Family Patriarch

Meanwhile within the Demon Realm, an old demon was sat with an angry look on his face as he gazed down towards the demon below him. "So you finally come back now that I have had to send others to drag you back."

Just like Blush, each of the demons had red eyes, pink skin and green hair while the old demon had some greyed areas.

The demon that was stood on a lower level had a slightly more similar appearance to Blush than the others which meant that she had inherited a lot of his looks. "Patriarch, what is the meaning behind calling me back so forcefully? I have important work to do."

The old demon frowned. "You think that set of failures is important? Not one of your abominations have been successful.. either they were born without being able to enter the Demon Realm or they lacked in our families talents.. you should put a stop to that now. You have done enough harm to our family and that is why I have called you here."

The demon showed a look of confusion. "What do you mean?"

The old demon tried to contain his anger and said. "Are you certain that all of the failures have died?"

The old man spoke as if he was certain that one was still living and questioned him about the possible surviving hybrids that were created and possessed their families bloodline.

Once the old man had woken up, he noticed that the spells that were placed on the items within the family treasury no longer remained so he was alerted that something was wrong and there was even more evidence that pointed towards them being attacked and robbed.

So many woke up feeling like they had some thin needles inserted into their bodies and the tiny needle marks still remained where it hurt.

The patriarch had checked the family treasury for any interference before entering and discovered that everything inside that was of any value had disappeared from within.

There were no signs of the vault being forced open or the magic placed on it being tampered with so only those with the families bloodline could enter.

In order to prevent possible thefts from branch family members or illegitimate children, the family was kept smaller and any others with their bloodline that came from outside of their arrangements were usually brought into the family or were killed to prevent future problems.

The father of Blush could only continue with what he was doing so long as the children he produced would be born for the sake of the family and that they would either return or die.

There was no alternative which was why the moment he saw Blush as a failure, he chose to leave the dark energy within her body to let her die just like all the other failures.

Any half successful children were sent to the family but their positions were very low due to them being half demons and them not possessing the families talents or magic powers.

Everyone had been checked over within the family using the patriarch's psychic techniques and everyone was found to be innocent.

The only possible reason for someone being able to enter was if someone had a secret child hidden away somewhere but the patriarch found nothing so the next thing he thought of was what Blush's father was doing outside the family.

The patriarch was so angry that he called him back to the family right away and allowed those he sent to use force if needed.

Blush's father thought over his past experiences and said. "All of them died that were not sent back, you can check if you wish?"

The patriarch stepped down and his eyes looked into the eyes of Blush's father. "You leave me no choice but to check for myself. Do not resist."

His eyes seemed to shine a little and a strange invisible force was released from him before it went towards Blush's father who had stood there for a while in a daze.

The patriarch searched the memories and released his hold over him. "Indeed.. each of them did die. You even stuck around after abandoning them just to make sure they had lost all signs of life but I have a feeling that one among them has survived somehow.

I want you to look into the human world and search for information about demon sightings and any other possible links you can find to who has robbed our family treasury. Only those with our bloodline can enter there and all others have been checked by me. The only remaining ones are those that are supposed to be dead."

He had seen the treatment of many of the children that died from being exposed to the dark energy and showed no sympathy towards their suffering or deaths through the whole time watching their lives slip away.

Blush was among them that were witnessed and the scene of the original body owner dying was witnessed by the patriarch.

Blush had been confirmed to be dead and there was no hope in reviving her so her father left the dead body behind.

There were no clues pointing to Blush that she had survived but the patriarch had a sneaking suspicion that one among the children may have miraculously revived and recovered a little after the father had confirmed their deaths and left.

The patriarch continued. "Search for one among them that should be old enough to fend for themselves now. If they can pull something like breaking into our home and getting away then they must be capable and old enough to figure things out on their own. That would be if they were working alone… it may be possible that another clan or influence is using or assisting them so I will handle this side while you look into the human world."

Blush's father knelt down. "I will carry out your orders patriarch. I will make sure that those behind this will suffer for what they have done."

He left and the patriarch sat up in his high position with his legs crossed and his chin resting on his propped up arm. 'If there is such a talent appearing within my bloodline then I should be happy about it but if they are unable to live within the demon realm then our families inheritance will be useless to them. I know that it is one of those that have been confirmed dead already but I cannot know for sure which one it is.

I really need to bring them back to see how they can be so daring to steal from me, it is a shame that things have become how they have but there is only one response I can give for what they have done. That would be taking back what they have taken and making them suffer a painful death.'

If Blush had come to know that her family members were looking for her information and whereabouts, she would not care whether it was for good or bad reasons.

All that mattered to her was getting away after completing everything as soon as possible so that she could avoid the future conflicts.

By the time any basic knowledge about her was acquired by her father, she would have already gone far away and most useful information could only be found on Dr Gero or some villagers who helped raising her when he was away working.

Ever since Blush had been dropped off at the witches home, she stopped using her true appearance and grown a lot since then so she would be far more difficult to be discovered unless her disguise had failed.