Auxiliary Chapter in Progress

Name: Blush

Title/Profession: Dr/Mage/Psychic/Alchemi Coven Founder

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Appearance: Pointed ears, red eyes, pink skin, green hair, parted hair to the side

Race: Half Human, Half Demon

Additional knowledge/skills: specialised in biology and chemistry working with genetics and serums while her physics and mechanical knowledge is lower. Blacksmithing and Alchemy techniques. Sword and Spear Arts.

Power Level: Better than the average human but below a professionally trained fighter.

Magic: shapeshifting/transmutation, psychic/mental magics, contract magic, sleep magic, dream magic, sound manipulation magic, familiar magic, magic manipulation, magic skin, magic shield - most spells have a certain range limit but can be used efficiently to reduce the magic power used, using magic power or brute force methods alone would allow for many earthlings without knowledge of ki techniques to be defeated. Those with greater martial arts abilities or ki techniques may be able to catch her off guard if her magic shield is not up or they may be able to break it if there is enough force applied to it.

Powers/Talents: Psychic/Mental/Telekinetic/Psionic Arts - Only powerful enough to be used to lift lighter objects or magic artefacts to increase her combat power and lessen her burden. Cannot lift heavier objects or be used to restrain others. Better learning and memorising capacity.

Special techniques: psychic magics that draw from her psychic powers have more power and there are no mental drawbacks due to her higher mental capacity, increased energy control when using psychic energy to assist magic spells. Detection, investigation and perception magic spells help to gain a better sense of the surroundings or let her study things in more detail. Forced halting/shielding of genetic changes ongoing within someones body in certain areas to prevent change in those genetic markers while allowing other areas to undergo changes.

Training techniques: meditation, magic skin, third eye chakra point training method







Additional knowledge/skills:

Power Level:



Special techniques -

Training techniques -


This is a work in progress and I will go back to this so that I can add other characters to this along the way like the witches