Dr Gero was serving the lord of the area so she had ended up near a small city that had walls around it and a gate where people were entering and exiting.

It looked very old but the streets were very lively as there were many people trading and putting on performances on the streets to make money for themselves.

A group had blocked her path and asked. "Are you here for business, staying or just visiting? Also you should show your face first before I can grant you entry. There have been many rumours about demons in the world lately and we cannot risk the safety of the city."

Blush had answered. "I am looking for a place that deals with different kinds of materials and books. I may sell a couple of things while I am here but I am looking to earn some money."

The man who was dressed up the most in an armoured guards uniform had nodded. "There is many that would fit your description from book or scrolls stores, herb stores, blacksmiths and there is a large job board in the middle of the city if you are looking for temporary work but there may be dangers attached. I would not apply if I was you, it is much too dangerous for a kid."

With a slight wave of magic as she cast a spell on her body, she had removed the hood and cloth wrappings from her face.

The man examined her and then stepped aside. "You may enter. Since you are young, I will skip asking for a toll but others will likely charge you so be prepared."

Blush nodded her head and entered as she had wrapped herself back up again and released her magic.

Previously she had cast the shapeshifting spell on herself and transformed her appearance into a human.

She still kept her pastel green hair but her pink hair, red eyes and pointed ears were no longer there as her skin had turned pale, her ears were rounded and her eyes were a dark brown.

She turned around for a moment and shouted. "By the way, what age is it? I have been living away from people since birth and I was not taught these things."

The guard sighed before shouting. "It is Age 413! Best of luck kid!"