Making Preparations

What Blush had begun to study once she had returned to her room was a specialised system of techniques and knowledge based around mental abilities and psychic force which had been formed from the studies of her demon family, her studies of the body, scientific studies of the mind or the brains capabilities and from her own understanding of psychic powers.

Her time was spent going over everything and then forming her own conclusions based on her scientific knowledge and her own understanding of her own body which was continuing to improve once she had gained more knowledge from her own bloodline and from other humans she had studied.

Everything in her possession had been memorised but it still needed to be understood properly, experimented with and perfected then put into practice for it to become truly useful to her.

All of it had been categorised in a section within her mind which had become a section of books which had the label Psionic Arts on it.

Blush was mumbling to herself while making some notes. "Many traditions preach that the mind is capable of unique, potentially supernatural abilities. In that regard, the training one undertakes can unlock special powers such as extrasensory perception, telepathy, empathy, psychokinesis (telekinesis), etc.

Powers may be inherent, imbued or acquired; nevertheless, with continued practice and enrichment, one could elevate to even greater levels power, potentially even the ability to alter reality, thanks to the power of the mind.

This would mean that while I only possess weaker psychic powers right now that can only be used to control my energy better or lift small objects, it can be trained to reach greater heights so long as I perfect these set of Psionic Arts."

There were some drawings of the human body and some points on it along with some more detailed drawings of the brain scattered in front of her.

A pile of books and scrolls that belonged to the study of psychic abilities her family had compiled that were in different piled made up of what had been read and what had not then there were some other books that were related to creation magic and what had a flame marking on it.

Time passed slowly as the piles of books that had not been read soon became much smaller than those that had been read.

The book had been written in the ancient demon language so Blush had not been able to understand it until she searched the memories of the demon noble family she robbed and was related to.

The flame marked book was in front of her and she seemed able to read it without difficulty. "Magic Flame Seed."

She continued to flip through the pages and began to mumble to herself once again. "The flame seed is an incomplete version of a magical flame that has yet to grow to its full potential. They are very rare and difficult to nurture, their main use is to be used to forge artefacts for mages and other uses depending on how the owner wishes to use it.

It needs to be contained within a magical artefact to prevent it from going out of control or damaging the surroundings. It has to be nurtured properly using the correct methods otherwise it will remain in its small seed state.

Once it has been nurtured by the mages energy that it has become familiar with, it will be bound to the owner and will revert back to its original state if it loses its owner and supply of energy so it is reliant on having an owner and energy to sustain it."

While she had locked herself away for some time, there were certain events taking place around the city and within the Demon Realm.

In between her studies, Blush started making trips outside as her plan was being put into action.

Old man Arbor was busy recovering and had begun to play his part before he was leaving the city.

In front of him was another person and they handed him a form. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Old man Arbor nodded then spoke weakly. "Just show me the documents so I can check it over and sign it. It is something that I have thought over for a long time.. it is just that I never expected my death to come so soon."

His face was very pale and he started coughing as he was looking over the documents then he signed the bottom. "Make sure that everything is turned over to her as soon as possible to prevent anyone getting in the way. I do not want random people trying to get in the way of what she is entitled to."

The man hesitated for a while and then spoke. "It seems that I cannot convince you so I will do as you say. That kid sure is lucky to gain what you have worked so hard for."

Old man Arbor rolled his eyes and said. "No, I am the lucky one to have such a good student to leave my things to. My legacy will not be lost even after I am gone."

The final arrangements were being made for some things to be handed over to Blush and others were put up for sale in advance to make everything easier for her once old man Arbor was declared dead.

Some things could be handled before his death but others would take a longer time so he could only arrange for them to be handed over after his death.

While he was finalising everything, Blush was wandering around the streets of the city and was looking around until her perception picked up on weak life signs.

Once she stepped into an alleyway, there was an old man who was malnourished and was unwell.

He raised his head and looked towards the young girl. "What do you want kid?"

Blush looked down and stated. "You are dying."

The old man nodded his head and replied. "I am. What of it?"

Blush asked him. "Since you are dying anyway, can I use your death for something important? You will be compensated for helping me and whatever you wish to happen will be taken care of once you are gone."

The old man had a look of suspicion in his eyes. "What do you want to use me for? What can a kid like you do for me?"

Blush held out her hand and said. "How about I help you reach a place that is more comfortable and where we can talk more in detail?"

The old man was reaching the limit to his lifespan and no ordinary methods could extend his life from what she had checked.

Even if she had worked hard to help him regain weight and regain his health, he would not live much longer and he fit with the conditions that were needed to carry out the plan.

Blush had come across many weak life signs around the city but the old man was the only one that met all the conditions she was looking for.

The old man reached out his dirty hand hesitantly and Blush took it before helping him walk.

The old man had been used to many avoiding him and even resorting to violence if he got too close so he was a little surprised that Blush did not hesitate to take hold of his hand and supported him.